Get Ready For FUN...........
"Live Jus For Peace ......"
Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010
Rabu, 21 Juli 2010
Waduhh Mungkin Cpe Y Bca Cheat Truss Ok ni W siapin Cerita...........
The Myth of Malin Kundang
A long time ago, in a small village near the beach in West Sumatra, a woman and her son lived. They were Malin Kundang and her mother. Her mother was a single parent because Malin Kundang's father had passed away when he was a baby. Malin Kundang had to live hard with his mother.
Malin Kundang was a healthy, dilligent, and strong boy. He usually went to sea to catch fish. After getting fish he would bring it to his mother, or sold the caught fish in the town.
One day, when Malin Kundang was sailing, he saw a merchant's ship which was being raided by a small band of pirates. He helped the merchant. With his brave and power, Malin Kundang defeated the pirates. The merchant was so happy and thanked to him. In return the merchant asked Malin Kundang to sail with him. To get a better life, Malin Kundang agreed. He left his mother alone.
Many years later, Malin Kundang became wealthy. He had a huge ship and was helped by many ship crews loading trading goods. Perfectly he had a beautiful wife too. When he was sailing his trading journey, his ship landed on a beach near a small village. The villagers recognized him. The news ran fast in the town; “Malin Kundang has become rich and now he is here”.
An old woman ran to the beach to meet the new rich merchant. She was Malin Kundang’s mother. She wanted to hug him, released her sadness of being lonely after so long time. Unfortunately, when the mother came, Malin Kundang who was in front of his well dressed wife and his ship crews denied meeting that old lonely woman. For three times her mother begged Malin Kundang and for three times he yelled at her. At last Malin Kundang said to her "Enough, old woman! I have never had a mother like you, a dirty and ugly woman!" After that he ordered his crews to set sail. He would leave the old mother again but in that time she was full of both sadness and angriness.
Finally, enraged, she cursed Malin Kundang that he would turn into a stone if he didn't apologize. Malin Kundang just laughed and really set sail.
In the quiet sea, suddenly a thunderstorm came. His huge ship was wrecked and it was too late for Malin Kundang to apologize. He was thrown by the wave out of his ship. He fell on a small island. It was really too late for him to avoid his curse. Suddenly, he turned into a stone.
Ni Yang Susah Maen DMW 3
How to Get a Folder Bag
1. Yellow Cruiser: Bicara dengan Divermon.
How to Make a Fishing Pole
1. Shell Beach: Bicara dengan pemancing bernama Tai Kong Wang.
2. Smith’s Shop: Belilah Bamboo Spear di toko Armory yang dijaga oleh Gargomon
3. Protocol Forest: Lawanlah Dokugumon sampai ia menjatuhkan Web Spider.
4. Divermon’s Lake: Turuni tangga di sebelah jembatan dan tolonglah Divermon untuk mendapatkan Red Snapper.
5. Shell Beach: Berikan 3 items itu ke Tai Kong Wang.
How to Get a Gabumon Card
1. Plug Cape: Lihatlah event anak bernama Soccer Kid Hide menendang2 pohon dengan Kicking Boots-nya untuk mencari Gabumon Card.
2. Asuka Inn: Turuni tangga di sebelah pintu masuk dan carilah Gabumon Card di sudut sebelah atas dari saat kamu menuruni tangga (gampangnya, carilah Gabumon Card di semua sudut setelah kamu turun tanga).
3. Plug Cape: Kembalikan Gabumon Card ke Soccer Kid Hide.
How to Get a Kicking Boots
1. Lamb Chop: Tanyalah pada android bernama Waitress Debbie (ada di dpn pintu msk) dimana Veemon berada.
2. Wind Prairie: Temukan Veemon di ujung Wind Prairie (tepatnya, sebelum kamu msk ke Kicking Forest).
3. Wind Prairie: Kamu akan diajak Veemon main petak umpet.
4. Kicking Forest: Masuklah ke sela-sela pohon sambil terus menekan X. Awas, kadang kamu tertipu oleh Veemon! Yang keluar dari persembunyian bukan Veemon, melainkan Agumon. Hati-hati!
How to Beat Seiryu Leader
1. Protocol Ruins: Temukan Seiryu Leader yang sedang melatih 3 digimon-nya di sana.
2. Tyranno Valley: Lawanlah MasterTyranno dan dapatkan Old Claw.
3. Seiryu City: Temukan Seiryu Leader di Seiryu Tower dan lawanlah dia.
How to Find a Blue Card
1. East Station: Tekan tombol X pada mesin di sebelah gondola. Untuk mengaktifkan gondola, kamu hrs punya Blue Card yg dimiliki oleh Guilmon.
2. Asuka Inn: Temukan Guilmon di lantai 2.
3. Forest Inn: Temukan Guilmon di sebelah Guardromon.
4. Zephyr Tower: Temukan Guilmon di sebelah Divermon.
5. East Station: Cobalah Blue Card yg kamu dapat. Ternyata itu palsu! Itu adalah 8lue Card. Bkn Blue Card.
6. Seiryu City: Bicaralah dengan Guilmon di jalanan.
7. Forest Inn BF: Temukan Tricky Guilmon di sana dan dapatkan Blue Card yang asli.
8. East Station: Pakailah Blue Card itu untuk menaiki gondola.
How to Get a Smelly Herb
1. Jungle Grave: Cobalah lawan Zanbamon di sana. Kamu tidak akan bisa dan digimon-mu akan lari dengan sendirinya.
2. Swamp Inn: Bicara dengan Gatomon.
3. Shaman House: Pergilah ke sana dan temukan Sepikmon (pemilik suara menyeramkan).
4. Bulk Swamp: Temukan Kail dan dia akan memberitahumu tentang seekor digimon dengan muka menyeramkan, yang dia pikir adalah Baronmon.
5. Seiryu City: Bicara dengan Agumon di jalanan.
6. Protocol Ruins: Temukan Baronmon.
7. Asuka Bridge: Temukan digimon aneh yang memakai topeng (Belok kanan tepat sebelum memasuki pagar Asuka City).
8. Asuka City: Temukan Etemon di depan El Dorado (tepatnya di sebelah pasangan Kakek-Nenek yang ingin jadi digimon).
9. Divermon’s Lake: Temukan pria berbaju hitam (Nick) yang ada di jalan buntu di Divermon’s Lake.
10. Asuka City: Temui lagi Etemon di dpn El Dorado.
11. Asuka Sewers: Temui Etemon di sana.
12. Shaman House: Kembalikan Sepik Mask ke Sepikmon dan dapatkan Smelly Herb.
How to Get into Admin Center
1. Suzaku City: di depan Inn, setelah kamu mengalahkan Suzaku Leader, kau akan bertemu Kail. Kail mengatakan bahwa Teddy telah hilang dan ia mengajak kamu kembali ke Asuka City untuk mencari Teddy.
2. Asuka Lobby: Akan ada pengumuman dari Game Master yang mengatakan bahwa kita tidak bisa kembali ke Real World dan ia sangat minta maaf akan hal ini. Kail juga curiga bahwa Teddy ada di dalam Admin Center.
3. Asuka City: Pergilah mencari informasi tentang cara untuk masuk ke Admin Center. (Tanyai semua orang dan digimon di Asuka City). Setelah mendapat informasi, beritahukan kepada Kail di depan Lamb Chop.
4. Asuka City: temui sepasang Agumon biru-merah muda di depan pohon yang ada di depan El Dorado.
5. Asuka Sewers: Temui orang berbaju dan bertopi hijau bernama Mischievous Mat.
6. Asuka Lobby: Kembali ke lobby dan bicaralah dengan Kail.
7. Asuka Sewers: Bicaralah dengan Mischievous Mat sekali lagi dan ia akan mengaku bahwa dirinya adalah Etemon dan memberikan Agumon Suit pada kamu dan Kail.
8. Underground Path: Temui Kail dan bicaralah dengan-nya. Kemudian, masuklah ke Admin Center dan cari Kail yang sudah masuk duluan.
How to Get The Digi-Egg of Sincerity
1. Phoenix Bay: Bicaralah dengan Nami tentang kuil di Bios Swamp.
2. Bios Swamp: Pergilah ke bagian belakang kuil dan tekan X sampai muncul suatu dialog.
3. Shaman House: Bicara dg Sepikmon.
4. Protocol Ruins: Temui Baronmon dan bicaralah dengan-nya untuk dibuatkan TNT Chip dr 20 buah TNT Ball (dpt dr melawan Triceramon di Plug Cape atau Tyranno Valley) untuk meledakkan kuil.
5. Bios Swamp: Ledakkan kuil dg TNT Chip. Masuklah dan turuni tangga utk mendapatkan Digi-Egg of Sincerity.
How to Defeat the Real Byakko Leader
1. Byakko City: Tantang dan kalahkan Byakko Leader.
2. Underground Cave: Bicaralah dengan petugas dan kemudian dengan Numemon.
3. Mirage Tower: Tantang dan kalahkan Byakko Leader yang asli.
How to Find and Defeat HiAndromon in Dum Dum Factory
1. Pertama, belok kiri dan kemudian terus ke utara.
2. Setelah melihat Numemon msk ke Duct Room 01, ikuti dia msk ke situ.
3. Keluar dr ruangan dan naiklah ke tangga yg ada di sebelahnya.
4. Belok kiri, terus ke utara, dan belok kiri lagi di perempatan kedua.
5. Pergi terus ke barat sampai kamu melihat Numemon sedang memasuki ruangan, ikuti dia lagi.
6. Keluar dr ruangan dan kembali lagi ke tangga tempat kamu naik, turuni tangga tsb.
7. Pergi ke kanan dan terus ke utara dan lihatlah Numemon msk ke Duct Room 02. Ikutilah Numemon.
8. Keluarlah dan naiki tangga yg sama lagi.
9. Pergi ke kanan dan terus ke utara sampai kamu melihat Numemon msk ke Duct Room 03, ikutilah lagi.
10. Keluar dr ruangan dan pergi ke selatan dan sampai di perempatan kedua, beloklah ke barat.
11. Pergi ke barat sampai kamu menemukan Numemon msk ke Operation Room.
12. Masuklah ke Operation Room dan kalahkan HiAndromon.
How to Defeat Datamon
1. Asuka Sewers: Bicaralah dg Datamon di Control Center. (dengan menaiki Submarimon melalui dock di sebelah kanan Asuka Bridge.
2. Dum Dum Factory: Tanya Lisa di Secret Room tentang Staff Pass.
3. Suzaku City: Tanyai Renamon tentang Nick dan Keith.
4. Suzaku UG Lake: Bicara dg Nick dan Keith.
5. Secret Room: Dapatkan Staff Pass dr Nick.
6. Asuka Sewers: Tunjukkan Staff Pass ke tempat Datamon di Control Center.
7. Sentuh lukisan yg ada di Master Room.
8. *Key Code: M O N S T E R*
How to Get into Amaterasu Server
1. Byakko City: Bicara dg Byakko Leader di Byakko Dome utk saran.
2. Byakko City: Tanyai General di Underground Cave.
3. Bulk Swamp: Bicara dg orang tua di sebelah South Station.
4. Suzaku City: Bicara dg Patamon di Suzaku Hall tentang dimanakah Suzaku Leader berada.
5. Ether Jungle: Bicara dg Animal Lover Jen tentang dimanakah Suzaku Leader.
6. Catacomb: Bicaralah dg Suzaku Leader.
How to Get The Digi-Egg of Knowledge
1. Qing Long City (Seiryu City-nya Amaterasu Server): Kalahkan Qing Long Chief utk mendptkan Blue ID Pass-nya.
2. Zhu Que City (Suzaku City-nya Amaterasu Server): Gunakan Blue ID Pass utk msk ke Zhu Que City.
3. Zhu Que City: Kalahkan Zhu Que Chief agar memberikan jalan ke Zhu Que UG Lake.
4. Zhu Que UG Lake: Jalan terus sampai menemukan Digi-Egg of Knowledge.
1. Yellow Cruiser: Bicara dengan Divermon.
How to Make a Fishing Pole
1. Shell Beach: Bicara dengan pemancing bernama Tai Kong Wang.
2. Smith’s Shop: Belilah Bamboo Spear di toko Armory yang dijaga oleh Gargomon
3. Protocol Forest: Lawanlah Dokugumon sampai ia menjatuhkan Web Spider.
4. Divermon’s Lake: Turuni tangga di sebelah jembatan dan tolonglah Divermon untuk mendapatkan Red Snapper.
5. Shell Beach: Berikan 3 items itu ke Tai Kong Wang.
How to Get a Gabumon Card
1. Plug Cape: Lihatlah event anak bernama Soccer Kid Hide menendang2 pohon dengan Kicking Boots-nya untuk mencari Gabumon Card.
2. Asuka Inn: Turuni tangga di sebelah pintu masuk dan carilah Gabumon Card di sudut sebelah atas dari saat kamu menuruni tangga (gampangnya, carilah Gabumon Card di semua sudut setelah kamu turun tanga).
3. Plug Cape: Kembalikan Gabumon Card ke Soccer Kid Hide.
How to Get a Kicking Boots
1. Lamb Chop: Tanyalah pada android bernama Waitress Debbie (ada di dpn pintu msk) dimana Veemon berada.
2. Wind Prairie: Temukan Veemon di ujung Wind Prairie (tepatnya, sebelum kamu msk ke Kicking Forest).
3. Wind Prairie: Kamu akan diajak Veemon main petak umpet.
4. Kicking Forest: Masuklah ke sela-sela pohon sambil terus menekan X. Awas, kadang kamu tertipu oleh Veemon! Yang keluar dari persembunyian bukan Veemon, melainkan Agumon. Hati-hati!
How to Beat Seiryu Leader
1. Protocol Ruins: Temukan Seiryu Leader yang sedang melatih 3 digimon-nya di sana.
2. Tyranno Valley: Lawanlah MasterTyranno dan dapatkan Old Claw.
3. Seiryu City: Temukan Seiryu Leader di Seiryu Tower dan lawanlah dia.
How to Find a Blue Card
1. East Station: Tekan tombol X pada mesin di sebelah gondola. Untuk mengaktifkan gondola, kamu hrs punya Blue Card yg dimiliki oleh Guilmon.
2. Asuka Inn: Temukan Guilmon di lantai 2.
3. Forest Inn: Temukan Guilmon di sebelah Guardromon.
4. Zephyr Tower: Temukan Guilmon di sebelah Divermon.
5. East Station: Cobalah Blue Card yg kamu dapat. Ternyata itu palsu! Itu adalah 8lue Card. Bkn Blue Card.
6. Seiryu City: Bicaralah dengan Guilmon di jalanan.
7. Forest Inn BF: Temukan Tricky Guilmon di sana dan dapatkan Blue Card yang asli.
8. East Station: Pakailah Blue Card itu untuk menaiki gondola.
How to Get a Smelly Herb
1. Jungle Grave: Cobalah lawan Zanbamon di sana. Kamu tidak akan bisa dan digimon-mu akan lari dengan sendirinya.
2. Swamp Inn: Bicara dengan Gatomon.
3. Shaman House: Pergilah ke sana dan temukan Sepikmon (pemilik suara menyeramkan).
4. Bulk Swamp: Temukan Kail dan dia akan memberitahumu tentang seekor digimon dengan muka menyeramkan, yang dia pikir adalah Baronmon.
5. Seiryu City: Bicara dengan Agumon di jalanan.
6. Protocol Ruins: Temukan Baronmon.
7. Asuka Bridge: Temukan digimon aneh yang memakai topeng (Belok kanan tepat sebelum memasuki pagar Asuka City).
8. Asuka City: Temukan Etemon di depan El Dorado (tepatnya di sebelah pasangan Kakek-Nenek yang ingin jadi digimon).
9. Divermon’s Lake: Temukan pria berbaju hitam (Nick) yang ada di jalan buntu di Divermon’s Lake.
10. Asuka City: Temui lagi Etemon di dpn El Dorado.
11. Asuka Sewers: Temui Etemon di sana.
12. Shaman House: Kembalikan Sepik Mask ke Sepikmon dan dapatkan Smelly Herb.
How to Get into Admin Center
1. Suzaku City: di depan Inn, setelah kamu mengalahkan Suzaku Leader, kau akan bertemu Kail. Kail mengatakan bahwa Teddy telah hilang dan ia mengajak kamu kembali ke Asuka City untuk mencari Teddy.
2. Asuka Lobby: Akan ada pengumuman dari Game Master yang mengatakan bahwa kita tidak bisa kembali ke Real World dan ia sangat minta maaf akan hal ini. Kail juga curiga bahwa Teddy ada di dalam Admin Center.
3. Asuka City: Pergilah mencari informasi tentang cara untuk masuk ke Admin Center. (Tanyai semua orang dan digimon di Asuka City). Setelah mendapat informasi, beritahukan kepada Kail di depan Lamb Chop.
4. Asuka City: temui sepasang Agumon biru-merah muda di depan pohon yang ada di depan El Dorado.
5. Asuka Sewers: Temui orang berbaju dan bertopi hijau bernama Mischievous Mat.
6. Asuka Lobby: Kembali ke lobby dan bicaralah dengan Kail.
7. Asuka Sewers: Bicaralah dengan Mischievous Mat sekali lagi dan ia akan mengaku bahwa dirinya adalah Etemon dan memberikan Agumon Suit pada kamu dan Kail.
8. Underground Path: Temui Kail dan bicaralah dengan-nya. Kemudian, masuklah ke Admin Center dan cari Kail yang sudah masuk duluan.
How to Get The Digi-Egg of Sincerity
1. Phoenix Bay: Bicaralah dengan Nami tentang kuil di Bios Swamp.
2. Bios Swamp: Pergilah ke bagian belakang kuil dan tekan X sampai muncul suatu dialog.
3. Shaman House: Bicara dg Sepikmon.
4. Protocol Ruins: Temui Baronmon dan bicaralah dengan-nya untuk dibuatkan TNT Chip dr 20 buah TNT Ball (dpt dr melawan Triceramon di Plug Cape atau Tyranno Valley) untuk meledakkan kuil.
5. Bios Swamp: Ledakkan kuil dg TNT Chip. Masuklah dan turuni tangga utk mendapatkan Digi-Egg of Sincerity.
How to Defeat the Real Byakko Leader
1. Byakko City: Tantang dan kalahkan Byakko Leader.
2. Underground Cave: Bicaralah dengan petugas dan kemudian dengan Numemon.
3. Mirage Tower: Tantang dan kalahkan Byakko Leader yang asli.
How to Find and Defeat HiAndromon in Dum Dum Factory
1. Pertama, belok kiri dan kemudian terus ke utara.
2. Setelah melihat Numemon msk ke Duct Room 01, ikuti dia msk ke situ.
3. Keluar dr ruangan dan naiklah ke tangga yg ada di sebelahnya.
4. Belok kiri, terus ke utara, dan belok kiri lagi di perempatan kedua.
5. Pergi terus ke barat sampai kamu melihat Numemon sedang memasuki ruangan, ikuti dia lagi.
6. Keluar dr ruangan dan kembali lagi ke tangga tempat kamu naik, turuni tangga tsb.
7. Pergi ke kanan dan terus ke utara dan lihatlah Numemon msk ke Duct Room 02. Ikutilah Numemon.
8. Keluarlah dan naiki tangga yg sama lagi.
9. Pergi ke kanan dan terus ke utara sampai kamu melihat Numemon msk ke Duct Room 03, ikutilah lagi.
10. Keluar dr ruangan dan pergi ke selatan dan sampai di perempatan kedua, beloklah ke barat.
11. Pergi ke barat sampai kamu menemukan Numemon msk ke Operation Room.
12. Masuklah ke Operation Room dan kalahkan HiAndromon.
How to Defeat Datamon
1. Asuka Sewers: Bicaralah dg Datamon di Control Center. (dengan menaiki Submarimon melalui dock di sebelah kanan Asuka Bridge.
2. Dum Dum Factory: Tanya Lisa di Secret Room tentang Staff Pass.
3. Suzaku City: Tanyai Renamon tentang Nick dan Keith.
4. Suzaku UG Lake: Bicara dg Nick dan Keith.
5. Secret Room: Dapatkan Staff Pass dr Nick.
6. Asuka Sewers: Tunjukkan Staff Pass ke tempat Datamon di Control Center.
7. Sentuh lukisan yg ada di Master Room.
8. *Key Code: M O N S T E R*
How to Get into Amaterasu Server
1. Byakko City: Bicara dg Byakko Leader di Byakko Dome utk saran.
2. Byakko City: Tanyai General di Underground Cave.
3. Bulk Swamp: Bicara dg orang tua di sebelah South Station.
4. Suzaku City: Bicara dg Patamon di Suzaku Hall tentang dimanakah Suzaku Leader berada.
5. Ether Jungle: Bicara dg Animal Lover Jen tentang dimanakah Suzaku Leader.
6. Catacomb: Bicaralah dg Suzaku Leader.
How to Get The Digi-Egg of Knowledge
1. Qing Long City (Seiryu City-nya Amaterasu Server): Kalahkan Qing Long Chief utk mendptkan Blue ID Pass-nya.
2. Zhu Que City (Suzaku City-nya Amaterasu Server): Gunakan Blue ID Pass utk msk ke Zhu Que City.
3. Zhu Que City: Kalahkan Zhu Que Chief agar memberikan jalan ke Zhu Que UG Lake.
4. Zhu Que UG Lake: Jalan terus sampai menemukan Digi-Egg of Knowledge.
Booster Pack YGO GX Tag Force
booster packs
1. First Monster: Available at start
2. First Spell-Trap: Available at start
3. First Fusion: Play after May 7th
4. First Effect Monsters: Available at start
5. Step Up Spell-Trap: Available at start
6. Step Up Fusion: Play after May 7th
7. Anti Effect: Pack 4, 5, 6 has at least 80% collected
8. Life Breaker: Pack 4, 5, 6 has at least 80% collected
9. Go Go Direct: Pack 4, 5, 6 has at least 80% collected
10. Visitor From The Dark: First stage Monday
11. Emergent Fire: First stage Tuesday
12. Water Of Life: First stage Wednesday
13. Gift Of Wind: First stage Thursday
14. Platinum Light: First stage Friday
15. Earth Dwellers: First stage Saturday
16. Lucky Economy Pack: First stage Sunday
17. Endless Thoughts: Player over level 5
18. Flip The Picture: Player over level 10
19. Equip Me: Player over level 15
20. More Eternal Memories: Player over level 20
21. Speed King: Player over level 25
22. Spice of Duel: Player over level 30
23. Fairy's Sky: Player over level 35
24. Dragon Drive: Player over level 40
25. Fiend Night: Player over level 45
26. Skillful Spellcasters: At least five characters cleared all three stages
27. Cold Skin: 50% collected at the Duel Ranking
28. Ritual Dance: Player play time more than 20 hours
29. Symbol 50: Player over level 50
30. Wave Of The Future: Ten consecutive wins
31. Good Ol' Days: Ten consecutive losses
32. Hero Emerges!: Have the best relation with Yuki Judai
33. A Machines Soul Never Sleeps: Have the best relation with Sho Marufuji
34. Beast Kingdom: Have the best relation with Hayato Maeda
35. Maidens Heartbeat: Have the best relation with Tenjoin Asuka
36. Never Give Up: Have the best relation with Manjoume Jun
37. Warriors Pyramid: Have the best relation with Daichi Misawa
38. Technology Master: Have the best relation with Ryo Marufuji
39. Bit Players: Use the characters in page two to finish stages 2 and 3
40. Vanilla Gloom: Using the characters in page three to finish stages 2 and 3
41. Tag Survivor: Enter stage 2
42. Princeton Power: Clear stages 2 and 3 with the Manjoume Brothers (No. 5, 28, 29)
43. Approach the Hotties: Clear stages 2 and 3 with Mindy (No. 20)
44. Dorothy's Soul: Clear stages 2 and 3 with Dorothy (No. 027)
45. Sadie's Soul: Clear stages 2 and 3 with Sadie (No. 026)
46. Midday Constellation (Noon Star): Enable cheat code (see above)
47. Double Triple Destiny Draw: Buy the Golden Egg
48. Checkered Flag: Have over 90% cards collected
10,000 ATK
This is actually very possible as long as you follow the directions. First, you must have Ultimate Baseball Kid, Macro Cosmos, Molten Destruction and the most important card is DNA Transplant. With this, fill out your Monster Card Zone and wait for a few turns as your opponent will fill out the zones too. When both fields are filled with monsters, check the ATK of Ultimate Baseball Kid. And you should have 10,000 ATK exact! Hope this helps ^_^.
1. First Monster: Available at start
2. First Spell-Trap: Available at start
3. First Fusion: Play after May 7th
4. First Effect Monsters: Available at start
5. Step Up Spell-Trap: Available at start
6. Step Up Fusion: Play after May 7th
7. Anti Effect: Pack 4, 5, 6 has at least 80% collected
8. Life Breaker: Pack 4, 5, 6 has at least 80% collected
9. Go Go Direct: Pack 4, 5, 6 has at least 80% collected
10. Visitor From The Dark: First stage Monday
11. Emergent Fire: First stage Tuesday
12. Water Of Life: First stage Wednesday
13. Gift Of Wind: First stage Thursday
14. Platinum Light: First stage Friday
15. Earth Dwellers: First stage Saturday
16. Lucky Economy Pack: First stage Sunday
17. Endless Thoughts: Player over level 5
18. Flip The Picture: Player over level 10
19. Equip Me: Player over level 15
20. More Eternal Memories: Player over level 20
21. Speed King: Player over level 25
22. Spice of Duel: Player over level 30
23. Fairy's Sky: Player over level 35
24. Dragon Drive: Player over level 40
25. Fiend Night: Player over level 45
26. Skillful Spellcasters: At least five characters cleared all three stages
27. Cold Skin: 50% collected at the Duel Ranking
28. Ritual Dance: Player play time more than 20 hours
29. Symbol 50: Player over level 50
30. Wave Of The Future: Ten consecutive wins
31. Good Ol' Days: Ten consecutive losses
32. Hero Emerges!: Have the best relation with Yuki Judai
33. A Machines Soul Never Sleeps: Have the best relation with Sho Marufuji
34. Beast Kingdom: Have the best relation with Hayato Maeda
35. Maidens Heartbeat: Have the best relation with Tenjoin Asuka
36. Never Give Up: Have the best relation with Manjoume Jun
37. Warriors Pyramid: Have the best relation with Daichi Misawa
38. Technology Master: Have the best relation with Ryo Marufuji
39. Bit Players: Use the characters in page two to finish stages 2 and 3
40. Vanilla Gloom: Using the characters in page three to finish stages 2 and 3
41. Tag Survivor: Enter stage 2
42. Princeton Power: Clear stages 2 and 3 with the Manjoume Brothers (No. 5, 28, 29)
43. Approach the Hotties: Clear stages 2 and 3 with Mindy (No. 20)
44. Dorothy's Soul: Clear stages 2 and 3 with Dorothy (No. 027)
45. Sadie's Soul: Clear stages 2 and 3 with Sadie (No. 026)
46. Midday Constellation (Noon Star): Enable cheat code (see above)
47. Double Triple Destiny Draw: Buy the Golden Egg
48. Checkered Flag: Have over 90% cards collected
10,000 ATK
This is actually very possible as long as you follow the directions. First, you must have Ultimate Baseball Kid, Macro Cosmos, Molten Destruction and the most important card is DNA Transplant. With this, fill out your Monster Card Zone and wait for a few turns as your opponent will fill out the zones too. When both fields are filled with monsters, check the ATK of Ultimate Baseball Kid. And you should have 10,000 ATK exact! Hope this helps ^_^.
Ni Yang Susah Maen DMW 4
• Alphamon
If you chose Agumon in the beginning, you can get him by going on the Booster Pack Collection sidequest set by the Digi-Elfs in the Terminal Area and completing the dungeon with only 1 HP, without recovering your HP or using a Gate Disk. This must be done on Hard mode. If you chose Veemon or Dorumon in the beginning, go on the "Treasure Hunt" sidequest set by the Digi-Elfs in the Central Area. Complete the dungeon, and bring back the Sword Cannon Delta. This must be done on Hard mode. If you chose Guilmon in the beginning, complete Item Road after completing the game on Hard mode.
• Agumon
You can choose Agumon at the beginning of the game; or when Guilmon reaches level 17, you can go to the DigiLab and teach him the Agumon "Evolution Technique".
• Beezlemon X
If you chose Agumon in the beginning, complete Item Road on Hard mode after you complete the game. If you chose Veemon or Guilmon in the beginning, you can get him by going on the Booster Pack Collection sidequest set by the Digi-Elfs in the Terminal Area and completing the dungeon with only 1 HP, without recovering your HP or using a Gate Disk. This must be done on Hard mode. If you chose Dorumon in the beginning, complete Item Road on Hard mode after you complete the game and collect twenty items. Note: You may need to do this on all Item Road quests on Hard mode.
• Black War Greymon X
Successfully complete the "Wormhole" dungeon on Hard mode.
• Clavis Angemon
If you chose Agumon in the beginning, complete the Undead Yard on Hard mode, killing all 302 enemies and have ten minutes or more remaining. You also need to activate all the "Concealment Gates". If you chose Veemon in the beginning, complete Undead Yard, defeating all 279 enemies within thirty minutes. If you chose Guilmon in the beginning, go on the "Ghost Extermination" sidequest in the "Shrine of Seals" and complete the dungeon with more than ten minutes remaining. This must be done on Hard mode. If you chose Dorumon in the beginning, complete Item Road after you complete the game, and collect twenty items there (may be optional).
• Dorumon
You can choose him at the beginning of the game; or when Agumon reaches level 17, you can go to the DigiLab and teach him the Dorumon "Evolution Technique". Note: The above could be level 16; when you reach level 16, go to the DigiLab and see if you can "digivolve" yet.
• Gallantmon Crimson mode
Go on the "Treasure Hunt" sidequest and bring back the Blast Gun Gamma; do this on Very Hard mode.
• Guilmon
You can choose him at the beginning of the game; or when Veemon reaches Level 17, you can go to the DigiLab and teach him the Guilmon "Evolution Technique".
• HeruclesKabuterimon X
If you chose Agumon in the beginning, then complete Item Road after you complete the game. If you chose Veemon in the beginning, go on the "Ghost Extermination" sidequest in the "Shrine of Seals" and complete the dungeon with more than ten minutes remaining. This must be done on Hard mode. If you chose Guilmon in the beginning, complete the Undead Yard, defeating all 279 enemies within thirty minutes. If you chose Dorumon in the beginning, complete the Undead Yard on Hard mode, killing all 302 enemies and have 10 minutes or more remaining. You also need to activate all the "Concealment Gates".
• Imperial Dramon Fighter mode
If you chose Agumon or Guilmon in the beginning, you can get him by going on the Booster Pack Collection sidequest set by the Digi-Elfs in the Terminal Area and completing the dungeon with only 1 HP, without recovering your HP or using a Gate Disk. This must be done on Very Hard mode. If you chose Veemon or Dorumon in the beginning, go on the Ghost Extermination quest at the Shrine of Seals and sacrifice the "Defense ROM Delta". This must be done on Very Hard mode.
• Imperial Dramon Paladin mode
Successfully complete the "Wormhole" dungeon on Very Hard mode.
• Metal Garurumon X
If you chose Agumon or Guilmon in the beginning, go on the "Treasure Hunt" sidequest set by the Digi-Elfs in the Central Area. Complete the dungeon, and bring back the Sword Cannon Delta. This must be done on Hard mode. If you chose Veemon in the beginning, complete Item Road after you complete Hard mode. If you chose Dorumon in the beginning, you can get him by going on the Booster Pack Collection sidequest set by the Digi-Elfs in the Terminal Area and completing the dungeon with only 1 HP, without recovering your HP or using a Gate Disk. This must be done on Hard mode.
• Susanoomon
If you chose Agumon or Guilmon in the beginning, go on the Ghost Extermination quest at the Shrine of Seals and sacrifice the "Defense ROM Delta". This must be done on Very Hard mode. If you chose Veemon or Dorumon in the beginning, you can get him by going on the Booster Pack Collection sidequest set by the Digi-Elfs in the Terminal Area and completing the dungeon with only 1 HP, without recovering your HP or using a Gate Disk. This must be done on Very Hard mode.
• Veemon
You can choose him at the beginning of the game; or when Dorumon reaches Level 17, you can go to the DigiLab and teach him the Veemon "Evolution Technique".
• War Greymon X
If you chose Agumon in the beginning, complete Undead Yard in under 30 minutes and defeat all 279 enemies. If you chose Veemon in the beginning, complete the Undead Yard on Hard mode, killing all 302 enemies and have ten minutes or more remaining. You also need to activate all the "Concealment Gates." If you chose Guilmon in the beginning, complete Item Road after completing the game. If you chose Dorumon in the beginning, go on the "Ghost Extermination" sidequest in the "Shrine of Seals" and complete the dungeon with more than ten minutes remaining. This must be done on Hard mode.
• Were Garurumon X
If you chose Agumon in the beginning, go on the Ghost Extermination sidequest in the Shrine of Seals and complete the dungeon with more than ten minutes remaining. Do this on Hard mode. If you chose Veemon in the beginning, complete Item Road after you complete the game. If you chose Guilmon in the beginning, complete the Undead Yard on Hard mode, killing all 302 enemies and have ten minutes or more remaining. You also need to activate all the "Concealment Gates". If you chose Dorumon in the beginning, complete Undead Yard, defeating all 279 enemies within thirty minutes.
• Modes and MP Techniques
The following can be done while playing in either single player or multi-player mode. However, for the mode to become unlocked in multi-player, you must switch your players to the first slot.
Hard mode: Successfully complete Normal mode; this applies to player one only. To unlock it for other players, switch them to the first slot.
Super Hard mode: Successfully complete Hard mode; this applies to player one only. To unlock it for other players, switch them to the first slot.
Fourth MP Move: Increase your Blast Technique to about 1,000.
Increase MP Power Moves: Keep repeating your MP Moves. Notice that the Tech Ups will increase about 300 tech points and you will level up your move from Petty to Magna.
• Card list
Page 1
Agumon, Agumon, Veemon
Veemon, Guilmon, Guilmon
Page 2
Dorumon, WarGraymon, WarGraymon
Alphamon, Beelzemon, Imperialdramon Paladin
Page 3
Imperialdramon Fighter, Black WarGraymon, Gallantmon
MetalGarurumon, Susanomon, Apokarimon
Page 4
MaloMyotismon, Lucemon, Goburimon
Kokaterimon, Numemon, Sukamon
Page 5
Ogremon, Blossomon, Mammothmon
Arukenimon, Tyrannomon, Mummymon
Page 6
Minotarumon, Pharaohmon, SkullGraymon
Scopiomon, Tortomon, Otamamon
Page 7
Gekomon, MarineOrrimon, ShoganGekamon
Diaboromon, LordKnightmon, Imperialdramon
Page 8
Infermon, Megadramon, Raremon
Leomon, MetalEtemon, Ophanimon
Page 9
Seraphimon, PrinceMamemon
• Get desired cards
Check your Booster Packs at the Card Keeper. If you are not satisfied with your cards, reload and there will be new randomly generated cards in your Booster Packs.
• Undead Yard
Get five Digivolve Techs on Hard mode to unlock the Undead Yard quest.
• Infinite Bits and items
This trick requires your main Digimon as player one and any Digimon as player two. Give all your Bits to player two. Then, save player two at the Save Keeper. Next, have player two give all Bits to player one. After that, have player two quit the game at the Save Keeper, but this time without saving. Then, go to Call Keeper and have player two join in again with the same Digimon. Repeat this from the beginning until you have 9,999,999 bits, both in the bank and pocket. Note: You can also use this trick to duplicate items. This is very useful if you want to give some rare weapons and armor to a friend.
• Easy experience
In single player mode, repeat the tutorial about fifteen times, then go to Death Valley. Once there, follow a path and fight some Goburimon; do not go across the bridge. Follow the path up and fight the Goburimon. They will give 10 experience points each. Break, then get the Gate Chip, use it, and repeat. Additionally, go to Death Valley, then to the Fortress. When you are inside the guard room, defeat everyone for 32 experience points per kill. After all the doors open, go outside and enter the fortress again. This must be done two or three times to reach the next level.
• Easy tech ups
After you have unlocked the "Fortress" in Death Valley, whenever you need to equip a new weapon that is too high in tech points, just return to the Fortress and fight up and down the tower multiple times. You will receive between 10 to 60 tech ups in one revolution.
• Get 1 HP for side quests
To get a Digivolution by having to end a side quest with 1 HP remaining, go to the Goblin level (this stage is the easiest). Make sure you have a Gate Disc with you. Fight and go to the area after the rolling barrels. When you get there and see the area where you must jump from the rock things to get to the other side, just fall. You will automatically be revived with 1 HP. Then, use the Gate Disc and return to the D.G.S. base. After your return with 1 HP, save the game. Next, go to the desired side quest that requires having 1 HP remaining to get the Digivolution. Note: While on the side quest, make sure you do not get hit by any enemies; this requires extreme practice and skill.
To get a Digivolution by having to end a side quest with 1 HP remaining in Card Retrieve on Hard mode, use the following trick. At the end there is a sand trap that will suck you in if you get too close to it. First, destroy all the enemies that can get in your way. Next, jump into the sand trap. You will be revived with 1 HP remaining. Note: When facing the master of the side quest, try to use MP type attacks or a gun type weapon.
• Blunt skill weapons
The following weapons are not bash but blunt skill weapons: Dbl Axe, Rage Hammer, Hakatoncheir, Fang Smasher, and Meteor Force.
• Trading hall weapons in Hard mode
The following weapons in Hard mode will be different from what the dialog states when you check it in the inventory:
The dialog says Death Crimson, but it is a Dark Crimson.
The dialog says Death Bringer, but it is a Doom Bringer.
The dialog says Death Raptor, but it is an Omega Raptor.
• Walk on water
While riding the boat down the Numenume River, you can jump off it; it does not matter what weapon you have. Get near the edge of the boat. Whenever you get close to any part of land, do a charge attack. The screen should shake and then you should fly off the boat. You will be able to leave the boat behind and walk on water. Note: This will not work every time.
• Double Axe description
The game states that Double Axe (all types) is a bash skill weapon. However, when you use it you will gain the blunt skill.
• Defeating Apokarimon
First, destroy the five spike balls on the posts around him, avoiding the fire shots and wind blow. Whenever five flying things come to attack, just block. Do not try to jump on the area that he is on, as you will get shocked. After the spike balls are destroyed, he will shoot a purple attack that follows you. You must run around trying to hit him without getting hit. Magic and a gun weapon work well -- you do not have to walk up to him, but they do smaller damage. Physical attacks are more powerful, but you must risk getting close to him.
• Defeating Mecha Rouge X
To defeat Mecha Rouge X's first form, keep hitting him. After a few hits he will transport to one of the outside circles and summon three Mecha Rouges and a light will appear somewhere on the field. If the three Mecha Rouges get to the light, they will transform into copies of Mecha Rouge X with the same health, and it will take the same amount of time to defeat one of those as Mecha Rouge X. The easiest way to defeat Mecha Rouge X is to defeat only two copies. After that, weaken the third until you think he is defeated. Then, weaken the original to that point where it will require one hit to defeat him. Finish the last copy and defeat Mecha Rouge X's first form. You must now walk into the portal to fight Mecha Rouge X's second (cocoon) form. If done correctly, this form will be very easy to defeat. Hit the bottom of him. After a few hits he will generate purple rings around where you hit him. Move to the edge of the level. If you touch the purple from the purple rings you will get poisoned. Two things will come out of Mecha Rouge X, and there will be spotlights from bottom of them. Do not get under them or you will be stuck in that location and they will send out two spinning tops that will damage you. Just keep hitting the spot when there are not purple rings. Hit him as much as possible or he will regain health. Once you defeat him, go in the portal and get ready for the final fight with Mecha Ultimate X. Just stay under him and keep attacking to defeat him.
If you chose Agumon in the beginning, you can get him by going on the Booster Pack Collection sidequest set by the Digi-Elfs in the Terminal Area and completing the dungeon with only 1 HP, without recovering your HP or using a Gate Disk. This must be done on Hard mode. If you chose Veemon or Dorumon in the beginning, go on the "Treasure Hunt" sidequest set by the Digi-Elfs in the Central Area. Complete the dungeon, and bring back the Sword Cannon Delta. This must be done on Hard mode. If you chose Guilmon in the beginning, complete Item Road after completing the game on Hard mode.
• Agumon
You can choose Agumon at the beginning of the game; or when Guilmon reaches level 17, you can go to the DigiLab and teach him the Agumon "Evolution Technique".
• Beezlemon X
If you chose Agumon in the beginning, complete Item Road on Hard mode after you complete the game. If you chose Veemon or Guilmon in the beginning, you can get him by going on the Booster Pack Collection sidequest set by the Digi-Elfs in the Terminal Area and completing the dungeon with only 1 HP, without recovering your HP or using a Gate Disk. This must be done on Hard mode. If you chose Dorumon in the beginning, complete Item Road on Hard mode after you complete the game and collect twenty items. Note: You may need to do this on all Item Road quests on Hard mode.
• Black War Greymon X
Successfully complete the "Wormhole" dungeon on Hard mode.
• Clavis Angemon
If you chose Agumon in the beginning, complete the Undead Yard on Hard mode, killing all 302 enemies and have ten minutes or more remaining. You also need to activate all the "Concealment Gates". If you chose Veemon in the beginning, complete Undead Yard, defeating all 279 enemies within thirty minutes. If you chose Guilmon in the beginning, go on the "Ghost Extermination" sidequest in the "Shrine of Seals" and complete the dungeon with more than ten minutes remaining. This must be done on Hard mode. If you chose Dorumon in the beginning, complete Item Road after you complete the game, and collect twenty items there (may be optional).
• Dorumon
You can choose him at the beginning of the game; or when Agumon reaches level 17, you can go to the DigiLab and teach him the Dorumon "Evolution Technique". Note: The above could be level 16; when you reach level 16, go to the DigiLab and see if you can "digivolve" yet.
• Gallantmon Crimson mode
Go on the "Treasure Hunt" sidequest and bring back the Blast Gun Gamma; do this on Very Hard mode.
• Guilmon
You can choose him at the beginning of the game; or when Veemon reaches Level 17, you can go to the DigiLab and teach him the Guilmon "Evolution Technique".
• HeruclesKabuterimon X
If you chose Agumon in the beginning, then complete Item Road after you complete the game. If you chose Veemon in the beginning, go on the "Ghost Extermination" sidequest in the "Shrine of Seals" and complete the dungeon with more than ten minutes remaining. This must be done on Hard mode. If you chose Guilmon in the beginning, complete the Undead Yard, defeating all 279 enemies within thirty minutes. If you chose Dorumon in the beginning, complete the Undead Yard on Hard mode, killing all 302 enemies and have 10 minutes or more remaining. You also need to activate all the "Concealment Gates".
• Imperial Dramon Fighter mode
If you chose Agumon or Guilmon in the beginning, you can get him by going on the Booster Pack Collection sidequest set by the Digi-Elfs in the Terminal Area and completing the dungeon with only 1 HP, without recovering your HP or using a Gate Disk. This must be done on Very Hard mode. If you chose Veemon or Dorumon in the beginning, go on the Ghost Extermination quest at the Shrine of Seals and sacrifice the "Defense ROM Delta". This must be done on Very Hard mode.
• Imperial Dramon Paladin mode
Successfully complete the "Wormhole" dungeon on Very Hard mode.
• Metal Garurumon X
If you chose Agumon or Guilmon in the beginning, go on the "Treasure Hunt" sidequest set by the Digi-Elfs in the Central Area. Complete the dungeon, and bring back the Sword Cannon Delta. This must be done on Hard mode. If you chose Veemon in the beginning, complete Item Road after you complete Hard mode. If you chose Dorumon in the beginning, you can get him by going on the Booster Pack Collection sidequest set by the Digi-Elfs in the Terminal Area and completing the dungeon with only 1 HP, without recovering your HP or using a Gate Disk. This must be done on Hard mode.
• Susanoomon
If you chose Agumon or Guilmon in the beginning, go on the Ghost Extermination quest at the Shrine of Seals and sacrifice the "Defense ROM Delta". This must be done on Very Hard mode. If you chose Veemon or Dorumon in the beginning, you can get him by going on the Booster Pack Collection sidequest set by the Digi-Elfs in the Terminal Area and completing the dungeon with only 1 HP, without recovering your HP or using a Gate Disk. This must be done on Very Hard mode.
• Veemon
You can choose him at the beginning of the game; or when Dorumon reaches Level 17, you can go to the DigiLab and teach him the Veemon "Evolution Technique".
• War Greymon X
If you chose Agumon in the beginning, complete Undead Yard in under 30 minutes and defeat all 279 enemies. If you chose Veemon in the beginning, complete the Undead Yard on Hard mode, killing all 302 enemies and have ten minutes or more remaining. You also need to activate all the "Concealment Gates." If you chose Guilmon in the beginning, complete Item Road after completing the game. If you chose Dorumon in the beginning, go on the "Ghost Extermination" sidequest in the "Shrine of Seals" and complete the dungeon with more than ten minutes remaining. This must be done on Hard mode.
• Were Garurumon X
If you chose Agumon in the beginning, go on the Ghost Extermination sidequest in the Shrine of Seals and complete the dungeon with more than ten minutes remaining. Do this on Hard mode. If you chose Veemon in the beginning, complete Item Road after you complete the game. If you chose Guilmon in the beginning, complete the Undead Yard on Hard mode, killing all 302 enemies and have ten minutes or more remaining. You also need to activate all the "Concealment Gates". If you chose Dorumon in the beginning, complete Undead Yard, defeating all 279 enemies within thirty minutes.
• Modes and MP Techniques
The following can be done while playing in either single player or multi-player mode. However, for the mode to become unlocked in multi-player, you must switch your players to the first slot.
Hard mode: Successfully complete Normal mode; this applies to player one only. To unlock it for other players, switch them to the first slot.
Super Hard mode: Successfully complete Hard mode; this applies to player one only. To unlock it for other players, switch them to the first slot.
Fourth MP Move: Increase your Blast Technique to about 1,000.
Increase MP Power Moves: Keep repeating your MP Moves. Notice that the Tech Ups will increase about 300 tech points and you will level up your move from Petty to Magna.
• Card list
Page 1
Agumon, Agumon, Veemon
Veemon, Guilmon, Guilmon
Page 2
Dorumon, WarGraymon, WarGraymon
Alphamon, Beelzemon, Imperialdramon Paladin
Page 3
Imperialdramon Fighter, Black WarGraymon, Gallantmon
MetalGarurumon, Susanomon, Apokarimon
Page 4
MaloMyotismon, Lucemon, Goburimon
Kokaterimon, Numemon, Sukamon
Page 5
Ogremon, Blossomon, Mammothmon
Arukenimon, Tyrannomon, Mummymon
Page 6
Minotarumon, Pharaohmon, SkullGraymon
Scopiomon, Tortomon, Otamamon
Page 7
Gekomon, MarineOrrimon, ShoganGekamon
Diaboromon, LordKnightmon, Imperialdramon
Page 8
Infermon, Megadramon, Raremon
Leomon, MetalEtemon, Ophanimon
Page 9
Seraphimon, PrinceMamemon
• Get desired cards
Check your Booster Packs at the Card Keeper. If you are not satisfied with your cards, reload and there will be new randomly generated cards in your Booster Packs.
• Undead Yard
Get five Digivolve Techs on Hard mode to unlock the Undead Yard quest.
• Infinite Bits and items
This trick requires your main Digimon as player one and any Digimon as player two. Give all your Bits to player two. Then, save player two at the Save Keeper. Next, have player two give all Bits to player one. After that, have player two quit the game at the Save Keeper, but this time without saving. Then, go to Call Keeper and have player two join in again with the same Digimon. Repeat this from the beginning until you have 9,999,999 bits, both in the bank and pocket. Note: You can also use this trick to duplicate items. This is very useful if you want to give some rare weapons and armor to a friend.
• Easy experience
In single player mode, repeat the tutorial about fifteen times, then go to Death Valley. Once there, follow a path and fight some Goburimon; do not go across the bridge. Follow the path up and fight the Goburimon. They will give 10 experience points each. Break, then get the Gate Chip, use it, and repeat. Additionally, go to Death Valley, then to the Fortress. When you are inside the guard room, defeat everyone for 32 experience points per kill. After all the doors open, go outside and enter the fortress again. This must be done two or three times to reach the next level.
• Easy tech ups
After you have unlocked the "Fortress" in Death Valley, whenever you need to equip a new weapon that is too high in tech points, just return to the Fortress and fight up and down the tower multiple times. You will receive between 10 to 60 tech ups in one revolution.
• Get 1 HP for side quests
To get a Digivolution by having to end a side quest with 1 HP remaining, go to the Goblin level (this stage is the easiest). Make sure you have a Gate Disc with you. Fight and go to the area after the rolling barrels. When you get there and see the area where you must jump from the rock things to get to the other side, just fall. You will automatically be revived with 1 HP. Then, use the Gate Disc and return to the D.G.S. base. After your return with 1 HP, save the game. Next, go to the desired side quest that requires having 1 HP remaining to get the Digivolution. Note: While on the side quest, make sure you do not get hit by any enemies; this requires extreme practice and skill.
To get a Digivolution by having to end a side quest with 1 HP remaining in Card Retrieve on Hard mode, use the following trick. At the end there is a sand trap that will suck you in if you get too close to it. First, destroy all the enemies that can get in your way. Next, jump into the sand trap. You will be revived with 1 HP remaining. Note: When facing the master of the side quest, try to use MP type attacks or a gun type weapon.
• Blunt skill weapons
The following weapons are not bash but blunt skill weapons: Dbl Axe, Rage Hammer, Hakatoncheir, Fang Smasher, and Meteor Force.
• Trading hall weapons in Hard mode
The following weapons in Hard mode will be different from what the dialog states when you check it in the inventory:
The dialog says Death Crimson, but it is a Dark Crimson.
The dialog says Death Bringer, but it is a Doom Bringer.
The dialog says Death Raptor, but it is an Omega Raptor.
• Walk on water
While riding the boat down the Numenume River, you can jump off it; it does not matter what weapon you have. Get near the edge of the boat. Whenever you get close to any part of land, do a charge attack. The screen should shake and then you should fly off the boat. You will be able to leave the boat behind and walk on water. Note: This will not work every time.
• Double Axe description
The game states that Double Axe (all types) is a bash skill weapon. However, when you use it you will gain the blunt skill.
• Defeating Apokarimon
First, destroy the five spike balls on the posts around him, avoiding the fire shots and wind blow. Whenever five flying things come to attack, just block. Do not try to jump on the area that he is on, as you will get shocked. After the spike balls are destroyed, he will shoot a purple attack that follows you. You must run around trying to hit him without getting hit. Magic and a gun weapon work well -- you do not have to walk up to him, but they do smaller damage. Physical attacks are more powerful, but you must risk getting close to him.
• Defeating Mecha Rouge X
To defeat Mecha Rouge X's first form, keep hitting him. After a few hits he will transport to one of the outside circles and summon three Mecha Rouges and a light will appear somewhere on the field. If the three Mecha Rouges get to the light, they will transform into copies of Mecha Rouge X with the same health, and it will take the same amount of time to defeat one of those as Mecha Rouge X. The easiest way to defeat Mecha Rouge X is to defeat only two copies. After that, weaken the third until you think he is defeated. Then, weaken the original to that point where it will require one hit to defeat him. Finish the last copy and defeat Mecha Rouge X's first form. You must now walk into the portal to fight Mecha Rouge X's second (cocoon) form. If done correctly, this form will be very easy to defeat. Hit the bottom of him. After a few hits he will generate purple rings around where you hit him. Move to the edge of the level. If you touch the purple from the purple rings you will get poisoned. Two things will come out of Mecha Rouge X, and there will be spotlights from bottom of them. Do not get under them or you will be stuck in that location and they will send out two spinning tops that will damage you. Just keep hitting the spot when there are not purple rings. Hit him as much as possible or he will regain health. Once you defeat him, go in the portal and get ready for the final fight with Mecha Ultimate X. Just stay under him and keep attacking to defeat him.
Ni Yang Susah Maen DMW 1
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from this FAQ for your magazine, or other form of media - printed, online, or
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Below is the list of sites that I allowed to link/use my Guide on their web-
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| Table of Contents |
| I. Introduction |
| II. Recruiting Digimon |
| IV. Digivolving |
| V. Digivolution Tree |
| VI. Items List |
| VII. Battling |
| VIII. Catching Seadramon |
| XI. Mojyamon and Money Trick |
| XII. Geko Village |
| XIII. The Secrets of Training |
| XIV. Greymon's Arena |
| XV. Game's Medals |
| XVII. Item Shop Guide |
| XVIII. Items Bosses Drop |
| XIX. Bosses HP |
| XXI. Restaurant Guide |
| XXII. Mastering Techniques |
| XXIV. Glitches |
| XXV. GameShark Codes |
| XXVI. Frequently Asked Questions |
| XXIX. Contact Information |
| XXX. Special Thanks/Credits |
If you want to go directly to a Chapter without having to scroll all the way
down, press Ctrl+F and then type the number of the Chapter
Version 2.01
- Champions section finished (it wasn't included in previous update)
- Re-wrote the whole recruiting section. Now in new form; easier to understand
with clearer explanations.
-= I. Introduction =-
Digimon World is an adventure game. On Digimon World, your goal is to save File
City by recruiting Digimon to the City. When you get a certain amount of Digimon
to the City, a door will open to a place with very hard Digimon. But it's a long
way until there so hold on matey!
In case some people don't know yet, here are the Controls of Digimon World:
START - Pause the game
SELECT - Nothing
X - Interact / Talk
TRIANGLE - Opens menu
CIRCLE - Nothing
SQUARE - Nothing
R1 - |
R2 - |
L1 - |
L2 - |
START - Pause the game
SELECT - Sees the opponent's HP (Thanks to everyone that reminded me...)
X - Select command
TRIANGLE - Opens menu
CIRCLE - Nothing
R1 - After unleashing your Finishing, keep pressing repeatedly to fill your
R2 - Nothing
L1 - After unleashing your Finishing, keep pressing repeatedly to fill your
L2 - Nothing
LEFT - Toggle menu / Walk left
RIGHT - Toggle menu / Walk right
UP - Toggle menu / Walk up
DOWN - Toggle menu / Walk down
-= II. Recruiting Digimon =-
Rookie Digimon - 1 Prosperity Point
Filth Digimon - 1 Prosperity point (Sukamon, Nanimon and Numemon)
Champion Digimon - 2 Prosperity Points
Ultimate Digimon - 3 Prosperity Points
The MAX amount of Prosperity Rate is 100. Below is a list of the recruitable
Digimon and how to obtain each of them:
| Rookies |
Who: Agumon
How: Win a fight against him.
Why: He a very useful Item Keeper, where you can store and withdraw items at any
Location: Native Forest, the first screen after leaving File City.
Who: Betamon
How: Simply talk to him in Native Forest.
Why: He should open the item tend, and if tend is already present he will serve
as a seller.
Where: Tropical Jungle
Who: Biyomon
How: Upon finding Biyomon he will run away from you. What you have to do is go
to a corner and tell your Digimon to go to the other. Biyomon should run to your
direction and when he tries to run he will be trapped by you and your Digimon.
Why: He expands the Item Stand making it now an Item Shop, with many more items
Where: Gear Savanna
Who: Elecmon
How: When pressing the button X on him you will be shocked, losing some of your
Digimon’s HP. Let him shock you three times consecutively.
Why: He will put lights and make signs on the outer sides of File City.
Where: Gear Savanna
Who: Gabumon
How: Win the battle against him.
Why: Helps Drimogemon find better items.
Where: Misty Trees
Who: Kunemon
How: Talking to him will trigger the event where he will ask for food, after
giving him any type of food he will want to battle you. Win the battle.
Why: Eats the grass making it able to go directly from the City to the Digimon
Where: Kunemon's Bed
Who: Palmon
How: Win a fight against her.
Why: Upgrades the meat farm. Instead of Meat she gives you a daily 3 Giant
Where: Native Forest
Who: Patamon
How: When finding him on Gear Savanna he will want to battle you 3 times
consecutively, win all 3. If you leave the screen in the middle of any of the
battles, once you come back you will have to repeat all three battles.
Why: He expands the Item Stand making it now an Item Shop, with many more items
Where: Gear Savanna
Who: Penguinmon
How: Have a match of Digimon Curling against him and win. The first try is free;
if by any chance you lose and need a rematch he will ask for any type of fish
ash your entry-fee.
Why: Opens the Curling Arena inside Greymon's Arena, allowing you to play
curling against him anytime for some neat prizes.
Where: Freeze Land
| Champions |
Who: Airdramon
Pre-requisite: Having 40 Prosperity Rate.
How: After knowing from Jijimon that you have 50+ Prosperity Rate going out of
his house will trigger a battle against Airdramon, knocking some of your
Digimon’s HP. Winning will result in the opening of Mt. Infinity and the resting
place will move to the back of Jijimon’s House.
screen he will come flying at you and; knocking out some HP. Fight. Win
Why: He sleeps by the Fire Place on Jijimon's house. After finishing Mt.
Infinity he becomes a Fortune Teller in Greymon’s Arena.
Where: Just outside Jijimon’s House.
Who: Angemon
Pre-requisite: Having a Vaccine type Digimon
How: When you first enter the Ice Sanctuary you should see Angemon's glowing
statue. Inspect it to open the hidden passageway underneath it. Head down the
passageway into a small hallway with Icemon and a blue Meramon. Near the Icemon
you should see a darkened portion of the wall on your right side. Walk against
it to find that it is really an open passage. Continue on through the passageway
to see a Garurumon and a Hyogamon patrolling the area. Enter the next room, and
you will find four teleporting devices which look like columns of light that
have black pyramids within them. This might be tricky, so read carefully: First
head east and use the teleporter you see there. Now take the northeastern
teleporter which will bring you to the final room, where a Hyogamon and two
Icemon will be waiting for you. Defeat all three and you will be able to free
Angemon's spirit, which you can find near the southern wall of the room. Once
his spirit has left, leave the sanctuary basement and make your way back from
where you came; Angemon should be waiting on the first secret passage, at the
Ice Sanctuary entrance.
Why: Modifies Jijimon's House and he gives you advice on whom to recruit to your
Where: Ice Sanctuary
Who: Bakemon
How: Talk to him on Overdell Cemetery and answer his questions: Yes, Yes, No.
Why: Stands around patrolling the city.
Where: Overdell Cemetery
Who: Birdramon
How: When you first reach Great Canyon, about on the third screen after the
entrance there should be an elevator. You will notice you can't go down so press
up and walk up to the nest. Birdramon will come flying your way and he will want
to battle for his nest. Win.
Why: He makes the Birdra Transport
Where: Great Canyon Top Area
Who: Centarumon
How: Your mission is to get to the O and the end of the screen (north).
Every time you walk for a while Centarumon will shoot you, knocking out some HP.
If your HP reaches 0 you will have to start from the beginning, so every time
you get shot recover to prevent starting over. If you reach the end and by
mistake go to the X you will fail and start from the beginning.
Why: Opens the Digimon Clinic, where you can buy medicine and/or rest.
Where: Amida Forest
Who: Coelamon
How: Head to Coela Point at noon once and he will bring you to the other side of
the river. Come back through the magically fixed bridge and speak to him again.
Why: He should open the item tend, and if tend is already present he will serve
as a seller.
Where: Coela Point
Who: Devimon
How: You will have a chance to battle him just before ending Mt. Infinity. Take
note he will only join after you finish Mt. Infinity.
Why: Works in the secret item shop.
Location - Mt. Infinity
Who: Drimogemon
How: In the first screen after moving the rock on the way to Meramon go down.
There should be a Drimogemon digging, that when spoken to, says it's going to
take a while. Go back in 3 days and he should be done.
Why: Opens the treasure hunting business.
Where: Drill Tunnel
Who: Frigimon
How: Bring any Digimon who doesn’t like the cold to Freeze Land, let him get
sick and faint. Frigimon will rescue you and heal your sickness. After doing
that just Digivolve to any Digimon other than the ones who don’t like the cold,
go back to Frigimon’s House and speak to him again.
The Digimon who get sick are:
- Agumon
- Greymon
- Tyrannomon
- Meramon
- Monochromon
- Kunemon
- Kuwagamon
- Kabuterimon
- All baby and In-Training Digimon
Why: He opens/works at the restaurant.
Where: Freeze Land / Frigimon's House
Who: Garurumon
How: When first meeting him you will be challenged for a duel. Win the battle
and he will ask for a rematch, only this time you won’t be able to use items or
commands. Come back the next day and win the rematch.
Why: He opens/works at the restaurant.
Where: Freeze Land
Who: Greymon
Pre-requisite: Having 15 Prosperity Rate.
How: Talk to Jijimon until he says your Prosperity Rate and upon leaving the
house Greymon will challenge you to a battle. What street sign, by the way?
Why: Opens Greymon's Arena.
Where: File City, outside Jijimon’s House.
Who: Kabuterimon
Pre-requisite: Having Greymon already in the city.
How: Answer the second option ("Maybe it's an Arena.")
Why: Boosts your training at Training Gym.
Where: Beetle Land
Who: Kuwagamon
How: Answer the second option: ("Actually... there is a sure fire)
Why: Boosts your training at Training gym.
Where: Beetle Land
Who: Kokatorimon
How: Early in the morning he can be found in he screen in Misty Trees which has
some frozen/petrified Digimon. Simply win the battle.
Why: Makes a Scarecrow by the Toilet.
Where: Misty Trees
Who: Leomon
Pre-requisite: Having 40+ Prosperity Rate
How: Remember the Drimogemon that said you needed to come back later cause he
was not done digging yet? Go back to him and the path he was digging will now be
opened. There you will find "Leomon’s Stone Tablet". With that item in hand, go
talk to Leomon and give him the stone.
Why: Stays by the Birdramon on Birdra's Transport.
Where: Gear Savanna
Who: Meramon
Pre-requisite: Having beat the “crazy” Drimogemon.
How: In the screen with the digging Drimogemon you will be asked if you want to
Work. If you choose to do so you will have to carry all the dirt from the pile
until the entrance of the cave. After the pile is gone the place where he was
digging should be gone. Proceed along the path until you find Meramon and win
the battle. (Note: If you don’t want to the carry the dirt just answer no and
wait a few days, the dirt should be gone by itself)
Why: He opens/works at the restaurant.
Where: Drill Tunnel
Who: Monochromon
How: You have to sell at least 3200 BITs while working at his store.
Why: He expands the Item Stand making it now an Item Shop, with many more items
Where: Great Canyon
Who: Moyjamon
How: Trade the Mojyamon with all the items they want. The last one you complete
the trades is the one who will join the city.
Why: Works in the secret item shop.
Where: Freeze Land
Who: Nanimon
How: Find him in all 5 locations:
~~~~~ Where you found Leomon's Tablet, Drill Tunnel.
~~~~~ Where you fought Meteormon, Ancient Speedy Zone.
~~~~~ Where you fought WaruMonzaemon, Toy Town.
~~~~~ Where you fought Numemon, Factorial Town.
~~~~~ Where you fought Ogremon in his hideout, Ogremon’s Fortress.
Why: Nothing
Where: Varies
Who: Ninjamon
Pre-requisite: Having recruited someone that works on the Secret Item Shop.
How: Head over to Digimon Bridge and look for the big whirlwind. Battle and win.
Why: Sits on the Secret Item Shop and talks about items.
Where: Digimon Bridge
Who: Numemon
Pre-requisite: Having the Factory shut down by Andromon (beating Giromon and
talking to Andromon afterwards)
How: Enter the sewers and win the battle against Numemon.
City - Works in the secret item shop.
Where: Factorial Town Sewers
Who: Shellmon
Pre-requisite: Beating Ogremon in his Hideout.
How: When going up the elevator and following the path Shellmon will say she is
stuck due to a mysterious tremor, which might be from the elevator. Go back to
the elevator, head down and try to get on the elevator again, it should say that
the elevator is causing the ground to shake. Don’t get in. Make your way to
where Shellmon cried for help, but reach it from Freeze Land. Shellmon will be
waiting to thank you.
Why: Opens the Shell Newspaper
Where: Great Canyon
Who: Sukamon
How: Talk to the North-West one (Top-Right)
Why: Sleeping by the toilet will result in your Digimon not pooping on the floor
while asleep. (Pending Confirmation)
Where: Trash Mountain
Who: Tyrannomon
How: Win the battle upon first entering Dino Region. After you are finished with
the Speedy Time Zone (beating Meteormon) go back to meet Tyrannomon and speak to
Why: He opens/works at the restaurant.
Where: Dino Region
Who: Unimon
Pre-requisite: Having Centarumon in your city.
How: Give him any recovery Item and he will fly back to the city.
Why: He expands the Item Stand making it now an Item Shop, with many more items
Where: Mt. Panorama
Who: Whamon
How: When you first meet her in Freeze Land she will ask for help clearing some
bandits from her cave, answer that you are willing to help and she will take you
to the cave. Upon reaching the cave you will need to battle a team made up of:
Ogremon, WaruSeadramon and a Gabumon. After the battle is over she will join the
Why: Transports you from File City to Secret Beach Cave or Factorial Town.
Where: Freeze Land
Who: Vegiemon
Pre-requisite: Having Palmon in the city.
How: Every 15’Th of every month a Rain Plant will spawn next to Yuramon, make
sure to get one. Talk to him about a plant living in the Tropical Jungle and
proceed to the growing plant in Tropical Jungle, it will then ask if you wish to
use an item. Choose to use Rain Plant and tell Vegiemon you like Veggies.
Why: Takes place of Palmon and gives you 3 Sirloin every day, also sells Super
Carrots and Hawk Radishes.
Where: Tropical Jungle
| Ultimates |
Who: Andromon
Pre-requisite: Having beaten Giromon.
How: Talk to him and he should say something about repairing damage. Come back
the next day and talk to him again.
Why: Stands by the Birdra Transport.
Where: Factorial Town
Who: Digitamamon
Pre-requisite: Beating Machinedramon.
How: Go back to the place where you fought Machinedramon and win the battle
against Digitamamon. (He has 9999HP & MP + 999 on all stats!)
Why: Works in the restaurant.
Where: Mt. Infinity
Who: Etemon
Pre-requisite: Having 50+ Prosperity Rate.
How: Go to the Tree House in Native Forest, knock on the door and win the battle
against Etemon. Be careful since he will drop on top of you knocking out a big
chunk of HP just before the battle.
Why: Sells Golden Banana's at the Digimon Bridge for 50.000 BITs.
Where: Native Forest
Who: Giromon
Pre-requisite: Having recruited Andromon.
How: Go back to Factorial Town when the repairs are done and talk to Giromon.
Where: Factorial Town
Who: Mamemon
How: Keep entering and exiting the screen until he appears and win a battle
against him.
Why: Works in the secret item shop.
Where: Mt. Panorama
Who: MegaDramon
How: When you see MegaDramon, right before Metal Greymon, talk to him and choose
the option: "But I have to test my strength!". Win the battle.
Why: Just brags outside the arena. Be prepared for a strong fight against him in
the Arena's "Grade S" Tournaments.
Where: Mt. Infinity
Who: MetalGreymon
How: - He will be waiting right at the end of Mt. Infinity for a battle. Win the
Why: After you beat the game he gives you heroic names.
Where: Mt.Infinity
Who: MetalMamemon
Pre-requisite: Having Penguinmon, Numemon, Giromon and Andromon in the city.
How: Fight him and win.
Why: Does curling in Penguinmon’s Curling Arena.
Where: Factorial Town
Who: Monzaemon
How: Go to Toy Town with a Numemon, and enter the Costume House. Proceed to the
Monzaemon (teddy bear) costume and you should Digivolve to Monzaemon.
As Monzaemon proceed to the house where Tinmon is located, he should say he
unlocked the Mansion Doors for you. Make your way through the mansion and beat
Waru Monzaemon. After beating him proceed back to the Tinmon and they should
thank you. Monzaemon now joins the city.
till your Digimon and not Numemon.
Why: Nothing
Where: Toy Town
Who: Piximon
How: Appears randomly at the entrance of the Tropical Jungle. He will ask you if
you wish to have a battle in trade of his help. Win the battle.
Why: Sells Training Manual in the Item Shop. (50,000 BITS)
Where: Tropical Jungle
Who: SkullGreymon
How: Beat him at Gray Lords Mansion and talk to Myotismon, he should say
something about them both going to the Arena.
Why: He competes in the arena. Be prepared for a tough fight if you go to a
"Grade A" or "Grade S" Cup.
Location - Grey Lord's Mansion
Who: Vademon
Pre-requisite: Having recruited SkullGreymon and reading the news on Shell
How: Proceed to those weird symbols in the Spore Area in Mt. Panorama. You will
see a Vademon. Talk to him and convince him to join the city. You do not have to
fight him.
Why: Works in the Restaurant.
Where: Spore Area at Mt. Panorama
-= IV. Digivolving =-
On Digimon World you will probably be spending more time Digivolving then
playing the Story. Digivolution is made up of:
| Champions |
- AirDramon
Type: Vaccine
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Digivolves From: Biyomon
Care Mistakes: 0 to 1
Body Weight: 30g
Condition: Mp 1000, Speed 100, Brains 100
Bonus Condition: Discipline gauge- 90 %
Special Condition: A 30 % chance exists to a SeaDramon or
Birdamon can Digivolve to AirDramon when
they Sleep with discipline gauge at 100
%, happiness at 100 % and tiredness zero.
Digivolving Items: Rainbowhorn
Finishing Technique: Spinning Needle
Digivolves to: MegaDramon, Phoenixmon, Vademon
- Angemon
Type: Vaccine
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Digivolves From: Patamon, Elecmon
Care Mistakes: 0
Body Weight: 20g
Condition: Mp 1000, Brains 100
Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Patamon
Digivolving Items: White Wings
Finishing Technique: Hand of Fate
Digivolves to: Devimon, Andromon, Phoenixmon, Vademon
- Bakemon
Type: Virus
Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00
Digivolves From: Elecmon, Tanemon
Care Mistakes: 3+
Body Weight: 20g
Condition: Mp 1000
Bonus Condition: Happiness gauge- 75 %
Digivolving Items: Torn Tatter
Finishing Technique: Dark Claw
Digivolves to: Skull Greymon, Giromon, Vademon
- Birdramon
Type: Vaccine
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Digivolves From: Agumon, Biyomon
Care Mistakes: 3+
Body Weight: 20g
Condition: Speed 100
Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Biyomon
Digivolving Items: Flaming Wings
Finishing Technique: Meteor Wing
Digivolves to: Phoenixmon, Vademon
- Centarumon
Type: Data
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Digivolves From: Agumon, Gabumon
Care Mistakes: 2 to 3
Body Weight: 30g
Condition: Brains 100
Bonus Condition: Discipline gauge- 60 %
Digivolving Items: Iron Hoof
Finishing Technique: Solar Ray
Digivolves to: Andromon, Giromon
- Coelamon
Type: Data
Active Hours: 11:00 - 2:00
Digivolves From: Palmon, Betamon
Care Mistakes: 3+
Body Weight: 30g
Condition: Defense 100
Bonus Condition: A Whamon or Shellmon has a 30 % chance to Digivolve
to Coelamon when 360 hours have passed
since Digivolving from Champion form.
Digivolving Items: Hard Scale
Finishing Technique: Ice Fist
Digivolves to: Mega Seadramon, Vademon
- Devimon
Type: Virus
Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00
Digivolves From: Angemon
Care Mistakes: Variable
Body Weight: Variable
Condition: An Angemon has 50 % chance to Digigivolve
to a Devimon when its discipline gauge is
below 50 % and it loses a battle
Bonus Condition: N/A
Digivolving Items: Black Wings
Finishing Technique: Death Claw
Digivolve to: Skull Greymon, Mega Dramon, Vademon
- Drimogemon
Type: Data
Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00
Digivolves From: Gabumon, Betamon
Care Mistakes: 3+
Body Weight: 40g
Condition: Offense 100
Bonus Condition: Happiness gauge- 75 %
Digivolving Items: Steel Drill
Finishing Technique: Drill Spin
Digivolve to: Metal Greymon, vademon
- Frigimon
Type: Vaccine
Active Hours: 11:00 - 2:00
Digivolves From: Penguinmon
Care Mistakes: 4 to 5
Body Weight: 30g
Condition: Mp 1000, Brains 100
Bonus Condition: Happiness gauge- 75 %
Digivolving Items: Ice Crystal
Finishing Technique: SubZero Ice Punch
Digivolve to: Mamemon, Metal Mamemon, Vademon
- Garurumon
Type: Vaccine
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Digivolves From: Gabumon, Penguinmon
Care Mistakes: 0 to 1
Body Weight: 30g
Condition: Mp 1000, Speed 100
Bonus Condition: Discipline gauge- 90 %
Digivolving Items: Blue Crystal
Finishing Technique: Howling Blaster
Digivolve to: Skull Greymon, Mega Seadramon, Vademon
- Greymon
Type: Vaccine
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Digivolves From: Agumon
Care Mistakes: 0 to 1
Body Weight: 30g
Condition: Offense 100, Defense 100, Speed 100, and Brains
Bonus Condition: Discipline gauge- 90 %
Digivolving Items: Grey Claws
Finishing Technique: Mega Flame
Digivolve to: Metal Greymon, Skull Greymon, Vademon
- Kabuterimon
Type: Vaccine
Active Hours: 19:00 - 10:00
Digivolves From: Biyomon, Kunemon
Care Mistakes: 0 to 1
Body Weight: 30g
Condition: Hp 1000, Offense 100, Defense 100, Speed
Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Kunemon
Digivolving Items: Horn Helmet
Finishing Technique: Electro Shocker
Digivolve to: Metal Mamemon, Hercules Kabuterimmon,
- Kokatorimon
Type: Vaccine
Active Hours: 1:00 - 16:00
Digivolves From: Elecmon, Biyomon
Care Mistakes: 3+
Body Weight: 30g
Condition: Hp 1000
Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Biyomon
Digivolving Items: Rooster
Finishing Technique: Frozen Fire Shot
Digivolve to: Piximon, Phoenixmon, Vademon
- Kuwagamon
Type: Virus
Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00
Digivolves From: Kunemon, Palmon
Care Mistakes: 5+
Body Weight: 30g
Condition: Hp 1000, Mp 1000, Offense 100, Speed 100
Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Kunemon
Digivolving Items: Scissor Jaw
Finishing Technique: Scissor Claw
Digivolve to: Piximon, Hercules Kabuterimon, Vademon
- Leomon
Type: Vaccine
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Digivolves From: Patamon, Elecmon
Care Mistakes: 0 to 1
Body Weight: 20g
Condition: Offense 100, Speed 100, Brains 100
Bonus Condition: Battles- 10+
Digivolving Items: Flaming Mane
Finishing Technique: Fist of the Beast King
Digivolve to: Mamemon, Andromon,Saber Leomon ( ???? ),
- Meramon
Type: Data
Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00
Digivolves From: Agumon
Care Mistakes: 5+
Body Weight: 20g
Condition: Offense 100
Bonus Condition: Battles- 10+
Digivolving Items: Fireball
Finishing Technique: Fireball
Digivolve to: Metal Greymon, Andromon, Vademon
- Monochromon
Type: Data
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Digivolves From: Agumon, Gabumon
Care Mistakes: 2 to 3
Body Weight: 40g
Condition: Hp 1000, Defense 100, Brains 100
Bonus Condition: Any Rookie Digimon can Digivolve to
Monochremon when its discipline gauge at
100 % and a Defense 500+
Digivolving Items: Mono Stone
Finishing Technique: Volcanic Strike
Digivolve to: Metal Greymon, Metal Mamemon, Vademon
- Moyjamon
Type: Vaccine
Active Hours: 1:00 - 16:00
Digivolves From: Penguinmon
Care Mistakes: 5+
Body Weight: 20g
Condition: Hp 1000, Mp 1000
Bonus Condition: Battles- 5 or less
Digivolving Items: Hari Grower
Finishing Technique: Bone Boomerang
Digivolve to: Mamemon, Skull Greymon, Vademon
- Nanimon
Type: Virus
Active Hours: 11:00 - 2:00
Digivolves From: All Rookie Digimon
Care Mistakes: Variable
Body Weight: Variable
Condition: Digivolves when you scold your Digimon
(happiness and discipline gauge must be zero)
Bonus Condition: N/A
Digivolving Items: Sunglasess
Finishing Technique: Poop
Digivolve to: Digitamamon, Vademon
- Ninjamon
Type: Data
Active Hours: 1:00 - 16:00
Digivolves From: Palmon
Care Mistakes: 0 to 1
Body Weight: 10g
Condition: Mp 1000, Offense 100, Speed 100
Bonus Condition: A Vegiomon has 30 % to Digivolve to
Ninjamon after fighting 50+ battles and
its discipline gauge is at 100 %
Digivolving Items: Koga's Laws
Finishing Technique: Koga Star
Digivolve to: Mamemon, Metal Mamemon, Piximon, Vademon
- Numemon
Type: Virus
Active Hours: 7:00 - 22:00
Digivolves From: All rookie Digimon
Care Mistakes: Variable
Body Weight: Varable
Condition: When a Digivolution time ends, a Digimon
will into a Numemon when it has met no other
Digivolution condition
Bonus Condition: N/A
Digivolving Items: N/A
Finishing Technique: Poop
Digivolve to: Monzaemon, Vademon
- Ogremon
Type: Virus
Active Hours: 11:00 - 2:00
Digivolves From: Gabummon, Patamon
Care Mistakes: 5+
Body Weight: 30g
Condition: Hp 1000, Offense 100
Bonus Condition: Battles- 15+
Digivolving Items: Spike Club
Finishing Technique: Pummel Whack
Digivolve to: Andromon, Giromon, Vademon
- SeaDramon
Type: Data
Active Hours: 7:00 - 22:00
Possible Digimon: Betamon
Care Mistakes: 3+
Body Weight: 30g
Condition: Hp 1000, Mp 1000
Bonus Condition: Battles- 5 or less
Digivolving Items: Water Bottle
Finishing Technique: Ice Blast
Digivolve to : Mega Dramon, Mega Seadramon, Vademon
- Shellmon
Type: Data
Active Hours: 7:00 - 22:00
Possible Digimon: Betamon, Penguinmon
Care Mistakes: 5+
Body Weight: 40g
Condition: Hp 1000, Defense 100
Bonus Condition: Corrent Digimon- Betamon
Digivolving Items: Red Shell
Finishing Technique: Hydro Pressure
Digivolve to : Hercules Kabuterimon, Mega Seadramon, Vademon
- Sukamon
Type: Virus
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Possible Digimon: All Digimon
Care Mistakes: " Field Poops " reaches 16 or more
Body Weight: variable
Condition: " Field Poops " reaches 16 or more
Bonus Condition: N/A
Digivolving Items: N/a
Finishing Technique: Party Time
Digivolve to : Etemon, Vademon
- Tyranomon
Type: Data
Active Hours: 11:00 - 2:00
Possible Digimon: Agumon, Gabumon, Patamon
Care Mistakes: 4 to 5
Body Weight: 30g
Condition: Hp 1000, Defense 100
Bonus Condition: Battles- 5 or less
Digivolving Items: White Fang
Finishing Technique: Blaze Blast
Digivolve to : Metal Greymon, Megadramon, Vademon
- Unimon
Type: Vaccine
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Possible Digimon: Patamon, Biyomon
Care Mistakes: 2 to 3
Body Weight: 30g
Condition: Hp 1000, Speed 100
Bonus Condition: Battles- 10+
Digivolving Items: Unihorn
Finishing Technique: Aerial Attack
Digivolve to : Phoenixmon, Giromon, Vademon
- Vegiemon
Type: Virus
Active Hours: 1:00 - 16:00
Possible Digimon: Kunemon, Palmon
Care Mistakes: 5+
Body Weight: 10g
Condition: Mp 1000
Bonus Condition: Happiness gauge- 75 %
Digivolving Items: Organic Fertilizer
Finishing Technique: Sweet Breath
Digivolve to : Piximon, Vademon
- Whamon
Type: Vaccine
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Possible Digimon: Palmon, Betamon, Penguinmon
Care Mistakes: 2 to 3
Body Weight: 40g
Condition: Hp 1000, Brains 100
Bonus Condition: Discipline gauge- 60 %
Digivolving Items: North Star
Finishing Technique: Blasting Spout
Digivolve to : Mamemon, Mega Seadramon, Vademon
| Ultimates |
- Andromon
Type: Vaccine
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Digivolves From: Meramon, Centarumon, Ogremon, Leomon, Angemon
Care Mistakes: 5 or less
Body Weight: 40g
Condition: HP 2500, MP 4000, Offense 300, Defense 450,
Speed 200, Brains 500
Bonus Condition: Battles - 20+
Digivolving Item: Cyber Parts
Finishing Technique: Spiral Sword
- Digitamamon
Type: Data
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Digivolves From: Nanimon
Care Mistakes: No Limits
Body Weight: 15g
Condition: HP 3000, MP 4000, Offense 300, Defense 300, Speed 200,
Brains 450
Bonus Condition: Techniques - 50+
Digivolving Item: Mysty Egg
Finishing Technique: Nightmare Syndrome
- Etemon
Type: virus
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Digivolves From: Sukamon
Care Mistakes: No Limits
Body Weight: 15g
Condition: HP 2000, MP 1000, Offense 400, Defense 200, Speed 400,
Brains 300
Bonus Condition: Battles - 25+
Digivolving Item: Gold Banana
Finishing Technique: Dark Network
- Giromon
Type: Vaccine
Active Hours: 11:00 - 2:00
Digivolves From: Centarumon, Ogremon, Bakemon, Unimon
Care Mistakes: 15+
Body Weight: 5g
Condition: Offense 400, Speed 300, Brains 400
Bonus Condition: Happiness gauge - 95 %, Battles - 100+
Digivolving Item: Chainsaw
Finishing Technique: Deadly Bomb
- Hercules Kabuterimon
Type: Data
Active Hours: 19:00 - 10:00
Digivolves From: Kabuterimon, Kuwagamon, Shellmon
Care Mistakes: 0
Body Weight: 35-45
Condition: HP 4500, MP 3500, Offense 450, Defense 350, Speed 300,
Brains 350
Bonus Condition: Happiness gauge - minimum, evolve from Kabuterimon
Digivolving Item: Beetle Pearl
Finishing Technique: High Electro Shocker
- Mamemon
Type: Data
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Digivolves From: Leomon, Ninjamon, Frigimon, Whamon, Moyjamon
Care Mistakes: 15+
Body Weight: 5g
Condition: Offense 400, Defense 300, Speed 300, Brains 400
Bonus Condition: Happiness gauge - 100 %
Digivolving Item: Silver Ball
Finishing Technique: Smiley Bomb
- MegaDramon
Type: Virus
Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00
Digivolves From: Tyrannamon, Devimon, AirDramon, Seadramon
Care Mistakes: 10 or less
Body Weight: 55g
Condition: HP 4000, MP 5000, Offense 500, Defense 400, Speed 300,
Brains 400
Bonus Condition: Battles - 30+
Digivolving Item: Mega Hand
Finishing Technique: Genocide Attack
- MegaSeadramon
Type: Data
Active Hours: 7:00 - 22:00
Digivolves From: Seadramon, Coelamon, Whamon, Shellmon, Garurumon
Care Mistakes: 0
Body Weight: 20-30
Condition: HP 2500, MP 3500, Offense 300,Defense 250,Speed 400,Brains
Bonus Condition: Evolve from Seadramon.
Digivolving Item: Coral Charm
Finishing Technique: Mail Strome
- Metal Greymon
Type: Virus
Active Hours: 7:00 - 22:00
Digivolves From: Greymon, Monochromon, Tyrannamon, Drimogeomon
Care Mistakes: 10 or less
Body Weight: 65g
Condition: Hp 4000, Mp 3000, Offense 500, Defense 500, Speed 350,
Brains 350
Bonus Condition: A Metal Greymon has a 50 % chance
to Digivolve to a Skull Greymon when
it loses a battle.
Digivolving Item: Metal Parts
Finishing Technique: Giga Scissor Claw
- Metal Mamemon
Type: Data
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Digivolves From: Monochromon, Ninjamon, Kabuterimon, Frigimon
Care Mistakes: 15 or less
Body Weight: 10g
Condition: Offense 500, Defense 400, Speed 400, Brains 400
Bonus Condition: Happiness gauge - 100 %
Digivolving Item: Metal Armor
Finishing Technique: Energy Bomb
- Monzaemon
Type: Vaccine
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Digivolves From: Numemon
Care Mistakes: 0
Body Weight: 40g
Condition: Hp 3000, Mp 3000, Offense 300, Defense 300,
Speed 300, Brains 300
Bonus Condition: Battles - 10+
Digivolving Item: X Bandage
Finishing Technique: Lovely Attack
- Phoenixmon
Type: Vaccine
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Digivolves From: Birdramon, Airdramon, Kokatorimon, Angemon, Unimon
Care Mistakes: 0
Body Weight: 20
Condition: HP 2500, MP 4000, Offense 450, Defense 250, Speed 400,
Brains 250
Bonus Condition: Evolve from Birdramon.
Digivolving Item: Red Ruby
Finishing Technique: Crimson Flare
- Piximon
Type: Data
Active Hours: 1:00 - 16:00
Digivolves From: Kokatorimon, Vegiemon, Ninjamon, Kuwagamon
Care Mistakes: 15+
Body Weight: 5g
Condition: Offense 350, Defense 350, Speed 400, Brains 400
Bonus Condition: Discipline and Happiness gauge - 100 %
Digivolving Item: Small Spear
Finishing Technique: Bit Bomb
- Skull Greymon
Type: Virus
Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00
Digivolves From: Greymon, Devimon, Moyjamon, Bakemon, Garurumon
Care Mistakes: 10+
Body Weight: 30g
Condition: Hp 4000, Mp 6000, Offense 400, Defense 400, Speed 250,
Brains 500
Bonus Condition: Battles 40+; Techniques: 45+
Digivolving Item: Fatal Bone
Finishing Technique: Dark Shot
- Vademon
Type: Virus
Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00
Digivolves From: Any Champion Digimon
Care Mistakes: Any
Body Weight: Any
Condition: All Champion Digimon can Digivolve to Vademon after 360
collapse as a Champion Digimon
Bonus Condition: N/A
Digivolving Item: Ray Gun
Finishing Technique: Abduction Beam
-= V. Digivolution Tree =-
I will not be using Numemon, Nanimon, Sukamon and Vademon on the chars since any
Digimon can digivolve to them.
|___MetalGreymon -|___SkullGreymon
|___Meramon -|
| |___Andromon
| |___MetalGreymon -|___SkullGreymon
| |
|___Monochromon -|
| |
| |___MetalMamemon
| |___MetalGreymon -|___SkullGreymon
| |
|___Tyrannamon -|
| |
| |___MegaDramon
Agumon -|
| ___MetalGreymon -|___SkullGreymon
| |
|___Greymon -|
| |
| |___SkullGreymon
| |___Andromon
| |
|___Centarumon -|
| |
| |___Giromon
|___Birdramon -|___Phoenixmon
|___Drimogeomon -|___MetalGreymon -|___SkullGreymon
| |___MetalGreymon -|___SkullGreymon
| |
|___Monochromon -|
| |
| |___MetalMamemon
| |___MetalGreymon -|___SkullGreymon
| |
|___Tyrannamon -|
| |
| |___MegaDramon
Gabumon -|
| |___MegaSeadramon
| |
|___Garurumon -|
| |
| |___SkullGreymon
| |___Andromon
| |
|___Centarumon -|
| |
| |___Giromon
| |___Giromon
|___Ogremon -|
|___Drimogeomon -|___MetalGreymon -|___SkullGreymon
| |___Andromon
| |
|___Leomon -|
| |
| |___Mamemon -|___MetalMamemon
| |___MetalGreymon -|___SkullGreymon
| |
|___Tyrannamon -|
| |
| |___MegaDramon
Patamon -|
| |___Phoenixmon
| |
| |
| | |___SkullGreymon
| | |
|___Angemon -|___Devimon (Champion) -|
| | |
| | |___MegaDramon
| |
| |
| |___Andromon
| |___Phoenixmon
| |
|___Unimon -|
| |
| |___Giromon
| |___Giromon
|___Ogremon -|
|___Kabuterimon -|
| |
| |___MetalMamemon
| |___Phoenixmon
| |
|___Kokatorimon -|
| |
| |___Piximon
Biyomon -|___Birdramon -|___Phoenixmon
| |___Phoenixmon
| |
| |
|___Airdramon -|
| |
| |
| |___MegaDramon
| |___Phoenixmon
| |
|___Unimon -|
|___Kabuterimon -|
| |
| |___MetalMamemon
| |___Hercules-Kabuterimon
| |
|___Kuwagamon -|
| |
| |___Piximon
Kunemon -|
| |___Giromon
| |
| |
|___Bakemon -|
| |
| |
| |___SkullGreymon
|___Vegiemon -|___Piximon
|___Whamon -| |___Giromon
| | |
| |___Mamemon* -|
| |
| |___MetalMamemon
| |___Hercules-Kabuterimon
| |
|___Kuwagamon -|
| |
| |___Piximon
Palmon -|
| |___Mamemon
| |
| |
|___Ninjamon -|___MetalMamemon
| |
| |
| |___Piximon
|___Vegiemon -|___Piximon
|___Whamon -|
| |
| |___Mamemon
| |___Hercules-Kabuterimon
| |
|___Shellmon -|
| |
| |___MegaSeadramon
Betamon -|
| |___MegaSeadramon
| |
| |
|___Seadramon -|
| |
| |
| |___MegaDramon
|___Coelamon -|___MegaSeadramon
|___Leomon -|
| |
| |___Mamemon
| |___Giromon
| |
|___Bakemon -|
| |
| |___SkullGreymon
Elecmon -|
| |___Piximon
| |
| |
|___Kokatorimon -|
| |
| |
| |___Phoenixmon
| |___Phoenixmon
| | |___SkullGreymon
| | |
|___Angemon -|___Devimon (Champion) -|
| |
| |___MegaDramon
|___Whamon -|
| |
| |___Mamemon
| |___Hercules-Kabuterimon
| |
|___Shellmon -|
| |
| |___MegaSeadramon
| |___SkullGreymon
| |
Penguinmon -|___Mojyamon -|
| |
| |___Mamemon
| |___SkullGreymon
| |
| |
|___Garurumon -|
| |
| |
| |___MegaDramon
| |___Mamemon
| |
|___Frigimon -|
-= VI. Items List =-
Digivolution Items (Out of battle)
Coral Charm / MegaSeadramon
- While fishing in the Dragon Eye Lake, if you let a fish eat your bait, while
reeling in there is a 1% chance you will pull it along with the hook.
Beetle Pearl / Hercules-Kabuterimon
- Win the tournament held at Beetle Land...
Red Ruby / Phoenixmon
- Win the 'Version 0 Cup' at Greymon's Arena.
Mysty Egg / Digitamamon
- After defeating Ogremon from the 'Secret Beach Cave', it can be found on a
computer inside the cave.
Golden Banana / Etemon
- Buy each one for 50,000 BITS, from Etemon at the Digimon Bridge.
Ray Gun / Vademon
- You can find it at the Back Dimension
X-Bandage / Monzaemon
- After defeating WaruMonzaemon, on Toy Town, a ToyAgumon will trade it for 3
Small Spear / Piximon
- Get it as a prize from MetalMamemon at Digimon Curling...
Chainsaw / Giromon
- Get it as a prize from MetalMamemon at Digimon Curling...
Metal Armor / MetalMamemon
- Get it as a prize from MetalMamemon at Digimon Curling...
Silver Ball / Mamemon
- Get it as a prize from MetalMamemon at Digimon Curling...
Mega Hand / MegaDramon (33% chance)
- Win the 'Grade S Cup' at Greymon's Arena.
Fatal Bone / SkullGreymon (33% chance)
- Win the 'Grade S Cup' at Greymon's Arena.
Metal Parts / MetalGreymon (34% chance)
- Win the 'Grade S Cup' at Greymon's Arena.
Cyber Parts / Andromon
- Win the 'Metric Cup' at Greymon's Arena.
Sunglasses / Nanimon
- Win the 'Dirty Cup' at Greymon's Arena.
Ice Crystal / Frigimon
- Buy it for 500 Merit Points, from ShogunGekomon
Blue Crystal / Garurumon
- Win 'Version 2 Cup' at Greymon's Arena
Hard Scale / Coelamon
- Buy it for 500 Merit Points, from ShogunGekomon
Red Shell / Shellmon
- Buy it for 500 Merit Points, from ShogunGekomon
North Star / Whamon
- Win 'Cool Cup' at Greymon's Arena
Water Bottle / Seadramon
- Buy it for 500 Merit Points, from ShogunGekomon. Or you can ask Seadramon to
an item (Dragon Eye Lake), he'll give you it.
Koga's Laws / Ninjamon
- Get it as a random prize for Normal or Special 'Treasure Hunt'.
Fertilizer / Vegiemon
- Win 'Nature Cup' at Greymon's Arena
Scissor Jaw / Kuwagamon
- Win the tournament at Beetle Land in 2nd (Second) Place... (50% chance)
Horn Helmet / Kabuterimon
- Win the tournament at Beetle Land in 2nd (Second) Place... (50% chance)
Unihorn / Unimon
- Win the 'Thunder Cup' at Greymon's Arena...
Rooster / Kokatorimon
- Win 'Digimon Curling' against Penguinmon...
Rainbowhorn / Airdramon
- Buy it for 500 Merit Points, from ShogunGekomon...
Torn Tatter / Bakemon
- Get it as a random prize for Normal or Special 'Treasure Hunt'.
White Wings / Angemon
- Win the 'Wing Cup' at Greymon's Arena.
Flaming Mane / Leomon (thanks everyone for the correction ;)
- Win the 'Grade A Cup' at Greymon's Arena.
Spike Club / Ogremon
- Win the 'Grapple Cup' at Greymon's Arena.
Black Wings / Devimon
- Win the 'Human Cup' at Greymon's Arena
White Fang / Tyrannamon
- Win the 'Version 1 Cup' at Greymon's Arena.
Steel Drill / Drimogeomon
- Win the 'Animal Cup' at Greymon's Arena.
Mono Stone / Monochromon
- Win the 'Version 4 Cup' at Greymon's Arena.
Iron Hoof / Centarumon
- Win the 'Version 3 Cup' at Greymon's Arena.
Flaming Wings / Birdramon
- Get it as a random prize for Normal or Special 'Treasure Hunt'.
Fireball / Meramon
- Win the 'Fire Cup' at Greymon's Arena.
Grey Claws / Greymon
- Win the 'Dino Cup' at Greymon's Arena.
Metal Banana / MetalEtemon
- Only available through a Cheat-Device such as GameShark...
Noble Mane / Panjyamon
- Only available through a Cheat-Device such as GameShark...
Moon Mirror / WereGarurumon (Med Jai, thanks!)
- Only available through a Cheat-Device such as GameShark...
Giga Hand / Gigadramon
- Only available through a Cheat-Device such as GameShark...
Electo Ring / Kaminarimon
- Only available through a Cheat-Device such as GameShark...
Food Items (Out of battle)
- Moldy Meat
- Makes Digimon a bit full.
- Weight +2 / Makes your Digimon sick.
- The screen where you recruit Centarumon at Amida Forest, before recruiting
him. Also available on the vending machine in Ancient Dino Region.
- Meat
- Makes Digimon a bit full.
- Weight +1
- 50 Bits
- Tanemon also gives you 3 of them a day. (Thanks Garfield13!)
- Giant Meat
- Makes Digimon quite full.
- Weight +2
- 500 Bits
- Palmon gives you 3 a day (Thanks Garfield13), or 5 when he's happy. (Thanks
- Sirloin
- Makes Digimon very full.
- Weight +3
- Can't Buy
- Vegiemon gives you 3 a day (Thanks Garfield13), or 5 when he's happy. (Thanks
- Digital Mushroom
- Makes Digimon a bit full.
- Weight +1
- Everywhere except Mt.Infinity and Factorial Town (Thanks Garfield13!)
- Happy Mushroom
- Raises happiness by a little.
- Weight +1 / slightly reduces tiredness / 35% your Digimon gets sick.
- Native Forest, Kunemon's Bed or Great Canyon
- Deluxe Mushroom
- Raises Offense, Defense, Speed, and Brains by 10. Raises HP and MP by 100
- Weight +4
- Native Forest toilet screen. Great Canyon, screen to the right of the
- Ice Mushroom
- Greatly raises discipline
- Weight +2
- Anywhere on Free Land. Mostly at Freeze Land; screen with three SnowAgumons
- Big Berry
- Makes Digimon 100% full.
- Weight +10
- Native Forest, Great Canyon, Misty Trees and Mt.Panorama.
- Red Berry
- Increases Happiness and Discipline/Recovers Tiredness. (Thanks to Med Jai!)
- Weight +2 (Med Jai!)
- All areas except Mt. Infinity.
- Orange Banana
- On the description it says it fully restores HP and MP, but not for me...
- Weight +2
- Tropical Jungle
- Prickly Pear
- Makes Digimon lose weight.
- Weight -5 / 1% chance your Digimon gets sick
- Great Canyon
- Blue Apple
- Greatly raises happiness.
- Weight +1 / Reduces tiredness / Gives +10 seconds before he poops
- Native Forest
- Chain Melon
- Raises happiness, reduces tiredness, raises discipline, life expansion,
reduces chances of pooping on the floor, raises time before dying if Digimon is
- Weight +3
- Get one from Jijimon every time after beating Machinedramon
- Super Carrot
- Increases training of MP, Offense and Brains.
- Weight -2
- 500 Bits
- Sweet Nut
- Completely recovers HP. (Thanks to Med Jai ;)
- Weight +2 (Thanks to Med Jai ;)
- Misty Trees, Mt.Panorama and very rarely at Native Forest.
- Super Veggy
- Completely recovers MP. (Med Jai again!)
- Weight +2
- ???
NOTE*** Med Jai and myself prove the existence of this item!
- Hawk Radish
- Increases training of HP, Defense and Speed.
- Weight +2
- 500 Bits
- Steak
- Makes Digimon very full.
- Weight +3
- Overdell Cemetery, can be obtained while going to give Myotismon his food.
- Dig Anchovy
- Makes Digimon a bit full.
- Weight +1 / Caught in Dragon Eye Lake
- Dragon Eye Lake
- Black Trout
- Raises Offense, Defense, Speed and Brains by +1. Raises Hp and MP by 10+
- Weight -2 / Caught in Dragon Eye Lake
- Dragon Eye Lake
- Digi Snapper
- Makes Digimon quite full.
- Weight +1 / Caught in Dragon Eye Lake
- Dragon Eye Lake
- Digital Sea Bass
- Recovers HP and MP fully and extends Digimon lifespan by 24 Hours.
- Weight +4 / 25% chance of making Digimon sick
- Dragon Eye Lake
- DigiCatFish
- Makes Digimon very full.
- Weight +5
- Dragon Eye Lake
Self-Defense / Recovery Items (In-Battle)
- Small Recovery
- Recovers 500 HP.
- Medium Recovery
- Recovers 1500 HP.
- Large Recovery
- Recovers 5000 HP.
- MP Floppy
- Recovers 500 MP.
- Medium MP Floppy
- Recovers 1500 MP.
- Large MP Floppy
- Recovers 5000 MP.
- Various
- Cures status ailments.
- Protection
- Protects your Digimon from status ailments.
- Omnipotent
- Restores HP and MP and Cures status ailments
- Double Floppy
- Restores 1500 HP and MP.
- Restore Floppy
- Revives Digimon with half his max HP.
- Super Restore Floppy
- Revives Digimon with full HP.
Self-Offense Items (In-Battle)
- Offense Disk
- Raises Offense in battle only.
- Defense Disk
- Raises Defense in battle only
- Hi Speed Disk
- Raises Speed in battle only.
- Super Defense Disk
- Greatly raises Defense during battle only
- Super Offense Disk
- Greatly raises offense during battle only.
- Super Speed Disk
- Greatly raises speed during battle only.
- Omnipotent Disk
- Raises all stats during battle only.
Stat Raising Items (out of battle)
- HP Chip
- Permanently raises your HP by 500.
- 800 Merit Points. Buy from ShogunGekomon.
- None
- MP Chip
- Permanently raises your MP by 500.
- 800 Merit Points. Buy from ShogunGekomon.
- None
- Offense Chip
- Permanently raises your Offense by 50.
- 800 Merit Points. Buy from ShogunGekomon.
- None
- Defense Chip
- Permanently raises your Defense by 50.
- 800 Merit Points. Buy from ShogunGekomon.
- None
- Speed Chip
- Permanently raises your Speed by 50.
- 800 Merit Points. Buy from ShogunGekomon.
- None
- Brains Chip
- Permanently raises your Brains by 50.
- 800 Merit Points. Buy from ShogunGekomon.
- None
- Devil Chip A
- Raises Offense and Brains by 100. But shortens your life span by 1 day.
- Buy from Devimon at the Secret Item Shop for 5000 Bits.
- Devil Chip B
- Raises Defense and Speed by 100. But shortens your life span by 1 day.
- Buy from Devimon at the Secret Item Shop for 5000 Bits.
- Devil Chip C
- Raises HP and MP by 1000. But shortens your life span by 1 day.
- Buy from Devimon at the Secret Item Shop for 5000 Bits.
- Power Fruit
- Permanently raises your HP by 200 / Weight +2
- None
- ???
- Power Ice
- Permanently raises your MP by 200 / Weight +2
- None
- ???
- Muscle Yam
- Permanently raises your Offense by 20 / Weight +2
- None
- Vermiliomon at Mt. Infinity drop it.
- Calm Berry
- Permanently raises your Defense by 20 / Weight +2
- None
- Misty Trees; the screen where Cherrymon is located.
- Speed Leaf
- Permanently raises your Speed by 20 / Weight +2
- None
- IceDevimon at Freezeland drop it.
- Sage Fruit
- Permanently raises your Brains by 20 / Weight +2
- None
- Piddomon at Mt.Infinity drop it.
Misc. Items (out of battle)
- Blue Flute
- If you use it on Dragon Eye Lake, Seadramon will come and take you to Beetle
- Fish Seadramon and ask to be friends.
- Digital Keychain
- Allows you to carry 20 items at once.
- Find Nanimon in one of the five locations:
~~~~~ Where you found Leomon's Tablet. (Drill Tunnel)
~~~~~ The same place where you fought Meteormon at Ancient Speedy Zone.
~~~~~ Toy Town, head back to where you fought WaruMonzaemon.
~~~~~ The screen where you defeated Numemon at Factorial Town...
~~~~~ After beating Ogremon in his fortress in Great Canyon. Go to the same
room where you fought him (the one with the elevator).
- Xenotype Keychain
- Allows you to carry 30 items at once. (must have Digital Keychain)
- Find Nanimon in ALL five locations below:
~~~~~ Where you found Leomon's Tablet. (Drill Tunnel)
~~~~~ The same place where you fought Meteormon at Ancient Speedy Zone.
~~~~~ Toy Town, head back to where you fought WaruMonzaemon.
~~~~~ The screen where you defeated Numemon at Factorial Town...
~~~~~ After beating Ogremon in his fortress in Great Canyon. Go to the same
room where you fought him (the one with the elevator).
- Normal Rod
- Allows you to fish at Dragon Eye Lake (low range of line)
- When you talk to the southernmost Sukamon, he will tell you that he saw
something in the trash piles that may interest you. The rod is located southwest
of where he is.
- Rest Pillow
- Enhances the amount of rest your Digimon gets when he rests.
- Buy from Mojyamon at the Secret Item Shop for 1000 BITS
- Health Shoes
- Your Digimon recovers HP while walking.
- Buy from Mojyamon at the Secret Item Shop for 2000 BITS
- Enemy Repel
- Repels enemy Digimon.
- Buy from Numemon at the Secret Item Shop
- Enemy Bell
- Brings enemy Digimon to you.
- Buy from Numemon at the Secret Item Shop
- Amazing Rod
- Allows further fishing (such as catching DigiSeaBass)
- Buy it from ShogunGekomon for 300 Merit Points. (Geko Swamp ;)
- Digivice
- Makes Digivolving to Ultimate easier.
- When starting a New Game, when Jijimon asks if you have a Digivice, answer
- Gold Acorn
- Sells for 4000 Bits.
- Found anywhere, but VERY, VERY rarely!
Training Effect Raising Items (Out of Battle)
This section is about Items that raise training efficiency... There are also two
Digimon that raise your training effects. I will post those too since it's on
the subject!
- Super Carrot
- Increases training of MP, Offense and Brains.
- Buy from Vegiemon.
- 500 Bits
- After eating any other item.
- Hawk Radish
- Increases training of HP, Defense and Speed.
- Buy from Vegiemon.
- 500 Bits
- After eating any other item.
- Digipine
- Increases training of all stats
- Find it anywhere around the Digi-World
- None
- After eating any other item.
- Training Manual
- Greatly increases training of all stats.
- Buy it from Piximon
- 50,000 Bits
- Never, as long as it's in your inventory.
- Kuwagamon (Digimon)
- Increases training of all stats.
- While at Beetle Land talk to one of the Kuwagamon and answer the right option.
- None
- Never.
- Kabuterimon (Digimon)
- Increases training of all stats.
- While at Beetle Land talk to one of the Kabuterimon and answer the right
- None
- Never
-= VII. Battling =-
Training and Stat Raising
Unlike other Adventure/RPG's, Digimon World is not the normal EXP gaining /
Level-Up games. You'll have to train your stats in order to succeed. As your
Digimon gets old he fades away and gives birth to a Baby Digimon, where it all
starts again.
Battle's Control System
The battle system here is completely different from most other RPG's because
it's not turn based and you do not have 100% control of your Digimon in battle.
When you lose a battle you lose a heart and maybe Items!!! Every Digimon is
given 3 lives (represented by a heart), if you lose all 3 Hearts you may de-
level, lose abilities and you don’t get to choose your new baby.
In battle
During battle's you'll notice your HP and MP meter along with 2 commands on the
top left side of the screen. Plus, there is a word coming up (FINISH), after it
is done, if you press Square you can use your Finisher.
When you lose a battle you lose a heart and maybe Items!!! If you lose all 3
Hearts, you _will_ lose about 1-10 Techniques after he dies!!! So make sure you
don't lose 3 Hearts...
Important Things in Battle
A) Stats
Stats are divided into 6 which are:
HP - Determines your Health Points in battle, if your entire HP is lost, you'll
lose the battle.
MP - Determines your Mana/Magic Power in battle, you'll use MP when you attack
meaning that if your MP runs out you can’t attack.
Offense - Determines the attack damage your opponent will receive.
Defense - Determines the attack damage you will receive.
Speed - Determines how fast your Digimon will attack and listen to your
Brains - Determines the number of command you'll have in battle and how easy it
will be to learn new abilities through battles.
When you have less than 100 Brains you will have:
1) Your call
This basically commands your Digimon to do whatever it wants to do
2) Run
You'll run off the battle going back to the previous screen.
When you have less than 200 Brains Stat;
This will make your Digimon use its strongest attack and will just keep on
When you have less than 300 Brains you will have:
Your Digimon will use its weakest attack then run.
When you have less than 400 Brains you will have:
1) Switch
This will have your Digimon switch target
2) Distance
Have your Digimon get away from the opponent Digimon.
When you have less than 500 Brains you will have:
Your Digimon will try to evade the enemy's attacks. If it does, you will only
take 20% of the Damage.
For this to be effective you must have a High Defense Stat
When you have over 500 Brains you will have:
You'll be able to choose which you will use and the attack and moderate command
will disappear.
-= VIII. Catching Seadramon =-
To make it easier for Seadramon to appear follow the steps below:
1. First, you should go beat WaruMonzaemon...After you beat him, go back to Toy
Town and talk to one of the Tankmons; one of them should say something about
2. After talking to the Tankmon that says something about Seadramon, go and
recruit Angemon. After he is at File City, sometime he should say something
about a "Lake Keeper" in the Dragon Eye Lake.
3. After hearing about Seadramon from Tankmon and Angemon, go and recruit
Shellmon. When you recruit him he will open the "Shell Newspaper". After
recruiting him you should already have the topic "Guardian of the Lake", or in
my version of the game "The Lake Keeper / Guardian"...Read it.
Getting ready for the fishing season:
1. Head to ShogunGekomon with a bunch of rare cards and trade them in until you
have 300 Merit Points. Go ahead and trade them in for the Amazing Rod.
2. You should now go buy and buy a lot of meats, since you might lose some while
trying to fish him.
6. Go to the South-Eastern (Bottom-Left) part of Native Forest, the Dragon Eye
7. Once in the Dragon Eye Lake, look at the top-right part of the lake, there
should be no fish there. Keep looking for about 10 seconds and if you don't see
a BIG shadow leave the screen and repeat the process.
8. Once you see him there, throw the bait on his path.
If you can get him to eat the bait, let him get as far as possible. (Be careful
not to loosen it too much, resulting in him escaping).
If you keep pulling little by little he will eventually “get tired” and become
easier to be pulled off shore.
-= XI. The Mojyamon Money Trick =-
Mojyamon inhabit the ice flows of Freezeland. They are three traders by nature
and will often give you expensive items for fairly cheap ones. There are three
Mojyamons in Freezeland, each asking for different items.
Here is what each one Wants and what it gives you:
| Mojyamon 1 (Southwestern) |
| He Wants | He gives you: |
| Omnipotent | Super Offense Disk |
| Medium Recovery | Super Defense Disk |
| Digital Anchovy | Super Speed Disk |
| Mojyamon 2 (Southern) |
| He Wants | He gives you: |
| Giant Meat | Auto Pilot |
| Black Trout | Restore |
| Hi. Speed Disk | Medicine |
| Mojyamon 3 (Southern eastern) |
| He Wants: | He gives you: |
| Digimushroom | Medium Recovery |
| Super Carrot | Omnipotent |
| Happy Mushroom | Hair Grower |
And now for the money making trick:
| The Easy Method |
1. Buy 99 Medium Recoveries. (49,500 BITS)
2. Buy 1 Auto Pilot.
3. Have access to Freeze Land.
4. Go to Freeze Land.
5. Go to Mojyamon 1.
6. Trade all your Medium Recoveries for Super Defense Disks.
7. Go back to the city with the Auto Pilot, since Mojyamon should freeze
8. Sell all Super Defense Disks. This should get you: 198,000 BITS
9. Buy 99 Med Recoveries and one Auto Pilot again.
10. Repeat the process times until you get 999,999 Bits.
| Alternative Method 1 |
1. Collect 99 Digimushrooms
2. Buy 1 Auto Pilot
3. Have Access to Freeze Land
4. Go to Mojyamon 3
5. Trade all your Digimushrooms for Medium Recoveries
6. Start from the 5th Step of "The Real Method".
| Alternative Method 2 |
1. Buy the Amazing Rod from ShogunGekomon (300 Merit Points)
2. Buy 99 Meats (4,950 BITS)
3. Go to the Dragon Eye Lake
4. Catch 99 Black Trout’s
5. Catch 99 Digi Sea Bass
6. Sell 99 Digi Sea Bass (396,000 BITS)
-= XII. Geko Village =-
Finding ShogunGekomon
When you are in Gear Savanna, at the screen with the Toilet go up. You should
now be at a screen with some SandYanmamons (Geko Swamp). Get past that screen
and head to the next one. Now you should be in a screen with some SandYanmamons
(Again!). If they are there, leave and enter the screen again. Keep entering and
exiting the screen until you see an Otamamon (If you like Pokemon better, then
just look for a Poliwag- Looking Digimon!). If he is there, talk to him. He
should call you many rude names.
It will ask you if you want to get revenge or just let him talk. Ask for
Battle. Win. Now a group of Gekomons should come capture you. They will take you
to ShogunGekomon. Now every time you go to that screen any time again, to the
left there will be a little passage where there was supposed to be Tall-Grass.
That's the passage for ShogunGekomon!
Card List Prices
When you first meet ShogunGekomon he won’t talk to you unless you speak to the
Gekomon on the top-right.
After you do that, ShogunGekomon will trade Merit Point for your cards.
|Card | Digimon | Point Value | Money Value (BITS) |
| 00 | You | Can't be sold | Can't be sold |
| 01 | Phoenixmon | 100 | 2500 bits |
| 02 | Hercules Kabuterimon| 100 | 2500 bits |
| 03 | MegaSeadramon | 100 | 2500 bits |
| 04 | Shogun Gekomon | 100 | 2500 bits |
| 05 | Myotismon | 100 | 2500 bits |
| 06 | Metal Greymon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 07 | Mamemon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 08 | Monzaemon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 09 | Skull Greymon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 10 | Metal Mamemon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 11 | Vademon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 12 | Andromon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 13 | Giromon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 14 | Etemon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 15 | MegaDramon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 16 | Piximon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 17 | Digitamamon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 18 | Gekomon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 19 | WaruMonzaemon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 20 | Jijimon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 21 | King of Sukamon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 22 | Cherrymon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 23 | Guardromon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 24 | Hagurumon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 25 | Brachiomon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 26 | Greymon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 27 | Devimon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 28 | Airdramon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 29 | Tyrannamon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 30 | Meramon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 31 | Seadramon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 32 | Kabuterimon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 33 | Angemon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 34 | Birdramon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 35 | Garurumon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 36 | Frigimon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 37 | Whamon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 38 | Unimon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 39 | Ogremon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 40 | Shellmon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 41 | Centarumon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 42 | Bakemon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 43 | Drimogeomon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 44 | Monochromon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 45 | Leomon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 46 | Coelamon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 47 | Kokatorimon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 48 | Kuwagamon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 49 | Mojyamon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 50 | Ninjamon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 51 | Penguinmon | 5 | 50 bits |
| 52 | Otamamon | 5 | 50 bits |
| 53 | Tentomon | 5 | 50 bits |
| 54 | Yanmamon | 5 | 50 bits |
| 55 | Gotsumon | 5 | 50 bits |
| 56 | Flarerizamon | 5 | 50 bits |
| 57 | ToyAgumon | 5 | 50 bits |
| 58 | DemiMeramon | 5 | 50 bits |
| 59 | Tankmon | 5 | 50 bits |
| 60 | Goburimon | 5 | 50 bits |
| 61 | Vegiemon | 1 | 25 bits |
| 62 | Numemon | 1 | 25 bits |
| 63 | Sukamon | 1 | 25 bits |
| 64 | Nanimon | 1 | 25 bits |
| 65 | Machinedramon | Can’t be sold | Can't be sold |
What He Offers
| Item | Merit Points |
|HP Chip | 800 Merit Points |
|MP Chip | 800 Merit Points |
|Offense Chip | 800 Merit Points |
|Defense Chip | 800 Merit Points |
|Speed Chip | 800 Merit Points |
|Brains Chip | 800 Merit Points |
|Ice Crystal | 500 Merit Points |
|Hard Scale | 500 Merit Points |
|Red Shell | 500 Merit Points |
|Water Bottle | 500 Merit Points |
|Amazing Rod | 300 Merit Points |
|Sup. Restore Floppy | 100 Merit Points |
|Sup. Recovery Floppy | 20 Merit Points |
-= XIII. The Secrets of Training =-
Below you will find all the training Gyms in the game, what they offer to train
their locations:
Location: File City
Offers: Boulder Moving, Waterfall, Striking, Punching Glove, Running and
Classroom (HP, MP, Offense, Defense, Speed and Brains)
Location: Gear Savanna
Offers: Striking and Running (Offense and Speed)
Location: Misty Trees
Offers: Teachings of the forest (Brains)
Location: Trash Mountain
Offers: Hiding in Trash (MP)
Location: Ice Sanctuary
Offers: Ice Pushing and Falling Icicles (HP and Defense)
Location: Beetle Land
Offers: Hammer Smash, Rock Pushing, Treadmill and Striking (Offense, Defense, HP
and Speed
-= XIV. Greymon's Arena =-
| |
| D = Grade D Cup |
| C = Grade C Cup |
| B = Grade B Cup |
| A = Grade A Cup |
| S = Grade S Cup |
| L = Version 0 Cup |
| ?? = Version 1 Cup |
| I = Version 2 Cup |
| J = Version 3 Cup |
| K = Version 4 Cup |
| ?? = Fire Cup |
| O = Cool Cup |
| ?? = Wind Cup |
| N = Nature Cup |
| M = Mech Cup |
| F = Filth Cup |
| T = Thunder Cup |
| G = Grapple Cup |
| Z = Animal Cup |
| X = Humanoid Cup |
| W = Wing Cup |
| ?? = Dino Cup |
Tournament Prize Chart
| Cup | Consolation Prize | 1st Place Prize |
| Letter | | |
| D | Giant Meat x2 | Double Floppy |
| C | Giant Meat | Sirloin x3 |
| B | Giant Meat | Restore Floppy |
| A | Giant Meat | Flaming Mane |
| S | Giant Meat | Metal Parts/Dark Bone/Mega Hand |
| J |Super Recovery Floppy | Iron Hoof |
| W |Abilities Disk | White Wing |
| G |Omnipotent Floppy | Spike Club |
| K |Super Recovery Floppy | Monochrome (Mono) Stone |
| N |Omnipotent Floppy | Fertilizer |
| O |Omnipotent Floppy | North Star |
| X |Abilities Disk | Black Wings |
| L |Super Recovery Floppy | Red Ruby |
| M |Omnipotent Floppy | Cyber Parts |
| Z |Abilities Disk | Steel Drill |
| I |Super Recovery Floppy | Blue Crystal |
| F |Omnipotent Floppy | Sunglasses |
| T |Omnipotent Floppy | Unihorn |
-= XV. Gaining Medals =-
In Digimon World you can obtain medals for achieving certain milestones
within the game.
Here is the complete list of what is needed to obtain them:
- Catching 100 fish
- Beating Machinedramon for the first time
- Having 999,999 bits
- Playing for 10 Digimon years.
- Collecting all of the Digimon cards.
- Completing Greymon's tournaments 100 times.
- Winning the Human, Animal, and Dino Cup.
- Winning the D, C, B, A, and S tournaments.
- Recruiting all of the Digimon
- Training every type of Digimon
- Learning every type of attack
- Having a Digimon with maxed stats
- Getting a perfect 10 at curling
- Winning all "Type" Cups. (Cool, Grapple, Wing...)
- Winning all the Version Cups
-= XVII. Item Shop Guide =-
On Digimon World, as you travel your journey, you will come through various
that will join your Item Shop. Each one sells one or two different Items then
another! I am ordering the Items by price. Below is a listing of all the Shop
Keepers, what they sell and for how many BITS:
| Item Stand | File City |
| Item Name | Price |
| Med. Rec.* | 300 |
| Auto Pilot* | 300 |
| Port. Potty* | 300 |
| MP Floppy | 300 |
| Small Rec. | 100 |
| Meat | 50 |
Items with the * can only be reached after Coelamon _and_ Betamon are recruited.
| Item Shop | File City|
| Item Name | Price |
| Super Restore | 9500 BITS|
| Restore | 4000 BITS|
| Super Recovery| 2500 BITS|
| Omnipotent* | 2000 BITS|
| Large MP | 2000 BITS|
| Double Flop | 1500 BITS|
| Large Recovery| 1000 BITS|
| Medium MP | 800 BITS|
| Offense. Disk | 500 BITS|
| Hispeed Disk | 500 BITS|
| Defense Disk | 500 BITS|
| Med. Recovery | 500 BITS|
| Auto Pilot | 300 BITS|
| Portable Potty| 300 BITS|
| Various | 300 BITS|
| MP Floppy | 300 BITS|
| Small Recovery| 100 BITS|
| Meat | 50 BITS|
| Item Shop | Gear Savanna |
| Item Name | Price |
| Medium MP Floppy | 800 BITS |
| Medium Recovery | 500 BITS |
| Offense Disk | 500 BITS |
| Defense Disk | 500 BITS |
| Hispeed Disk | 500 BITS |
| Giant Meat | 500 BITS |
| Auto Pilot | 300 BITS |
| Secret Item Shop | File City |
| Item Name | Price |
| Enemy Repel | 5000 | <--- Numemon (12:00 A.M - 6:00 A.M)
| Enemy Bell | 5000 | <--- Numemon (12:00 A.M - 6:00 A.M)
| Rest Pillow | 1000 | <--- Mojyamon (6:00 A.M - 12:00 P.M)
| Health Shoes | 2000 | <--- Mojyamon (6:00 P.M - 12:00 P.M)
| Omni Disk | 3000 | <--- Mamemon (12:00 P.M - 6:00 A.M)
| Super Offense Disk| 4000 | <--- Mamemon (12:00 P.M - 6:00 A.M)
| Super Speed Disk | 4000 | <--- Mamemon (12:00 P.M - 6:00 A.M)
| Super Defense Disk| 4000 | <--- Mamemon (12:00 P.M - 6:00 A.M)
| Devil Chip A | 5000 | <--- Devimon (6:00 P.M - 12:00 A.M)
| Devil Chip B | 5000 | <--- Devimon (6:00 P.M - 12:00 A.M)
| Devil Chip C | 5000 | <--- Devimon (6:00 P.M - 12:00 A.M)
-= XVIII. Items Bosses Drop =-
Ok, this Chapter is really annoying and hard to make. So this is going to
take a while to be finished.
This Chapter will show you what type of Chip every boss drops! Again, this
may be useless to some people, but I get asked a lot to make this!
I'm making one Chart for each Digimon (Rookie, Champion and Ultimate).
I'm also putting the names in alphabetical order, which is a lot of work to
make along with the rest of the guide. But hey, it's all good. I know it's to
help people ;)
On version 6.0 (about there) I will change this Chapter for ALL the Digimon
in the game; not only recruit-able Digimon :)
People, please, please, please help me with this part of the FAQ! I really
can't play this game anymore.
All of my FAQs until now were done by heart and mind!
| Rookies |
| Boss | Chip |
| Agumon | None (Small recovery)|
| Betamon | None |
| Biyomon | None |
| Elecmon | None |
| Gabumon | Defense Chip |
| Kunemon | MP Chip |
| Palmon | Brain Chip |
| Patamon | MP Chip |
| Penguinmon | None |
| Champions |
| Boss | Chip |
| Airdramon | MP Chip |
| Angemon | None |
| Bakemon | None |
| Birdramon | None |
| Centarumon | None |
| Coelamon | None |
| Devimon | Quick Chip |
| Drimogeomon | None |
| Frigimon | None |
| Garurumon | HP Chip |
| Greymon | Offense Chip |
| Kabuterimon | None |
| Kokatorimon | Speed Chip |
| Kuwagamon | None |
| Leomon | None |
| Meramon | Offense Chip |
| Mojyamon | None |
| Monochromon | None |
| Nanimon | Digital Keychain |
| Ninjamon | Speed Chip |
| Numemon | |
| Ogremon | HP Chip(s) |
| Seadramon | None |
| Shellmon | None |
| Sukamon | None |
| Tyrannamon | HP Chip |
| Unimon | None |
| Vegiemon | None |
| Whamon | None |
| Ultimates |
| Boss | Chip |
| Etemon | Brains Chip |
| MetalMamemon | Defense Chip |
| MetalGreymon | Defense Chip |
| MegaDramon | Offense |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
-= XIX. Bosses HP =-
The chart below will tell you the HP of every boss Digimon in the game. They are
listed Alphabetical Order:
=-_-=-_-==-_-=-_-= =-_-=-_-=-_-=
Boss Name Boss HP
=-_-=-_-==-_-=-_-= =-_-=-_-=-_-=
Agumon | 400
Airdramon | 4400
Birdramon | 3700
Devimon | 6800
Digitamamon | 9999
Drimogeomon | 1200
Etemon | 5600
Gabumon | 2000
Garurumon | 4200
Giromon | 5700
Greymon | 4800
Kokatorimon | 4200
Kunemon | 900
Machinedramon* | 9400
Machinedramon** | 9999
Mamemon | 4800
MegaDramon | 7500
Meramon | 2600
MetalGreymon | 8600
MetalMamemon | 5600
Meteormon | 3700
Ninjamon | 3800
Numemon | 200
Ogremon* | 3600
Ogremon** | 4000
Ogremon*** | 4400
Ogremon**** | 3600
Otamamon | 1100
Palmon | 900
Patamon | 1000
Piximon | 5200
SkullGreymon | 5800
Tekkamon | 4800
Tyrannamon | 3100
WaruMonzaemon | 5200
Digimon marked with * are Digimon that you fight more then 1 time. The * mean
number of the battle.
Example: Ogremon
Ogremon* = the first battle with him. (At Great Canyon)
Ogremon** = the second battle with him. (At Ogremon's Fortress)
Ogremon*** = the third battle with him. (At Secret Beach cave)
Ogremon**** = the fourth battle with him. (At Drill Tunnel)
-= XXI. Restaurant Guide =-
Below is a list of all the Restaurant Keepers and in-depth information about
+-----------+ +----------------------+
| Garurumon | | 12:00 A.M - 6:00 A.M |
+-----------+ +----------------------+
| | |
| T-Bone Steak | 1000 |
| Dx-Bone Steak | 2500 |
| Phantom-Bone Steak | 5000 |
--------------------- -----------
+------------+ +----------------------+
| Tyrannamon | | 6:00 A.M - 12:00 P.M |
+------------+ +----------------------+
| | |
| Wild Dragon Noodle | 400 |
| Zaurus Pizza | 1000 |
| Jurassic Burger | 2500 |
--------------------- -----------
+------------+ +----------------------+
| Meramon | | 12:00 P.M - 6:00 P.M |
+------------+ +----------------------+
| | |
| Red Hot Ramen | 400 |
| Burning Hot Curry | 1200 |
| Lava Hot Pot | 3500 |
--------------------- -----------
+------------+ +----------------------+
| Frigimon | | 6:00 P.M - 12:00 A.M |
+------------+ +----------------------+
| | |
| Snow Shake | 300 |
| Ice Cream | 700 |
| Snow Cone | 1600 |
--------------------- -----------
+-------------+ +--------+
| Digitamamon | | Random |
+-------------+ +--------+
| | |
| Wonder Boiled Egg | 1000 |
| Wonder Omelet | 2500 |
| Wonder Egg Bowl | 6000 |
--------------------- -----------
+---------+ +--------+
| Vademon | | Random |
+---------+ +--------+
| | |
| Space Salad | 1500 |
| UFO Soup | 4000 |
| Galaxy Course | 9000 |
--------------------- -----------
-= XXII. Mastering Techniques =-
The Ways of Learning
1) When training brains, when you reach the 50's (50,150,250, etc...) or the
(600,700,800, etc...) you have a small chance of learning a technique
2) When fighting an enemy Digimon, if he uses the technique(s) you can learn,
you might learn it after the battle.
3) Some Digimon teach you techniques for stats, or just meeting them. To be
Seadramon and Kabuterimon
Speed: Goes from 1 to 4, the higher he number the more time it takes to hit the
enemy, and the more the chances of the enemy interrupting.
Level: This chart shows the possibility of learning techs depending on the
E.g. if a Tech lv.3 hits your Digimon or is used in a battle, and you have 100
Brains You have 5% chances of learning it.
NOTE: Varies depending on how much more brains you have than 100
And how much level the tech you want has
Because the tech might have 1,8 so it would vary
| Digimon | ChanceOfAcquiring |
______________________________ (By 000+ Brains) ______________________
|Lv.1 |20% |
|Lv.1,5 |19% |
|Lv.2 |18% |
|Lv.2,5 |17% |
|Lv.3 |14% |
|Lv.3,5 |10% |
|Lv.4 |6% |
|Lv.4,5 |5% |
|Lv.5 |4% |
| | |
| Digimon | ChanceOfAcquiring |
______________________________ (By 100+ Brains) ______________________
|Lv.1 |27% |
|Lv.1,5 |25% |
|Lv.2 |22% |
|Lv.2,5 |19% |
|Lv.3 |17% |
|Lv.3,5 |14% |
|Lv.4 |11% |
|Lv.4,5 |7% |
|Lv.5 |5% |
| | |
| Digimon | ChanceOfAcquiring |
______________________________ (By 200+ Brains) ______________________
|Lv.1 |29% |
|Lv.1,5 |25% |
|Lv.2 |22% |
|Lv.2,5 |19% |
|Lv.3 |16% |
|Lv.3,5 |15% |
|Lv.4 |13% |
|Lv.4,5 |10% |
|Lv.5 |7% |
| | |
| Digimon | ChanceOfAcquiring |
______________________________ (By 300+ Brains) ______________________
|Lv.1 |35% |
|Lv.1,5 |32% |
|Lv.2 |30% |
|Lv.2,5 |25% |
|Lv.3 |20% |
|Lv.3,5 |18% |
|Lv.4 |16% |
|Lv.4,5 |12% |
|Lv.5 |10% |
| | |
| Digimon | ChanceOfAcquiring |
______________________________ (By 400+ rains) ______________________
|Lv.1 |45% |
|Lv.1,5 |40% |
|Lv.2 |35% |
|Lv.2,5 |30% |
|Lv.3 |26% |
|Lv.3,5 |22% |
|Lv.4 |17% |
|Lv.4,5 |15% |
|Lv.5 |12% |
| | |
| Digimon | ChanceOfAcquiring |
______________________________ (By 500+ Brains) ______________________
|Lv.1 |55% |
|Lv.1,5 |50% |
|Lv.2 |46% |
|Lv.2,5 |42% |
|Lv.3 |38% |
|Lv.3,5 |33% |
|Lv.4 |28% |
|Lv.4,5 |22% |
|Lv.5 |16% |
| | |
| Digimon | ChanceOfAcquiring |
______________________________ (By 600+ Brains) ______________________
|Lv.1 |60% |
|Lv.1,5 |54% |
|Lv.2 |50% |
|Lv.2,5 |46% |
|Lv.3 |42% |
|Lv.3,5 |38% |
|Lv.4 |32% |
|Lv.4,5 |25% |
|Lv.5 |19% |
| | |
| Digimon | ChanceOfAcquiring |
______________________________ (By 700+ Brains) ______________________
|Lv.1 |67% |
|Lv.1,5 |63% |
|Lv.2 |57% |
|Lv.2,5 |52% |
|Lv.3 |49% |
|Lv.3,5 |33% |
|Lv.4 |27% |
|Lv.4,5 |25% |
|Lv.5 |21% |
| | |
| Digimon | ChanceOfAcquiring |
______________________________ (By 800+ Brains) ______________________
|Lv.1 |72% |
|Lv.1,5 |68% |
|Lv.2 |63% |
|Lv.2,5 |56% |
|Lv.3 |50% |
|Lv.3,5 |46% |
|Lv.4 |38% |
|Lv.4,5 |30% |
|Lv.5 |25% |
| | |
| Digimon | ChanceOfAcquiring |
______________________________ (By 900+ Brains) ______________________
|Lv.1 |80% |
|Lv.1,5 |75% |
|Lv.2 |70% |
|Lv.2,5 |65% |
|Lv.3 |60% |
|Lv.3,5 |55% |
|Lv.4 |45% |
|Lv.4,5 |40% |
|Lv.5 |30% |
| | |
* = The more brains, the more chances of learning it.
Techniques Guide
1. Fire Techs
a) Fire Tower
Level: 2
Speed: 1,5
Power: 155
Mp Cost: 81
Range: Long
Special Effects: Stun
About: A big sphere shows up under the enemy and surrounds him, can be easily
broken up with fast techs but rarely misses, also its hard for it to be
Ways to get it: most varieties of Agumon use it so fight Agumons.
Good Ways: -----
Best Ways (Boss): The three battles with Ogremon.
Where to Find: Agumons - Grey Lord's Mansion, Mt. Infinity, Toy Mansion.
Ogremon - Great Canyon, Secret Beach Cave, Drill Tunnel.
b) Prominence Beam
Level: 3
Speed: 3,2
Power: 444
Mp Cost: 183
Range: Long
Special Effects: Flat
About: A Thin but long beam comes out of the Digimon's Mouth or hands, can be
easily interrupted, but rarely is defended.
Ways to get it: Vermiliomon and Saberdramon use it.
Good Ways: Blue Meramon
Best Ways: Birdramon and Guardromon
Where to find: Vermiliomon - Ancient Dino Region and Mt. Infinity
Saberdramon - Speedy Dino Region and Misty Trees
Blue Meramon - Ice Sanctuary
Birdramon - Great Canyon
Guardromon –Factorial Town
c) Spit Fire
Level: 1
Speed: 0,4
Power: 66
Mp Cost: 30
Range: Long
About: A Tiny Comet-Like fireball comes out of the mouth or hands of the
Digimon. Really hard to interrupt but easy to block or dodge.
Ways to get it: Most fire Digimon start with it.
Good Ways: Goburimons and Sharmamon.
Best Ways: Agumon (First battle).
Where to Find: Goburimon - Native forest and dill tunnel
Agumon - Native forest
d) Red Inferno
Level: 4
Speed: 3,0
Power: 210
Mp Cost: 171
Range: Wide
Special Effects: -----
About: Digimon Breathes a kind of wide fire cloud. Can be interrupted by fast
techs and is kind of easy to defend.
Ways to get it: Agumons in Grey Lord’s Mansion.
Good Ways: Vermiliomon and Tankmon.
Best Ways: Greymon and Tyrannomon
Where to Find: Agumon- Toy Town
Vermiliomon - Ancient Dino Region and Mt. Infinity
Tankmon - Mt. Infinity and Toy Mansion
Greymon - In front of Jijimon’s House.
Tyrannomon- Dino Region
e) Magma Bomb
Level: 2,5
Speed: 2,3
Power: 279
Mp Cost: 132
Range: Long
Special Effects: Confusion
About: Digimon throws a big ball of lava towards the enemy that explodes.
Kind of easy to interrupt and impossible of dodging but can be defended.
Ways to get it: Goburimon
Good Ways: Meramon in Lava Cave
Best Ways: Greymon
Where to Find: Greymon - File City
Goburimon - Native Forest
Meramon – Lava Cave
f) Heat Laser
Level: 1,8
Speed: 1,8
Power: 84
Mp Cost: 105
Range: Wide
Special Effect: Flat
About: A wave of heat spreads on the screen hitting the enemy. Hard to
easy to block and impossible to dodge.
Ways to get it: Vermiliomon and DarkRizamon
Good Ways: Flarerizamon
Best Ways: Meramon
Where to Find: Vermiliomon - Mt. Infinity and Ancient Dino Region
DarkRizamon - Overdell entrance
Meramon - Drill Tunnel
Flarerizamon – Mt. Panorama
g) Infinity Burn
Level: 4,0
Speed: 3,5
Power: 488
Mp Cost: 264
Range: Wide
Special Effect: Stun
About: A larger Fire Tower. Has more range and power though.
Ways to get it: MetalGreymon
Good Ways: -----
Best Ways: MetalGreymon
Where to Find: MetalGreymon - Mt. Infinity
e) Meltdown
Level: 3,5
Speed: 3,0
Power: 400
Mp Cost: 318
Range: Stun
Special Effect: Flat
About: Nice technique, slow to start, but not interruptible after the pool of
starts to rise, effective.
Ways to get it: Vermiliomon
Good Ways: Vermiliomon
Best Ways: Meteormon
Where to find: Vermiliomon - Mt. Infinity
Vermiliomon - Ancient Dino Region
Meteormon – Ancient Speedy Zone
-= XXIV. Known Glitches =-
1) Happy Mushroom Glitch:
Glitch - There is a glitch from File City to Native Forest. I call it Happy
Mushroom Glitch. To make it work, get the Happy Mushroom and then 'Drop' it. Go
back on that screen it should be there again. Then if you get it again and keep
entering and exiting the screen you can get up to 99 Happy Mushrooms!!! This is
a good glitch! LOL
Remedy - Leave Native Forest
2) Extra Mon For Free:
Glitch - When you continue you're saved game, you notice that your Digimon has a
couple extra Mon's. For example, a Patamon may be read as Patamonnmon on the
game load screen. This glitch is harmless and is kind of funny, but unfixable.
It doesn't harm your Digimon's name on his status screen at all.
Remedy - None
3) Item Bank Glitch:
Glitch - When you go to Agumon's Item Bank, switching from stored items to in-
hand items makes it so that some items get "rubbed out" on the screen. You may
only be able to see half of the name of an item, or nothing at all.
Remedy - Scrolling down and then up again on the item menu.
4) Card Glitch:
Glitch - WARNING! Before you try this glitch, make sure you save. This glitch
is harmful, and may freeze your game, so be prepared! To see this glitch, you
need to have at least one Digimon card. Go to the card screen and select a card
to bring up its enlarged picture. Now, quickly hit triangle, X, and triangle,
and the card should be there. Keep hitting the triangle button, and the card
will be frozen on the screen! You can still play and walk around with the
card's picture on the screen. You can bring up the Digivolution charts in the
menu, and that it will show you some completed charts. I've tried this but
haven't been able to see complete Digivolution charts, just random ones that
don't make sense. Also, the Digivolution charts may freeze your game.
Remedy - None (Unfortunately!)
5) Mojyamon Trap
Glitch - When trading with the Mojyamon's, if you trade consecutively he will
start going up on you. By the time you trade 99 Items, if you don't move every
once in a while you will be trapped!
Remedy - Auto Pilot
6) Grey Lords Mansion
Glitch - You can find a harmful glitch in Grey Lord's Mansion, after defeating
SkullGreymon. When you defeat Skull Greymon and Myotismon returns to his place
in the dining hall, you will be able to access this glitch. If you return to
the caged area where Myotismon and Bakemon were being held, then enter the area,
your game will freeze.
Remedy - None
7) Drimogemon's Treasure Finding
Glitch - If you are going to get an Item back from Drimogemon, make sure your
inventory is not full! If it is, it will say: "Clear your inventory!"
And you will lose the Item.
Remedy - None
8) Greymon's Arena
Glitch - When you are signing up for a Tournament, you might see this glitch.
It's kind of hard to explain so here is an Example:
| 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
| S | B | D | A | D |
| G | A | C | S | |
| F | W* | | ** | |
| | N* | | ** | |
| | | | | |
When you press START, you should be able to see a Description of the Cup. The
glitch works like this: If you press START on the letters with the * it will
make an error noise. Then again, if you press START where you see the ** the
description of a Cup will be there!
Remedy - None
9) Digimon Curling
Glitch - When you are playing curling with Penguinmon or MetalMamemon, when you
throw your "disk" it might freeze the game for about 2 or 3 seconds. After that
instead of the "disk" going to the right place, it will go to a totally
different location! This glitch might help or destroy your perfect score!!!
Remedy - None
-= XV. GameShark Codes =-
If you use the code for the 10th item but there is no item in your 10th
inventory slot, the quantity will be marked by 0 but you still can use it.
There is a bad thing in that way, you can't store it in Agumon's bank.
Change the ** with the item codes
Example: I you want to get Metal Banana at the 1st item slot, change the
3013D474 00** to be 3013D474 007F. Because, 7F is the code for Metal Banana.
|Item Slot Codes|
- Item Slot 1 / 3013D474 00**
- Item Slot 2 / 3013D475 00**
- Item Slot 3 / 3013D476 00**
- Item Slot 4 / 3013D477 00**
- Item Slot 5 / 3013D478 00**
- Item Slot 6 / 3013D479 00**
- Item Slot 7 / 3013D47A 00**
- Item Slot 8 / 3013D47B 00**
- Item Slot 9 / 3013D47C 00**
- Item Slot 10 / 3013D47D 00**
|Digivolution Items|
| 47 = Grey Claws | 5C = North Star | 70 = Beetle Pearl |
| 48 = Fireball | 5D = Red Shell | 71 = Coral Charm |
| 49 = Flamingwing | 5E = Hard Scale | 7D = Giga Hand |
| 4A = Iron Hoof | 5F = Bluecrystal | 7E = Noble Mane |
| 4B = Mono Stone | 60 = Ice Crystal | 7F = Metal Banana |
| 4C = Steel Drill | 61 = Hair Grower | ---------------------
| 4D = White Fang | 62 = Sunglasses |
| 4E = Black Wing | 63 = Metal Part |
| 4F = Spike Club | 64 = Fatal Bone |
| 50 = Flamingmane | 65 = Cyber Part |
| 51 = White Wing | 66 = Mega Hand |
| 52 = Torn Tatter | 67 = Silver Ball |
| 54 = Rainbowhorn | 68 = Metal Armor |
| 55 = Rooster | 69 = Chainsaw |
| 56 = Unihorn | 6A = Small Spear |
| 57 = Horn Helmet | 6B = X Bandage |
| 58 = Scissor Jaw | 6C = Ray Gun |
| 59 = Fertilizer | 6D = Gold Banana |
| 5A = Kogaslaws | 6E = Mysty Egg |
| 5B - Water Bottle | 6F = Red Ruby |
|Other Items|
|Digimushroom | 301BDF58 0063 |
|Icemushroom | 301BDF59 0063 |
|DeluxeMushroom| 301BDF5A 0063 |
|Digipine | 301BDF5B 0063 |
|Blue Apple | 301BDF5C 0063 |
|Red Berry | 301BDF5D 0063 |
|Gold Acorn | 301BDF5E 0063 |
|Big Berry | 301BDF5F 0063 |
|Sweet Nut | 301BDF60 0063 |
|Super Veggy | 301BDF61 0063 |
|Pricklypear | 301BDF62 0063 |
|Orange Banana | 301BDF63 0063 |
|Power Fruit | 301BDF64 0063 |
|Power Ice | 301BDF65 0063 |
|Speed Leaf | 301BDF66 0063 |
|Sage Fruit | 301BDF67 0063 |
|Muscle Yam | 301BDF68 0063 |
|Calm Berry | 301BDF69 0063 |
|Digianchovy | 301BDF6A 0063 |
|Digisnapper | 301BDF6B 0063 |
|DigiTrout | 301BDF6C 0063 |
|Black Trout | 301BDF6D 0063 |
|Digi Catfish | 301BDF6E 0063 |
|Digiseabass | 301BDF6F 0063 |
|Moldy Meat | 301BDF70 0063 |
|HappyMushroom | 301BDF71 0063 |
|Chain Melon | 301BDF72 0063 |
301BDFA1 00?? - Amazing Rod
301BDFA8 00?? - AS Decoder
301BDF9C 00?? - Beetle pearl
301BDF5F 00?? - Big Berry
301BDF6D 00?? - Black Trout
301BDF7A 00?? - Black Wing
301BDF5C 00?? - Blue Apple
301BDF8B 00?? - Blue Crystal
301BDF9F 00?? - Blue Flute
301BDF69 00?? - Calm Berry
301BDF72 00?? - Chain Melon
301BDF95 00?? - Chainsaw
301BDF9D 00?? - Coral Charm
301BDF91 00?? - Cyber Part
301BDF5A 00?? - Deluxe mushroom
301BDF6E 00?? - Digi Catfish
301BDF6A 00?? - Dig anchovy
301BDF58 00?? - Digimushroom
301BDF5B 00?? - Digipine
301BDF6F 00?? - Digiseabass
301BDF6B 00?? - Dig snapper
301BDF6C 00?? - Digit trout
301BDF7F 00?? - Electo Ring
301BDF90 00?? - Fatal Bone
301BDF85 00?? - Fertilizer
301BDF74 00?? - Fireball
301BDF7C 00?? - Flaming mane
301BDF75 00?? - Flaming wing
301BDFA7 00?? - Frig Key
301BDFA4 00?? - Gear
301BDFA9 00?? - Giga Hand
301BDF5E 00?? - Gold Acorn
301BDF99 00?? - Gold Banana
301BDF73 00?? - Grey Claws
301BDF8D 00?? - Hair Grower
301BDF71 00?? - Happy mushroom
301BDF8A 00?? - Hard Scale
301BDF83 00?? - Horn Helmet
301BDF8C 00?? - Ice Crystal
301BDF59 00?? - Ice mushroom
301BDF76 00?? - Iron Hoof
301BDF86 00?? - Koga Laws
301BDFA2 00?? - Leomon Stone
301BDFA3 00?? - Mansion Key
301BDF92 00?? - Mega Hand
301BDF94 00?? - Metal Armor
301BDFAB 00?? - Metal Banana
301BDF8F 00?? - Metal Part
301BDF70 00?? - Moldy Meat
301BDF77 00?? - Mono Stone
301BDF9E 00?? - Moon Mirror
301BDF68 00?? - Muscle Yam
301BDF9A 00?? - Mysty Egg
301BDFAA 00?? - Noble Mane
301BDF88 00?? - North Star
301BDFA0 00?? - Old Fishrod
301BDF63 00?? - Orange Banana
301BDF64 00?? - Power Fruit
301BDF65 00?? - Power Ice
301BDF62 00?? - Prickly pear
301BDFA5 00?? - Rain Plant
301BDF80 00?? - Rainbowhorn
301BDF98 00?? - Ray Gun
301BDF5D 00?? - Red Berry
301BDF9B 00?? - Red Ruby
301BDF89 00?? - Red Shell
301BDF81 00?? - Rooster
301BDF67 00?? - Sage Fruit
301BDF84 00?? - Scissor Jaw
301BDF93 00?? - Silver Ball
301BDF96 00?? - Small Spear
301BDF66 00?? - Speed Leaf
301BDF7B 00?? - Spike Club
301BDFA6 00?? - Steak
301BDF78 00?? - Steel Drill
301BDF8E 00?? - Sunglasses
301BDF61 00?? - Super Veggy
301BDF60 00?? - Sweet Nut
301BDF7E 00?? - Torn Tatter
301BDF82 00?? - Unihorn
301BDF87 00?? - Water bottle
301BDF79 00?? - White Fang
301BDF7D 00?? - White Wing
301BDF97 00?? - X Bandage
What they do is give you hexadecimal ?? Of the item, and automatically stores it
in the bank for you.
- Rejuvenate lowers your age back down to 0 and raises your lives back to 3.
- Reborn has the same effect as Rejuvenate, but it digivolves you back to fresh.
- Fade-Away has the same effect as Reborn, but also brings your starts down to
100 HP/MP and 10 everything else, which is about fresh stats.
When Do I Use these?
- Rejuvenate: You might want to lower your Champions age back down to 0 and
lives back to 3, if you lost a lot of lives and want to go back to 3, if you
lost lives and if you need a little extra time to get to ultimate.
- Reborn: You might want this code, if you have a maxed out or really strong
Ultimate and want to keep his stats, when you "fade-away", resulting in a Super
- Fade-Away: You might not like your digimon and decide to change him back to
Fresh. :(
How do I Use these?
- Rejuvenate: You wait till your Champions about to fade-away (an hour to a day
is a good idea). Then use this code, and continue training.
- Reborn: You wait till your Ultimate's about to fade-away (two hours to a day
is a good idea). Then use this code. Go to Jijimon's House and press "o" when
you load, save your game quickly, and reset.
- Fade away: Same as reborn, except use it as soon as you stop liking that
digimon. :(
301384ab 0000 - Age to 0
80155824 0003 - Lives to 3
301384ab 0000 (Rejuvenate Code)
80155824 0003 (Rejuvenate Code)
d0134ee4 0020 - Joker Code
801557a8 00?? - Digimon Modifier [Note 1]
[Note 1]:
Press Circle "o" for this code to work.
Replace 801557A8 00?? with 80134E50 00?? if you don't have the fresh you wish to
get on the chart, yet. However you will have to wait 1 Digi-Hour after pressing
"o" for it to work. (So resting or training once, or going to a tournament is
?? = 01 for Botamon
?? = 0F for Punimon
?? = 1d for Poyomon
?? = 2b for Yuramon
301384ab 0000 (Rejuvenate Code)
80155824 0003 (Rejuvenate Code)
d0134ee4 0020 (Reborn Code)
801557a8 00?? (Reborn Code) [Note 1]
801557F0 0064 - HP Modifier #1
801557F2 0064 - MP Modifier #1
801557F4 0064 - HP Modifier #2
801557F6 0064 - MP Modifier #2
801557e0 000a - Offence Modifier
801557e2 000a - Defence Modifier
801557e4 000a - Speed Modifier
801557e6 000a - Brain Modifier
-= XVI. Frequently Asked Questions =-
----------------------Game Related Questions------------------------------------
Q: How come I can't enter any Special Cup?
A: You need a special type of Digimon...EXAMPLE; to enter the fire cup
you need someone like Meramon....
Q: Why can I only see Grade D, C, B and A cups? And why not Grade S or Special
A: For all cups to be available, you need the following Digimon to your
- MegaDramon
- SkullGreymon
- Gekomon
- MetalGreymon
- Myotismon
After you have all of those to your city, little-by-little the
cups will show up!
Q: What are the 3 cards the ToyAgumon asks for, in order for me to get the X-
A: A WaruMonzaemon Card, Hagurumon Card and a ToyAgumon Card...
Q: How do I get to Beetle Land?
A: After you fish Seadramon, ask to be friends, now every time you go the
Dragon Eye Lake, it will ask you if you want to use the Blue Flute. After you've
been there once, you can go there anytime through Birdra Transport for 3000
Q: Ok, now I got to Beetle Land...How do I participate in the 'Beetle
A: You need a Bug Type Digimon (Kunemon, Kabuterimon, Kuwagamon or
And you also need to go there on the 22nd (Twenty-Second) of any year. Or there
will be no tournament.
Q: I used a White Fang on my Baby / In-Training and he didn't evolve to
Tyrannomon!!! Why?!?!
A: If you use a Digivolution Item for a Champion on a Baby or In-Training, it
won't work. You have to use it on a Rookie Digimon. Champion items work ONLY on
Q: I used Metal Parts on my Baby / In-Training / Rookie and he didn't evolve to
MetalGreymon!!! Why?!?!
A: If you use a Digivolution Item for an Ultimate on a Baby, In-Training or
Rookie it won't work. You have to use it on a Champion Digimon. Ultimate items
work ONLY on Champions....
Q: I used a Moon Mirror on my Champion Digimon, and he didn't evolve to
WereGarurumon, wazup wif dat?
A: For ME, the Moon Mirror ONLY works on Garurumon, but still, you can only see
his feet, and you can't feed him, or battle, or train him that your game will
Q: Where can I obtain Giga Hand, Electo Ring, Moon Mirror or Noble Mane?
A: Only through a GameShark!
Q: Ok, now I've caught Seadramon, what do I ask for!?!? Help!!!!
A: If you have caught him, brought him to the shore, he will give you three
options. They are:
1. "Let's be friends!" - You will get a blue flute and can go to Beetle Land
2. "Teach me a Technique." - He will teach you an Ice/Water technique you don't
have yet.
3. "I want an Item" - He will give you his Digivolution item (Water Bottle)
NOTE*** you can fish him as many times as needed until you choose to be friends!
Q: What is the exact location of MetalMamemon??? Please help, I've heard of many
locations and I don't know which one to trust!
A: First of all, go there with Whamon's Transport. The first screen after the
two Guardromons. He will be in the bottom-right; where there used to be a
Q: Are there any normal Digimon that drop a lot of BITS?
A: Yes... I don't call it money trick though. First get a Filth Digimon like
Nanimon, Numemon or Sukamon. Then go to Factorial Town and keep fighting
Platinum Sukamon for 3,000 BITS a Battle. And since you have a Filth Digimon,
you should quickly learn Filth Techniques!
Q: Where is the secret passage in Speedy Time Zone?
A: Go to the screen where you see a 'bone tunnel' and get yourself to the left
side of the screen. Keep going up but holding left until you find it.
Q: When do I see the double-leafed plant in Tropical Jungle???
A: When Yuramon mentions it.
Q: What is the double-leafed plant in Tropical Jungle?
A: Vegiemon.
Q: It doesn't look like Vegiemon... Are you sure it is a Vegiemon?
A: Yes, use a Rain Plant to make it become Vegiemon
Q: How do I get a Rain Plant?
A: The 15th of every year, if you go see Tanemon sleeping, the plant will be on
the box by his side.
Q: Where is the "Invisible Bridge"?
A: The last screen of Tropical Jungle, there should be a place that looks like
you're in a Canyon. Go to the top-right area there, and try to walk out of the
Q: How do I use chips?
A: Feed it to your Digimon.
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permission. If permission IS granted, you are not permitted to change a single
word of this FAQ when you post it, and must leave it as a .txt file unless I've
explicitly told you otherwise that you may change it. Do not steal information
from this FAQ for your magazine, or other form of media - printed, online, or
otherwise. Do not pass GO, do not collect $200. If you violate this disclaimer
anyway, blah blah copyright violation blah blah legal action blah.
NOTE TO WEBMASTERS: If permission is granted to post this guide on your site, it
is your_ responsibility to get the most recent version from
periodically. If you can't be bothered to keep it current, then please don't
post it.
Below is the list of sites that I allowed to link/use my Guide on their web-
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| Table of Contents |
| I. Introduction |
| II. Recruiting Digimon |
| IV. Digivolving |
| V. Digivolution Tree |
| VI. Items List |
| VII. Battling |
| VIII. Catching Seadramon |
| XI. Mojyamon and Money Trick |
| XII. Geko Village |
| XIII. The Secrets of Training |
| XIV. Greymon's Arena |
| XV. Game's Medals |
| XVII. Item Shop Guide |
| XVIII. Items Bosses Drop |
| XIX. Bosses HP |
| XXI. Restaurant Guide |
| XXII. Mastering Techniques |
| XXIV. Glitches |
| XXV. GameShark Codes |
| XXVI. Frequently Asked Questions |
| XXIX. Contact Information |
| XXX. Special Thanks/Credits |
If you want to go directly to a Chapter without having to scroll all the way
down, press Ctrl+F and then type the number of the Chapter
Version 2.01
- Champions section finished (it wasn't included in previous update)
- Re-wrote the whole recruiting section. Now in new form; easier to understand
with clearer explanations.
-= I. Introduction =-
Digimon World is an adventure game. On Digimon World, your goal is to save File
City by recruiting Digimon to the City. When you get a certain amount of Digimon
to the City, a door will open to a place with very hard Digimon. But it's a long
way until there so hold on matey!
In case some people don't know yet, here are the Controls of Digimon World:
START - Pause the game
SELECT - Nothing
X - Interact / Talk
TRIANGLE - Opens menu
CIRCLE - Nothing
SQUARE - Nothing
R1 - |
R2 - |
L1 - |
L2 - |
START - Pause the game
SELECT - Sees the opponent's HP (Thanks to everyone that reminded me...)
X - Select command
TRIANGLE - Opens menu
CIRCLE - Nothing
R1 - After unleashing your Finishing, keep pressing repeatedly to fill your
R2 - Nothing
L1 - After unleashing your Finishing, keep pressing repeatedly to fill your
L2 - Nothing
LEFT - Toggle menu / Walk left
RIGHT - Toggle menu / Walk right
UP - Toggle menu / Walk up
DOWN - Toggle menu / Walk down
-= II. Recruiting Digimon =-
Rookie Digimon - 1 Prosperity Point
Filth Digimon - 1 Prosperity point (Sukamon, Nanimon and Numemon)
Champion Digimon - 2 Prosperity Points
Ultimate Digimon - 3 Prosperity Points
The MAX amount of Prosperity Rate is 100. Below is a list of the recruitable
Digimon and how to obtain each of them:
| Rookies |
Who: Agumon
How: Win a fight against him.
Why: He a very useful Item Keeper, where you can store and withdraw items at any
Location: Native Forest, the first screen after leaving File City.
Who: Betamon
How: Simply talk to him in Native Forest.
Why: He should open the item tend, and if tend is already present he will serve
as a seller.
Where: Tropical Jungle
Who: Biyomon
How: Upon finding Biyomon he will run away from you. What you have to do is go
to a corner and tell your Digimon to go to the other. Biyomon should run to your
direction and when he tries to run he will be trapped by you and your Digimon.
Why: He expands the Item Stand making it now an Item Shop, with many more items
Where: Gear Savanna
Who: Elecmon
How: When pressing the button X on him you will be shocked, losing some of your
Digimon’s HP. Let him shock you three times consecutively.
Why: He will put lights and make signs on the outer sides of File City.
Where: Gear Savanna
Who: Gabumon
How: Win the battle against him.
Why: Helps Drimogemon find better items.
Where: Misty Trees
Who: Kunemon
How: Talking to him will trigger the event where he will ask for food, after
giving him any type of food he will want to battle you. Win the battle.
Why: Eats the grass making it able to go directly from the City to the Digimon
Where: Kunemon's Bed
Who: Palmon
How: Win a fight against her.
Why: Upgrades the meat farm. Instead of Meat she gives you a daily 3 Giant
Where: Native Forest
Who: Patamon
How: When finding him on Gear Savanna he will want to battle you 3 times
consecutively, win all 3. If you leave the screen in the middle of any of the
battles, once you come back you will have to repeat all three battles.
Why: He expands the Item Stand making it now an Item Shop, with many more items
Where: Gear Savanna
Who: Penguinmon
How: Have a match of Digimon Curling against him and win. The first try is free;
if by any chance you lose and need a rematch he will ask for any type of fish
ash your entry-fee.
Why: Opens the Curling Arena inside Greymon's Arena, allowing you to play
curling against him anytime for some neat prizes.
Where: Freeze Land
| Champions |
Who: Airdramon
Pre-requisite: Having 40 Prosperity Rate.
How: After knowing from Jijimon that you have 50+ Prosperity Rate going out of
his house will trigger a battle against Airdramon, knocking some of your
Digimon’s HP. Winning will result in the opening of Mt. Infinity and the resting
place will move to the back of Jijimon’s House.
screen he will come flying at you and; knocking out some HP. Fight. Win
Why: He sleeps by the Fire Place on Jijimon's house. After finishing Mt.
Infinity he becomes a Fortune Teller in Greymon’s Arena.
Where: Just outside Jijimon’s House.
Who: Angemon
Pre-requisite: Having a Vaccine type Digimon
How: When you first enter the Ice Sanctuary you should see Angemon's glowing
statue. Inspect it to open the hidden passageway underneath it. Head down the
passageway into a small hallway with Icemon and a blue Meramon. Near the Icemon
you should see a darkened portion of the wall on your right side. Walk against
it to find that it is really an open passage. Continue on through the passageway
to see a Garurumon and a Hyogamon patrolling the area. Enter the next room, and
you will find four teleporting devices which look like columns of light that
have black pyramids within them. This might be tricky, so read carefully: First
head east and use the teleporter you see there. Now take the northeastern
teleporter which will bring you to the final room, where a Hyogamon and two
Icemon will be waiting for you. Defeat all three and you will be able to free
Angemon's spirit, which you can find near the southern wall of the room. Once
his spirit has left, leave the sanctuary basement and make your way back from
where you came; Angemon should be waiting on the first secret passage, at the
Ice Sanctuary entrance.
Why: Modifies Jijimon's House and he gives you advice on whom to recruit to your
Where: Ice Sanctuary
Who: Bakemon
How: Talk to him on Overdell Cemetery and answer his questions: Yes, Yes, No.
Why: Stands around patrolling the city.
Where: Overdell Cemetery
Who: Birdramon
How: When you first reach Great Canyon, about on the third screen after the
entrance there should be an elevator. You will notice you can't go down so press
up and walk up to the nest. Birdramon will come flying your way and he will want
to battle for his nest. Win.
Why: He makes the Birdra Transport
Where: Great Canyon Top Area
Who: Centarumon
How: Your mission is to get to the O and the end of the screen (north).
Every time you walk for a while Centarumon will shoot you, knocking out some HP.
If your HP reaches 0 you will have to start from the beginning, so every time
you get shot recover to prevent starting over. If you reach the end and by
mistake go to the X you will fail and start from the beginning.
Why: Opens the Digimon Clinic, where you can buy medicine and/or rest.
Where: Amida Forest
Who: Coelamon
How: Head to Coela Point at noon once and he will bring you to the other side of
the river. Come back through the magically fixed bridge and speak to him again.
Why: He should open the item tend, and if tend is already present he will serve
as a seller.
Where: Coela Point
Who: Devimon
How: You will have a chance to battle him just before ending Mt. Infinity. Take
note he will only join after you finish Mt. Infinity.
Why: Works in the secret item shop.
Location - Mt. Infinity
Who: Drimogemon
How: In the first screen after moving the rock on the way to Meramon go down.
There should be a Drimogemon digging, that when spoken to, says it's going to
take a while. Go back in 3 days and he should be done.
Why: Opens the treasure hunting business.
Where: Drill Tunnel
Who: Frigimon
How: Bring any Digimon who doesn’t like the cold to Freeze Land, let him get
sick and faint. Frigimon will rescue you and heal your sickness. After doing
that just Digivolve to any Digimon other than the ones who don’t like the cold,
go back to Frigimon’s House and speak to him again.
The Digimon who get sick are:
- Agumon
- Greymon
- Tyrannomon
- Meramon
- Monochromon
- Kunemon
- Kuwagamon
- Kabuterimon
- All baby and In-Training Digimon
Why: He opens/works at the restaurant.
Where: Freeze Land / Frigimon's House
Who: Garurumon
How: When first meeting him you will be challenged for a duel. Win the battle
and he will ask for a rematch, only this time you won’t be able to use items or
commands. Come back the next day and win the rematch.
Why: He opens/works at the restaurant.
Where: Freeze Land
Who: Greymon
Pre-requisite: Having 15 Prosperity Rate.
How: Talk to Jijimon until he says your Prosperity Rate and upon leaving the
house Greymon will challenge you to a battle. What street sign, by the way?
Why: Opens Greymon's Arena.
Where: File City, outside Jijimon’s House.
Who: Kabuterimon
Pre-requisite: Having Greymon already in the city.
How: Answer the second option ("Maybe it's an Arena.")
Why: Boosts your training at Training Gym.
Where: Beetle Land
Who: Kuwagamon
How: Answer the second option: ("Actually... there is a sure fire)
Why: Boosts your training at Training gym.
Where: Beetle Land
Who: Kokatorimon
How: Early in the morning he can be found in he screen in Misty Trees which has
some frozen/petrified Digimon. Simply win the battle.
Why: Makes a Scarecrow by the Toilet.
Where: Misty Trees
Who: Leomon
Pre-requisite: Having 40+ Prosperity Rate
How: Remember the Drimogemon that said you needed to come back later cause he
was not done digging yet? Go back to him and the path he was digging will now be
opened. There you will find "Leomon’s Stone Tablet". With that item in hand, go
talk to Leomon and give him the stone.
Why: Stays by the Birdramon on Birdra's Transport.
Where: Gear Savanna
Who: Meramon
Pre-requisite: Having beat the “crazy” Drimogemon.
How: In the screen with the digging Drimogemon you will be asked if you want to
Work. If you choose to do so you will have to carry all the dirt from the pile
until the entrance of the cave. After the pile is gone the place where he was
digging should be gone. Proceed along the path until you find Meramon and win
the battle. (Note: If you don’t want to the carry the dirt just answer no and
wait a few days, the dirt should be gone by itself)
Why: He opens/works at the restaurant.
Where: Drill Tunnel
Who: Monochromon
How: You have to sell at least 3200 BITs while working at his store.
Why: He expands the Item Stand making it now an Item Shop, with many more items
Where: Great Canyon
Who: Moyjamon
How: Trade the Mojyamon with all the items they want. The last one you complete
the trades is the one who will join the city.
Why: Works in the secret item shop.
Where: Freeze Land
Who: Nanimon
How: Find him in all 5 locations:
~~~~~ Where you found Leomon's Tablet, Drill Tunnel.
~~~~~ Where you fought Meteormon, Ancient Speedy Zone.
~~~~~ Where you fought WaruMonzaemon, Toy Town.
~~~~~ Where you fought Numemon, Factorial Town.
~~~~~ Where you fought Ogremon in his hideout, Ogremon’s Fortress.
Why: Nothing
Where: Varies
Who: Ninjamon
Pre-requisite: Having recruited someone that works on the Secret Item Shop.
How: Head over to Digimon Bridge and look for the big whirlwind. Battle and win.
Why: Sits on the Secret Item Shop and talks about items.
Where: Digimon Bridge
Who: Numemon
Pre-requisite: Having the Factory shut down by Andromon (beating Giromon and
talking to Andromon afterwards)
How: Enter the sewers and win the battle against Numemon.
City - Works in the secret item shop.
Where: Factorial Town Sewers
Who: Shellmon
Pre-requisite: Beating Ogremon in his Hideout.
How: When going up the elevator and following the path Shellmon will say she is
stuck due to a mysterious tremor, which might be from the elevator. Go back to
the elevator, head down and try to get on the elevator again, it should say that
the elevator is causing the ground to shake. Don’t get in. Make your way to
where Shellmon cried for help, but reach it from Freeze Land. Shellmon will be
waiting to thank you.
Why: Opens the Shell Newspaper
Where: Great Canyon
Who: Sukamon
How: Talk to the North-West one (Top-Right)
Why: Sleeping by the toilet will result in your Digimon not pooping on the floor
while asleep. (Pending Confirmation)
Where: Trash Mountain
Who: Tyrannomon
How: Win the battle upon first entering Dino Region. After you are finished with
the Speedy Time Zone (beating Meteormon) go back to meet Tyrannomon and speak to
Why: He opens/works at the restaurant.
Where: Dino Region
Who: Unimon
Pre-requisite: Having Centarumon in your city.
How: Give him any recovery Item and he will fly back to the city.
Why: He expands the Item Stand making it now an Item Shop, with many more items
Where: Mt. Panorama
Who: Whamon
How: When you first meet her in Freeze Land she will ask for help clearing some
bandits from her cave, answer that you are willing to help and she will take you
to the cave. Upon reaching the cave you will need to battle a team made up of:
Ogremon, WaruSeadramon and a Gabumon. After the battle is over she will join the
Why: Transports you from File City to Secret Beach Cave or Factorial Town.
Where: Freeze Land
Who: Vegiemon
Pre-requisite: Having Palmon in the city.
How: Every 15’Th of every month a Rain Plant will spawn next to Yuramon, make
sure to get one. Talk to him about a plant living in the Tropical Jungle and
proceed to the growing plant in Tropical Jungle, it will then ask if you wish to
use an item. Choose to use Rain Plant and tell Vegiemon you like Veggies.
Why: Takes place of Palmon and gives you 3 Sirloin every day, also sells Super
Carrots and Hawk Radishes.
Where: Tropical Jungle
| Ultimates |
Who: Andromon
Pre-requisite: Having beaten Giromon.
How: Talk to him and he should say something about repairing damage. Come back
the next day and talk to him again.
Why: Stands by the Birdra Transport.
Where: Factorial Town
Who: Digitamamon
Pre-requisite: Beating Machinedramon.
How: Go back to the place where you fought Machinedramon and win the battle
against Digitamamon. (He has 9999HP & MP + 999 on all stats!)
Why: Works in the restaurant.
Where: Mt. Infinity
Who: Etemon
Pre-requisite: Having 50+ Prosperity Rate.
How: Go to the Tree House in Native Forest, knock on the door and win the battle
against Etemon. Be careful since he will drop on top of you knocking out a big
chunk of HP just before the battle.
Why: Sells Golden Banana's at the Digimon Bridge for 50.000 BITs.
Where: Native Forest
Who: Giromon
Pre-requisite: Having recruited Andromon.
How: Go back to Factorial Town when the repairs are done and talk to Giromon.
Where: Factorial Town
Who: Mamemon
How: Keep entering and exiting the screen until he appears and win a battle
against him.
Why: Works in the secret item shop.
Where: Mt. Panorama
Who: MegaDramon
How: When you see MegaDramon, right before Metal Greymon, talk to him and choose
the option: "But I have to test my strength!". Win the battle.
Why: Just brags outside the arena. Be prepared for a strong fight against him in
the Arena's "Grade S" Tournaments.
Where: Mt. Infinity
Who: MetalGreymon
How: - He will be waiting right at the end of Mt. Infinity for a battle. Win the
Why: After you beat the game he gives you heroic names.
Where: Mt.Infinity
Who: MetalMamemon
Pre-requisite: Having Penguinmon, Numemon, Giromon and Andromon in the city.
How: Fight him and win.
Why: Does curling in Penguinmon’s Curling Arena.
Where: Factorial Town
Who: Monzaemon
How: Go to Toy Town with a Numemon, and enter the Costume House. Proceed to the
Monzaemon (teddy bear) costume and you should Digivolve to Monzaemon.
As Monzaemon proceed to the house where Tinmon is located, he should say he
unlocked the Mansion Doors for you. Make your way through the mansion and beat
Waru Monzaemon. After beating him proceed back to the Tinmon and they should
thank you. Monzaemon now joins the city.
till your Digimon and not Numemon.
Why: Nothing
Where: Toy Town
Who: Piximon
How: Appears randomly at the entrance of the Tropical Jungle. He will ask you if
you wish to have a battle in trade of his help. Win the battle.
Why: Sells Training Manual in the Item Shop. (50,000 BITS)
Where: Tropical Jungle
Who: SkullGreymon
How: Beat him at Gray Lords Mansion and talk to Myotismon, he should say
something about them both going to the Arena.
Why: He competes in the arena. Be prepared for a tough fight if you go to a
"Grade A" or "Grade S" Cup.
Location - Grey Lord's Mansion
Who: Vademon
Pre-requisite: Having recruited SkullGreymon and reading the news on Shell
How: Proceed to those weird symbols in the Spore Area in Mt. Panorama. You will
see a Vademon. Talk to him and convince him to join the city. You do not have to
fight him.
Why: Works in the Restaurant.
Where: Spore Area at Mt. Panorama
-= IV. Digivolving =-
On Digimon World you will probably be spending more time Digivolving then
playing the Story. Digivolution is made up of:
| Champions |
- AirDramon
Type: Vaccine
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Digivolves From: Biyomon
Care Mistakes: 0 to 1
Body Weight: 30g
Condition: Mp 1000, Speed 100, Brains 100
Bonus Condition: Discipline gauge- 90 %
Special Condition: A 30 % chance exists to a SeaDramon or
Birdamon can Digivolve to AirDramon when
they Sleep with discipline gauge at 100
%, happiness at 100 % and tiredness zero.
Digivolving Items: Rainbowhorn
Finishing Technique: Spinning Needle
Digivolves to: MegaDramon, Phoenixmon, Vademon
- Angemon
Type: Vaccine
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Digivolves From: Patamon, Elecmon
Care Mistakes: 0
Body Weight: 20g
Condition: Mp 1000, Brains 100
Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Patamon
Digivolving Items: White Wings
Finishing Technique: Hand of Fate
Digivolves to: Devimon, Andromon, Phoenixmon, Vademon
- Bakemon
Type: Virus
Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00
Digivolves From: Elecmon, Tanemon
Care Mistakes: 3+
Body Weight: 20g
Condition: Mp 1000
Bonus Condition: Happiness gauge- 75 %
Digivolving Items: Torn Tatter
Finishing Technique: Dark Claw
Digivolves to: Skull Greymon, Giromon, Vademon
- Birdramon
Type: Vaccine
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Digivolves From: Agumon, Biyomon
Care Mistakes: 3+
Body Weight: 20g
Condition: Speed 100
Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Biyomon
Digivolving Items: Flaming Wings
Finishing Technique: Meteor Wing
Digivolves to: Phoenixmon, Vademon
- Centarumon
Type: Data
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Digivolves From: Agumon, Gabumon
Care Mistakes: 2 to 3
Body Weight: 30g
Condition: Brains 100
Bonus Condition: Discipline gauge- 60 %
Digivolving Items: Iron Hoof
Finishing Technique: Solar Ray
Digivolves to: Andromon, Giromon
- Coelamon
Type: Data
Active Hours: 11:00 - 2:00
Digivolves From: Palmon, Betamon
Care Mistakes: 3+
Body Weight: 30g
Condition: Defense 100
Bonus Condition: A Whamon or Shellmon has a 30 % chance to Digivolve
to Coelamon when 360 hours have passed
since Digivolving from Champion form.
Digivolving Items: Hard Scale
Finishing Technique: Ice Fist
Digivolves to: Mega Seadramon, Vademon
- Devimon
Type: Virus
Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00
Digivolves From: Angemon
Care Mistakes: Variable
Body Weight: Variable
Condition: An Angemon has 50 % chance to Digigivolve
to a Devimon when its discipline gauge is
below 50 % and it loses a battle
Bonus Condition: N/A
Digivolving Items: Black Wings
Finishing Technique: Death Claw
Digivolve to: Skull Greymon, Mega Dramon, Vademon
- Drimogemon
Type: Data
Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00
Digivolves From: Gabumon, Betamon
Care Mistakes: 3+
Body Weight: 40g
Condition: Offense 100
Bonus Condition: Happiness gauge- 75 %
Digivolving Items: Steel Drill
Finishing Technique: Drill Spin
Digivolve to: Metal Greymon, vademon
- Frigimon
Type: Vaccine
Active Hours: 11:00 - 2:00
Digivolves From: Penguinmon
Care Mistakes: 4 to 5
Body Weight: 30g
Condition: Mp 1000, Brains 100
Bonus Condition: Happiness gauge- 75 %
Digivolving Items: Ice Crystal
Finishing Technique: SubZero Ice Punch
Digivolve to: Mamemon, Metal Mamemon, Vademon
- Garurumon
Type: Vaccine
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Digivolves From: Gabumon, Penguinmon
Care Mistakes: 0 to 1
Body Weight: 30g
Condition: Mp 1000, Speed 100
Bonus Condition: Discipline gauge- 90 %
Digivolving Items: Blue Crystal
Finishing Technique: Howling Blaster
Digivolve to: Skull Greymon, Mega Seadramon, Vademon
- Greymon
Type: Vaccine
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Digivolves From: Agumon
Care Mistakes: 0 to 1
Body Weight: 30g
Condition: Offense 100, Defense 100, Speed 100, and Brains
Bonus Condition: Discipline gauge- 90 %
Digivolving Items: Grey Claws
Finishing Technique: Mega Flame
Digivolve to: Metal Greymon, Skull Greymon, Vademon
- Kabuterimon
Type: Vaccine
Active Hours: 19:00 - 10:00
Digivolves From: Biyomon, Kunemon
Care Mistakes: 0 to 1
Body Weight: 30g
Condition: Hp 1000, Offense 100, Defense 100, Speed
Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Kunemon
Digivolving Items: Horn Helmet
Finishing Technique: Electro Shocker
Digivolve to: Metal Mamemon, Hercules Kabuterimmon,
- Kokatorimon
Type: Vaccine
Active Hours: 1:00 - 16:00
Digivolves From: Elecmon, Biyomon
Care Mistakes: 3+
Body Weight: 30g
Condition: Hp 1000
Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Biyomon
Digivolving Items: Rooster
Finishing Technique: Frozen Fire Shot
Digivolve to: Piximon, Phoenixmon, Vademon
- Kuwagamon
Type: Virus
Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00
Digivolves From: Kunemon, Palmon
Care Mistakes: 5+
Body Weight: 30g
Condition: Hp 1000, Mp 1000, Offense 100, Speed 100
Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Kunemon
Digivolving Items: Scissor Jaw
Finishing Technique: Scissor Claw
Digivolve to: Piximon, Hercules Kabuterimon, Vademon
- Leomon
Type: Vaccine
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Digivolves From: Patamon, Elecmon
Care Mistakes: 0 to 1
Body Weight: 20g
Condition: Offense 100, Speed 100, Brains 100
Bonus Condition: Battles- 10+
Digivolving Items: Flaming Mane
Finishing Technique: Fist of the Beast King
Digivolve to: Mamemon, Andromon,Saber Leomon ( ???? ),
- Meramon
Type: Data
Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00
Digivolves From: Agumon
Care Mistakes: 5+
Body Weight: 20g
Condition: Offense 100
Bonus Condition: Battles- 10+
Digivolving Items: Fireball
Finishing Technique: Fireball
Digivolve to: Metal Greymon, Andromon, Vademon
- Monochromon
Type: Data
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Digivolves From: Agumon, Gabumon
Care Mistakes: 2 to 3
Body Weight: 40g
Condition: Hp 1000, Defense 100, Brains 100
Bonus Condition: Any Rookie Digimon can Digivolve to
Monochremon when its discipline gauge at
100 % and a Defense 500+
Digivolving Items: Mono Stone
Finishing Technique: Volcanic Strike
Digivolve to: Metal Greymon, Metal Mamemon, Vademon
- Moyjamon
Type: Vaccine
Active Hours: 1:00 - 16:00
Digivolves From: Penguinmon
Care Mistakes: 5+
Body Weight: 20g
Condition: Hp 1000, Mp 1000
Bonus Condition: Battles- 5 or less
Digivolving Items: Hari Grower
Finishing Technique: Bone Boomerang
Digivolve to: Mamemon, Skull Greymon, Vademon
- Nanimon
Type: Virus
Active Hours: 11:00 - 2:00
Digivolves From: All Rookie Digimon
Care Mistakes: Variable
Body Weight: Variable
Condition: Digivolves when you scold your Digimon
(happiness and discipline gauge must be zero)
Bonus Condition: N/A
Digivolving Items: Sunglasess
Finishing Technique: Poop
Digivolve to: Digitamamon, Vademon
- Ninjamon
Type: Data
Active Hours: 1:00 - 16:00
Digivolves From: Palmon
Care Mistakes: 0 to 1
Body Weight: 10g
Condition: Mp 1000, Offense 100, Speed 100
Bonus Condition: A Vegiomon has 30 % to Digivolve to
Ninjamon after fighting 50+ battles and
its discipline gauge is at 100 %
Digivolving Items: Koga's Laws
Finishing Technique: Koga Star
Digivolve to: Mamemon, Metal Mamemon, Piximon, Vademon
- Numemon
Type: Virus
Active Hours: 7:00 - 22:00
Digivolves From: All rookie Digimon
Care Mistakes: Variable
Body Weight: Varable
Condition: When a Digivolution time ends, a Digimon
will into a Numemon when it has met no other
Digivolution condition
Bonus Condition: N/A
Digivolving Items: N/A
Finishing Technique: Poop
Digivolve to: Monzaemon, Vademon
- Ogremon
Type: Virus
Active Hours: 11:00 - 2:00
Digivolves From: Gabummon, Patamon
Care Mistakes: 5+
Body Weight: 30g
Condition: Hp 1000, Offense 100
Bonus Condition: Battles- 15+
Digivolving Items: Spike Club
Finishing Technique: Pummel Whack
Digivolve to: Andromon, Giromon, Vademon
- SeaDramon
Type: Data
Active Hours: 7:00 - 22:00
Possible Digimon: Betamon
Care Mistakes: 3+
Body Weight: 30g
Condition: Hp 1000, Mp 1000
Bonus Condition: Battles- 5 or less
Digivolving Items: Water Bottle
Finishing Technique: Ice Blast
Digivolve to : Mega Dramon, Mega Seadramon, Vademon
- Shellmon
Type: Data
Active Hours: 7:00 - 22:00
Possible Digimon: Betamon, Penguinmon
Care Mistakes: 5+
Body Weight: 40g
Condition: Hp 1000, Defense 100
Bonus Condition: Corrent Digimon- Betamon
Digivolving Items: Red Shell
Finishing Technique: Hydro Pressure
Digivolve to : Hercules Kabuterimon, Mega Seadramon, Vademon
- Sukamon
Type: Virus
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Possible Digimon: All Digimon
Care Mistakes: " Field Poops " reaches 16 or more
Body Weight: variable
Condition: " Field Poops " reaches 16 or more
Bonus Condition: N/A
Digivolving Items: N/a
Finishing Technique: Party Time
Digivolve to : Etemon, Vademon
- Tyranomon
Type: Data
Active Hours: 11:00 - 2:00
Possible Digimon: Agumon, Gabumon, Patamon
Care Mistakes: 4 to 5
Body Weight: 30g
Condition: Hp 1000, Defense 100
Bonus Condition: Battles- 5 or less
Digivolving Items: White Fang
Finishing Technique: Blaze Blast
Digivolve to : Metal Greymon, Megadramon, Vademon
- Unimon
Type: Vaccine
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Possible Digimon: Patamon, Biyomon
Care Mistakes: 2 to 3
Body Weight: 30g
Condition: Hp 1000, Speed 100
Bonus Condition: Battles- 10+
Digivolving Items: Unihorn
Finishing Technique: Aerial Attack
Digivolve to : Phoenixmon, Giromon, Vademon
- Vegiemon
Type: Virus
Active Hours: 1:00 - 16:00
Possible Digimon: Kunemon, Palmon
Care Mistakes: 5+
Body Weight: 10g
Condition: Mp 1000
Bonus Condition: Happiness gauge- 75 %
Digivolving Items: Organic Fertilizer
Finishing Technique: Sweet Breath
Digivolve to : Piximon, Vademon
- Whamon
Type: Vaccine
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Possible Digimon: Palmon, Betamon, Penguinmon
Care Mistakes: 2 to 3
Body Weight: 40g
Condition: Hp 1000, Brains 100
Bonus Condition: Discipline gauge- 60 %
Digivolving Items: North Star
Finishing Technique: Blasting Spout
Digivolve to : Mamemon, Mega Seadramon, Vademon
| Ultimates |
- Andromon
Type: Vaccine
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Digivolves From: Meramon, Centarumon, Ogremon, Leomon, Angemon
Care Mistakes: 5 or less
Body Weight: 40g
Condition: HP 2500, MP 4000, Offense 300, Defense 450,
Speed 200, Brains 500
Bonus Condition: Battles - 20+
Digivolving Item: Cyber Parts
Finishing Technique: Spiral Sword
- Digitamamon
Type: Data
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Digivolves From: Nanimon
Care Mistakes: No Limits
Body Weight: 15g
Condition: HP 3000, MP 4000, Offense 300, Defense 300, Speed 200,
Brains 450
Bonus Condition: Techniques - 50+
Digivolving Item: Mysty Egg
Finishing Technique: Nightmare Syndrome
- Etemon
Type: virus
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Digivolves From: Sukamon
Care Mistakes: No Limits
Body Weight: 15g
Condition: HP 2000, MP 1000, Offense 400, Defense 200, Speed 400,
Brains 300
Bonus Condition: Battles - 25+
Digivolving Item: Gold Banana
Finishing Technique: Dark Network
- Giromon
Type: Vaccine
Active Hours: 11:00 - 2:00
Digivolves From: Centarumon, Ogremon, Bakemon, Unimon
Care Mistakes: 15+
Body Weight: 5g
Condition: Offense 400, Speed 300, Brains 400
Bonus Condition: Happiness gauge - 95 %, Battles - 100+
Digivolving Item: Chainsaw
Finishing Technique: Deadly Bomb
- Hercules Kabuterimon
Type: Data
Active Hours: 19:00 - 10:00
Digivolves From: Kabuterimon, Kuwagamon, Shellmon
Care Mistakes: 0
Body Weight: 35-45
Condition: HP 4500, MP 3500, Offense 450, Defense 350, Speed 300,
Brains 350
Bonus Condition: Happiness gauge - minimum, evolve from Kabuterimon
Digivolving Item: Beetle Pearl
Finishing Technique: High Electro Shocker
- Mamemon
Type: Data
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Digivolves From: Leomon, Ninjamon, Frigimon, Whamon, Moyjamon
Care Mistakes: 15+
Body Weight: 5g
Condition: Offense 400, Defense 300, Speed 300, Brains 400
Bonus Condition: Happiness gauge - 100 %
Digivolving Item: Silver Ball
Finishing Technique: Smiley Bomb
- MegaDramon
Type: Virus
Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00
Digivolves From: Tyrannamon, Devimon, AirDramon, Seadramon
Care Mistakes: 10 or less
Body Weight: 55g
Condition: HP 4000, MP 5000, Offense 500, Defense 400, Speed 300,
Brains 400
Bonus Condition: Battles - 30+
Digivolving Item: Mega Hand
Finishing Technique: Genocide Attack
- MegaSeadramon
Type: Data
Active Hours: 7:00 - 22:00
Digivolves From: Seadramon, Coelamon, Whamon, Shellmon, Garurumon
Care Mistakes: 0
Body Weight: 20-30
Condition: HP 2500, MP 3500, Offense 300,Defense 250,Speed 400,Brains
Bonus Condition: Evolve from Seadramon.
Digivolving Item: Coral Charm
Finishing Technique: Mail Strome
- Metal Greymon
Type: Virus
Active Hours: 7:00 - 22:00
Digivolves From: Greymon, Monochromon, Tyrannamon, Drimogeomon
Care Mistakes: 10 or less
Body Weight: 65g
Condition: Hp 4000, Mp 3000, Offense 500, Defense 500, Speed 350,
Brains 350
Bonus Condition: A Metal Greymon has a 50 % chance
to Digivolve to a Skull Greymon when
it loses a battle.
Digivolving Item: Metal Parts
Finishing Technique: Giga Scissor Claw
- Metal Mamemon
Type: Data
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Digivolves From: Monochromon, Ninjamon, Kabuterimon, Frigimon
Care Mistakes: 15 or less
Body Weight: 10g
Condition: Offense 500, Defense 400, Speed 400, Brains 400
Bonus Condition: Happiness gauge - 100 %
Digivolving Item: Metal Armor
Finishing Technique: Energy Bomb
- Monzaemon
Type: Vaccine
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Digivolves From: Numemon
Care Mistakes: 0
Body Weight: 40g
Condition: Hp 3000, Mp 3000, Offense 300, Defense 300,
Speed 300, Brains 300
Bonus Condition: Battles - 10+
Digivolving Item: X Bandage
Finishing Technique: Lovely Attack
- Phoenixmon
Type: Vaccine
Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
Digivolves From: Birdramon, Airdramon, Kokatorimon, Angemon, Unimon
Care Mistakes: 0
Body Weight: 20
Condition: HP 2500, MP 4000, Offense 450, Defense 250, Speed 400,
Brains 250
Bonus Condition: Evolve from Birdramon.
Digivolving Item: Red Ruby
Finishing Technique: Crimson Flare
- Piximon
Type: Data
Active Hours: 1:00 - 16:00
Digivolves From: Kokatorimon, Vegiemon, Ninjamon, Kuwagamon
Care Mistakes: 15+
Body Weight: 5g
Condition: Offense 350, Defense 350, Speed 400, Brains 400
Bonus Condition: Discipline and Happiness gauge - 100 %
Digivolving Item: Small Spear
Finishing Technique: Bit Bomb
- Skull Greymon
Type: Virus
Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00
Digivolves From: Greymon, Devimon, Moyjamon, Bakemon, Garurumon
Care Mistakes: 10+
Body Weight: 30g
Condition: Hp 4000, Mp 6000, Offense 400, Defense 400, Speed 250,
Brains 500
Bonus Condition: Battles 40+; Techniques: 45+
Digivolving Item: Fatal Bone
Finishing Technique: Dark Shot
- Vademon
Type: Virus
Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00
Digivolves From: Any Champion Digimon
Care Mistakes: Any
Body Weight: Any
Condition: All Champion Digimon can Digivolve to Vademon after 360
collapse as a Champion Digimon
Bonus Condition: N/A
Digivolving Item: Ray Gun
Finishing Technique: Abduction Beam
-= V. Digivolution Tree =-
I will not be using Numemon, Nanimon, Sukamon and Vademon on the chars since any
Digimon can digivolve to them.
|___MetalGreymon -|___SkullGreymon
|___Meramon -|
| |___Andromon
| |___MetalGreymon -|___SkullGreymon
| |
|___Monochromon -|
| |
| |___MetalMamemon
| |___MetalGreymon -|___SkullGreymon
| |
|___Tyrannamon -|
| |
| |___MegaDramon
Agumon -|
| ___MetalGreymon -|___SkullGreymon
| |
|___Greymon -|
| |
| |___SkullGreymon
| |___Andromon
| |
|___Centarumon -|
| |
| |___Giromon
|___Birdramon -|___Phoenixmon
|___Drimogeomon -|___MetalGreymon -|___SkullGreymon
| |___MetalGreymon -|___SkullGreymon
| |
|___Monochromon -|
| |
| |___MetalMamemon
| |___MetalGreymon -|___SkullGreymon
| |
|___Tyrannamon -|
| |
| |___MegaDramon
Gabumon -|
| |___MegaSeadramon
| |
|___Garurumon -|
| |
| |___SkullGreymon
| |___Andromon
| |
|___Centarumon -|
| |
| |___Giromon
| |___Giromon
|___Ogremon -|
|___Drimogeomon -|___MetalGreymon -|___SkullGreymon
| |___Andromon
| |
|___Leomon -|
| |
| |___Mamemon -|___MetalMamemon
| |___MetalGreymon -|___SkullGreymon
| |
|___Tyrannamon -|
| |
| |___MegaDramon
Patamon -|
| |___Phoenixmon
| |
| |
| | |___SkullGreymon
| | |
|___Angemon -|___Devimon (Champion) -|
| | |
| | |___MegaDramon
| |
| |
| |___Andromon
| |___Phoenixmon
| |
|___Unimon -|
| |
| |___Giromon
| |___Giromon
|___Ogremon -|
|___Kabuterimon -|
| |
| |___MetalMamemon
| |___Phoenixmon
| |
|___Kokatorimon -|
| |
| |___Piximon
Biyomon -|___Birdramon -|___Phoenixmon
| |___Phoenixmon
| |
| |
|___Airdramon -|
| |
| |
| |___MegaDramon
| |___Phoenixmon
| |
|___Unimon -|
|___Kabuterimon -|
| |
| |___MetalMamemon
| |___Hercules-Kabuterimon
| |
|___Kuwagamon -|
| |
| |___Piximon
Kunemon -|
| |___Giromon
| |
| |
|___Bakemon -|
| |
| |
| |___SkullGreymon
|___Vegiemon -|___Piximon
|___Whamon -| |___Giromon
| | |
| |___Mamemon* -|
| |
| |___MetalMamemon
| |___Hercules-Kabuterimon
| |
|___Kuwagamon -|
| |
| |___Piximon
Palmon -|
| |___Mamemon
| |
| |
|___Ninjamon -|___MetalMamemon
| |
| |
| |___Piximon
|___Vegiemon -|___Piximon
|___Whamon -|
| |
| |___Mamemon
| |___Hercules-Kabuterimon
| |
|___Shellmon -|
| |
| |___MegaSeadramon
Betamon -|
| |___MegaSeadramon
| |
| |
|___Seadramon -|
| |
| |
| |___MegaDramon
|___Coelamon -|___MegaSeadramon
|___Leomon -|
| |
| |___Mamemon
| |___Giromon
| |
|___Bakemon -|
| |
| |___SkullGreymon
Elecmon -|
| |___Piximon
| |
| |
|___Kokatorimon -|
| |
| |
| |___Phoenixmon
| |___Phoenixmon
| | |___SkullGreymon
| | |
|___Angemon -|___Devimon (Champion) -|
| |
| |___MegaDramon
|___Whamon -|
| |
| |___Mamemon
| |___Hercules-Kabuterimon
| |
|___Shellmon -|
| |
| |___MegaSeadramon
| |___SkullGreymon
| |
Penguinmon -|___Mojyamon -|
| |
| |___Mamemon
| |___SkullGreymon
| |
| |
|___Garurumon -|
| |
| |
| |___MegaDramon
| |___Mamemon
| |
|___Frigimon -|
-= VI. Items List =-
Digivolution Items (Out of battle)
Coral Charm / MegaSeadramon
- While fishing in the Dragon Eye Lake, if you let a fish eat your bait, while
reeling in there is a 1% chance you will pull it along with the hook.
Beetle Pearl / Hercules-Kabuterimon
- Win the tournament held at Beetle Land...
Red Ruby / Phoenixmon
- Win the 'Version 0 Cup' at Greymon's Arena.
Mysty Egg / Digitamamon
- After defeating Ogremon from the 'Secret Beach Cave', it can be found on a
computer inside the cave.
Golden Banana / Etemon
- Buy each one for 50,000 BITS, from Etemon at the Digimon Bridge.
Ray Gun / Vademon
- You can find it at the Back Dimension
X-Bandage / Monzaemon
- After defeating WaruMonzaemon, on Toy Town, a ToyAgumon will trade it for 3
Small Spear / Piximon
- Get it as a prize from MetalMamemon at Digimon Curling...
Chainsaw / Giromon
- Get it as a prize from MetalMamemon at Digimon Curling...
Metal Armor / MetalMamemon
- Get it as a prize from MetalMamemon at Digimon Curling...
Silver Ball / Mamemon
- Get it as a prize from MetalMamemon at Digimon Curling...
Mega Hand / MegaDramon (33% chance)
- Win the 'Grade S Cup' at Greymon's Arena.
Fatal Bone / SkullGreymon (33% chance)
- Win the 'Grade S Cup' at Greymon's Arena.
Metal Parts / MetalGreymon (34% chance)
- Win the 'Grade S Cup' at Greymon's Arena.
Cyber Parts / Andromon
- Win the 'Metric Cup' at Greymon's Arena.
Sunglasses / Nanimon
- Win the 'Dirty Cup' at Greymon's Arena.
Ice Crystal / Frigimon
- Buy it for 500 Merit Points, from ShogunGekomon
Blue Crystal / Garurumon
- Win 'Version 2 Cup' at Greymon's Arena
Hard Scale / Coelamon
- Buy it for 500 Merit Points, from ShogunGekomon
Red Shell / Shellmon
- Buy it for 500 Merit Points, from ShogunGekomon
North Star / Whamon
- Win 'Cool Cup' at Greymon's Arena
Water Bottle / Seadramon
- Buy it for 500 Merit Points, from ShogunGekomon. Or you can ask Seadramon to
an item (Dragon Eye Lake), he'll give you it.
Koga's Laws / Ninjamon
- Get it as a random prize for Normal or Special 'Treasure Hunt'.
Fertilizer / Vegiemon
- Win 'Nature Cup' at Greymon's Arena
Scissor Jaw / Kuwagamon
- Win the tournament at Beetle Land in 2nd (Second) Place... (50% chance)
Horn Helmet / Kabuterimon
- Win the tournament at Beetle Land in 2nd (Second) Place... (50% chance)
Unihorn / Unimon
- Win the 'Thunder Cup' at Greymon's Arena...
Rooster / Kokatorimon
- Win 'Digimon Curling' against Penguinmon...
Rainbowhorn / Airdramon
- Buy it for 500 Merit Points, from ShogunGekomon...
Torn Tatter / Bakemon
- Get it as a random prize for Normal or Special 'Treasure Hunt'.
White Wings / Angemon
- Win the 'Wing Cup' at Greymon's Arena.
Flaming Mane / Leomon (thanks everyone for the correction ;)
- Win the 'Grade A Cup' at Greymon's Arena.
Spike Club / Ogremon
- Win the 'Grapple Cup' at Greymon's Arena.
Black Wings / Devimon
- Win the 'Human Cup' at Greymon's Arena
White Fang / Tyrannamon
- Win the 'Version 1 Cup' at Greymon's Arena.
Steel Drill / Drimogeomon
- Win the 'Animal Cup' at Greymon's Arena.
Mono Stone / Monochromon
- Win the 'Version 4 Cup' at Greymon's Arena.
Iron Hoof / Centarumon
- Win the 'Version 3 Cup' at Greymon's Arena.
Flaming Wings / Birdramon
- Get it as a random prize for Normal or Special 'Treasure Hunt'.
Fireball / Meramon
- Win the 'Fire Cup' at Greymon's Arena.
Grey Claws / Greymon
- Win the 'Dino Cup' at Greymon's Arena.
Metal Banana / MetalEtemon
- Only available through a Cheat-Device such as GameShark...
Noble Mane / Panjyamon
- Only available through a Cheat-Device such as GameShark...
Moon Mirror / WereGarurumon (Med Jai, thanks!)
- Only available through a Cheat-Device such as GameShark...
Giga Hand / Gigadramon
- Only available through a Cheat-Device such as GameShark...
Electo Ring / Kaminarimon
- Only available through a Cheat-Device such as GameShark...
Food Items (Out of battle)
- Moldy Meat
- Makes Digimon a bit full.
- Weight +2 / Makes your Digimon sick.
- The screen where you recruit Centarumon at Amida Forest, before recruiting
him. Also available on the vending machine in Ancient Dino Region.
- Meat
- Makes Digimon a bit full.
- Weight +1
- 50 Bits
- Tanemon also gives you 3 of them a day. (Thanks Garfield13!)
- Giant Meat
- Makes Digimon quite full.
- Weight +2
- 500 Bits
- Palmon gives you 3 a day (Thanks Garfield13), or 5 when he's happy. (Thanks
- Sirloin
- Makes Digimon very full.
- Weight +3
- Can't Buy
- Vegiemon gives you 3 a day (Thanks Garfield13), or 5 when he's happy. (Thanks
- Digital Mushroom
- Makes Digimon a bit full.
- Weight +1
- Everywhere except Mt.Infinity and Factorial Town (Thanks Garfield13!)
- Happy Mushroom
- Raises happiness by a little.
- Weight +1 / slightly reduces tiredness / 35% your Digimon gets sick.
- Native Forest, Kunemon's Bed or Great Canyon
- Deluxe Mushroom
- Raises Offense, Defense, Speed, and Brains by 10. Raises HP and MP by 100
- Weight +4
- Native Forest toilet screen. Great Canyon, screen to the right of the
- Ice Mushroom
- Greatly raises discipline
- Weight +2
- Anywhere on Free Land. Mostly at Freeze Land; screen with three SnowAgumons
- Big Berry
- Makes Digimon 100% full.
- Weight +10
- Native Forest, Great Canyon, Misty Trees and Mt.Panorama.
- Red Berry
- Increases Happiness and Discipline/Recovers Tiredness. (Thanks to Med Jai!)
- Weight +2 (Med Jai!)
- All areas except Mt. Infinity.
- Orange Banana
- On the description it says it fully restores HP and MP, but not for me...
- Weight +2
- Tropical Jungle
- Prickly Pear
- Makes Digimon lose weight.
- Weight -5 / 1% chance your Digimon gets sick
- Great Canyon
- Blue Apple
- Greatly raises happiness.
- Weight +1 / Reduces tiredness / Gives +10 seconds before he poops
- Native Forest
- Chain Melon
- Raises happiness, reduces tiredness, raises discipline, life expansion,
reduces chances of pooping on the floor, raises time before dying if Digimon is
- Weight +3
- Get one from Jijimon every time after beating Machinedramon
- Super Carrot
- Increases training of MP, Offense and Brains.
- Weight -2
- 500 Bits
- Sweet Nut
- Completely recovers HP. (Thanks to Med Jai ;)
- Weight +2 (Thanks to Med Jai ;)
- Misty Trees, Mt.Panorama and very rarely at Native Forest.
- Super Veggy
- Completely recovers MP. (Med Jai again!)
- Weight +2
- ???
NOTE*** Med Jai and myself prove the existence of this item!
- Hawk Radish
- Increases training of HP, Defense and Speed.
- Weight +2
- 500 Bits
- Steak
- Makes Digimon very full.
- Weight +3
- Overdell Cemetery, can be obtained while going to give Myotismon his food.
- Dig Anchovy
- Makes Digimon a bit full.
- Weight +1 / Caught in Dragon Eye Lake
- Dragon Eye Lake
- Black Trout
- Raises Offense, Defense, Speed and Brains by +1. Raises Hp and MP by 10+
- Weight -2 / Caught in Dragon Eye Lake
- Dragon Eye Lake
- Digi Snapper
- Makes Digimon quite full.
- Weight +1 / Caught in Dragon Eye Lake
- Dragon Eye Lake
- Digital Sea Bass
- Recovers HP and MP fully and extends Digimon lifespan by 24 Hours.
- Weight +4 / 25% chance of making Digimon sick
- Dragon Eye Lake
- DigiCatFish
- Makes Digimon very full.
- Weight +5
- Dragon Eye Lake
Self-Defense / Recovery Items (In-Battle)
- Small Recovery
- Recovers 500 HP.
- Medium Recovery
- Recovers 1500 HP.
- Large Recovery
- Recovers 5000 HP.
- MP Floppy
- Recovers 500 MP.
- Medium MP Floppy
- Recovers 1500 MP.
- Large MP Floppy
- Recovers 5000 MP.
- Various
- Cures status ailments.
- Protection
- Protects your Digimon from status ailments.
- Omnipotent
- Restores HP and MP and Cures status ailments
- Double Floppy
- Restores 1500 HP and MP.
- Restore Floppy
- Revives Digimon with half his max HP.
- Super Restore Floppy
- Revives Digimon with full HP.
Self-Offense Items (In-Battle)
- Offense Disk
- Raises Offense in battle only.
- Defense Disk
- Raises Defense in battle only
- Hi Speed Disk
- Raises Speed in battle only.
- Super Defense Disk
- Greatly raises Defense during battle only
- Super Offense Disk
- Greatly raises offense during battle only.
- Super Speed Disk
- Greatly raises speed during battle only.
- Omnipotent Disk
- Raises all stats during battle only.
Stat Raising Items (out of battle)
- HP Chip
- Permanently raises your HP by 500.
- 800 Merit Points. Buy from ShogunGekomon.
- None
- MP Chip
- Permanently raises your MP by 500.
- 800 Merit Points. Buy from ShogunGekomon.
- None
- Offense Chip
- Permanently raises your Offense by 50.
- 800 Merit Points. Buy from ShogunGekomon.
- None
- Defense Chip
- Permanently raises your Defense by 50.
- 800 Merit Points. Buy from ShogunGekomon.
- None
- Speed Chip
- Permanently raises your Speed by 50.
- 800 Merit Points. Buy from ShogunGekomon.
- None
- Brains Chip
- Permanently raises your Brains by 50.
- 800 Merit Points. Buy from ShogunGekomon.
- None
- Devil Chip A
- Raises Offense and Brains by 100. But shortens your life span by 1 day.
- Buy from Devimon at the Secret Item Shop for 5000 Bits.
- Devil Chip B
- Raises Defense and Speed by 100. But shortens your life span by 1 day.
- Buy from Devimon at the Secret Item Shop for 5000 Bits.
- Devil Chip C
- Raises HP and MP by 1000. But shortens your life span by 1 day.
- Buy from Devimon at the Secret Item Shop for 5000 Bits.
- Power Fruit
- Permanently raises your HP by 200 / Weight +2
- None
- ???
- Power Ice
- Permanently raises your MP by 200 / Weight +2
- None
- ???
- Muscle Yam
- Permanently raises your Offense by 20 / Weight +2
- None
- Vermiliomon at Mt. Infinity drop it.
- Calm Berry
- Permanently raises your Defense by 20 / Weight +2
- None
- Misty Trees; the screen where Cherrymon is located.
- Speed Leaf
- Permanently raises your Speed by 20 / Weight +2
- None
- IceDevimon at Freezeland drop it.
- Sage Fruit
- Permanently raises your Brains by 20 / Weight +2
- None
- Piddomon at Mt.Infinity drop it.
Misc. Items (out of battle)
- Blue Flute
- If you use it on Dragon Eye Lake, Seadramon will come and take you to Beetle
- Fish Seadramon and ask to be friends.
- Digital Keychain
- Allows you to carry 20 items at once.
- Find Nanimon in one of the five locations:
~~~~~ Where you found Leomon's Tablet. (Drill Tunnel)
~~~~~ The same place where you fought Meteormon at Ancient Speedy Zone.
~~~~~ Toy Town, head back to where you fought WaruMonzaemon.
~~~~~ The screen where you defeated Numemon at Factorial Town...
~~~~~ After beating Ogremon in his fortress in Great Canyon. Go to the same
room where you fought him (the one with the elevator).
- Xenotype Keychain
- Allows you to carry 30 items at once. (must have Digital Keychain)
- Find Nanimon in ALL five locations below:
~~~~~ Where you found Leomon's Tablet. (Drill Tunnel)
~~~~~ The same place where you fought Meteormon at Ancient Speedy Zone.
~~~~~ Toy Town, head back to where you fought WaruMonzaemon.
~~~~~ The screen where you defeated Numemon at Factorial Town...
~~~~~ After beating Ogremon in his fortress in Great Canyon. Go to the same
room where you fought him (the one with the elevator).
- Normal Rod
- Allows you to fish at Dragon Eye Lake (low range of line)
- When you talk to the southernmost Sukamon, he will tell you that he saw
something in the trash piles that may interest you. The rod is located southwest
of where he is.
- Rest Pillow
- Enhances the amount of rest your Digimon gets when he rests.
- Buy from Mojyamon at the Secret Item Shop for 1000 BITS
- Health Shoes
- Your Digimon recovers HP while walking.
- Buy from Mojyamon at the Secret Item Shop for 2000 BITS
- Enemy Repel
- Repels enemy Digimon.
- Buy from Numemon at the Secret Item Shop
- Enemy Bell
- Brings enemy Digimon to you.
- Buy from Numemon at the Secret Item Shop
- Amazing Rod
- Allows further fishing (such as catching DigiSeaBass)
- Buy it from ShogunGekomon for 300 Merit Points. (Geko Swamp ;)
- Digivice
- Makes Digivolving to Ultimate easier.
- When starting a New Game, when Jijimon asks if you have a Digivice, answer
- Gold Acorn
- Sells for 4000 Bits.
- Found anywhere, but VERY, VERY rarely!
Training Effect Raising Items (Out of Battle)
This section is about Items that raise training efficiency... There are also two
Digimon that raise your training effects. I will post those too since it's on
the subject!
- Super Carrot
- Increases training of MP, Offense and Brains.
- Buy from Vegiemon.
- 500 Bits
- After eating any other item.
- Hawk Radish
- Increases training of HP, Defense and Speed.
- Buy from Vegiemon.
- 500 Bits
- After eating any other item.
- Digipine
- Increases training of all stats
- Find it anywhere around the Digi-World
- None
- After eating any other item.
- Training Manual
- Greatly increases training of all stats.
- Buy it from Piximon
- 50,000 Bits
- Never, as long as it's in your inventory.
- Kuwagamon (Digimon)
- Increases training of all stats.
- While at Beetle Land talk to one of the Kuwagamon and answer the right option.
- None
- Never.
- Kabuterimon (Digimon)
- Increases training of all stats.
- While at Beetle Land talk to one of the Kabuterimon and answer the right
- None
- Never
-= VII. Battling =-
Training and Stat Raising
Unlike other Adventure/RPG's, Digimon World is not the normal EXP gaining /
Level-Up games. You'll have to train your stats in order to succeed. As your
Digimon gets old he fades away and gives birth to a Baby Digimon, where it all
starts again.
Battle's Control System
The battle system here is completely different from most other RPG's because
it's not turn based and you do not have 100% control of your Digimon in battle.
When you lose a battle you lose a heart and maybe Items!!! Every Digimon is
given 3 lives (represented by a heart), if you lose all 3 Hearts you may de-
level, lose abilities and you don’t get to choose your new baby.
In battle
During battle's you'll notice your HP and MP meter along with 2 commands on the
top left side of the screen. Plus, there is a word coming up (FINISH), after it
is done, if you press Square you can use your Finisher.
When you lose a battle you lose a heart and maybe Items!!! If you lose all 3
Hearts, you _will_ lose about 1-10 Techniques after he dies!!! So make sure you
don't lose 3 Hearts...
Important Things in Battle
A) Stats
Stats are divided into 6 which are:
HP - Determines your Health Points in battle, if your entire HP is lost, you'll
lose the battle.
MP - Determines your Mana/Magic Power in battle, you'll use MP when you attack
meaning that if your MP runs out you can’t attack.
Offense - Determines the attack damage your opponent will receive.
Defense - Determines the attack damage you will receive.
Speed - Determines how fast your Digimon will attack and listen to your
Brains - Determines the number of command you'll have in battle and how easy it
will be to learn new abilities through battles.
When you have less than 100 Brains you will have:
1) Your call
This basically commands your Digimon to do whatever it wants to do
2) Run
You'll run off the battle going back to the previous screen.
When you have less than 200 Brains Stat;
This will make your Digimon use its strongest attack and will just keep on
When you have less than 300 Brains you will have:
Your Digimon will use its weakest attack then run.
When you have less than 400 Brains you will have:
1) Switch
This will have your Digimon switch target
2) Distance
Have your Digimon get away from the opponent Digimon.
When you have less than 500 Brains you will have:
Your Digimon will try to evade the enemy's attacks. If it does, you will only
take 20% of the Damage.
For this to be effective you must have a High Defense Stat
When you have over 500 Brains you will have:
You'll be able to choose which you will use and the attack and moderate command
will disappear.
-= VIII. Catching Seadramon =-
To make it easier for Seadramon to appear follow the steps below:
1. First, you should go beat WaruMonzaemon...After you beat him, go back to Toy
Town and talk to one of the Tankmons; one of them should say something about
2. After talking to the Tankmon that says something about Seadramon, go and
recruit Angemon. After he is at File City, sometime he should say something
about a "Lake Keeper" in the Dragon Eye Lake.
3. After hearing about Seadramon from Tankmon and Angemon, go and recruit
Shellmon. When you recruit him he will open the "Shell Newspaper". After
recruiting him you should already have the topic "Guardian of the Lake", or in
my version of the game "The Lake Keeper / Guardian"...Read it.
Getting ready for the fishing season:
1. Head to ShogunGekomon with a bunch of rare cards and trade them in until you
have 300 Merit Points. Go ahead and trade them in for the Amazing Rod.
2. You should now go buy and buy a lot of meats, since you might lose some while
trying to fish him.
6. Go to the South-Eastern (Bottom-Left) part of Native Forest, the Dragon Eye
7. Once in the Dragon Eye Lake, look at the top-right part of the lake, there
should be no fish there. Keep looking for about 10 seconds and if you don't see
a BIG shadow leave the screen and repeat the process.
8. Once you see him there, throw the bait on his path.
If you can get him to eat the bait, let him get as far as possible. (Be careful
not to loosen it too much, resulting in him escaping).
If you keep pulling little by little he will eventually “get tired” and become
easier to be pulled off shore.
-= XI. The Mojyamon Money Trick =-
Mojyamon inhabit the ice flows of Freezeland. They are three traders by nature
and will often give you expensive items for fairly cheap ones. There are three
Mojyamons in Freezeland, each asking for different items.
Here is what each one Wants and what it gives you:
| Mojyamon 1 (Southwestern) |
| He Wants | He gives you: |
| Omnipotent | Super Offense Disk |
| Medium Recovery | Super Defense Disk |
| Digital Anchovy | Super Speed Disk |
| Mojyamon 2 (Southern) |
| He Wants | He gives you: |
| Giant Meat | Auto Pilot |
| Black Trout | Restore |
| Hi. Speed Disk | Medicine |
| Mojyamon 3 (Southern eastern) |
| He Wants: | He gives you: |
| Digimushroom | Medium Recovery |
| Super Carrot | Omnipotent |
| Happy Mushroom | Hair Grower |
And now for the money making trick:
| The Easy Method |
1. Buy 99 Medium Recoveries. (49,500 BITS)
2. Buy 1 Auto Pilot.
3. Have access to Freeze Land.
4. Go to Freeze Land.
5. Go to Mojyamon 1.
6. Trade all your Medium Recoveries for Super Defense Disks.
7. Go back to the city with the Auto Pilot, since Mojyamon should freeze
8. Sell all Super Defense Disks. This should get you: 198,000 BITS
9. Buy 99 Med Recoveries and one Auto Pilot again.
10. Repeat the process times until you get 999,999 Bits.
| Alternative Method 1 |
1. Collect 99 Digimushrooms
2. Buy 1 Auto Pilot
3. Have Access to Freeze Land
4. Go to Mojyamon 3
5. Trade all your Digimushrooms for Medium Recoveries
6. Start from the 5th Step of "The Real Method".
| Alternative Method 2 |
1. Buy the Amazing Rod from ShogunGekomon (300 Merit Points)
2. Buy 99 Meats (4,950 BITS)
3. Go to the Dragon Eye Lake
4. Catch 99 Black Trout’s
5. Catch 99 Digi Sea Bass
6. Sell 99 Digi Sea Bass (396,000 BITS)
-= XII. Geko Village =-
Finding ShogunGekomon
When you are in Gear Savanna, at the screen with the Toilet go up. You should
now be at a screen with some SandYanmamons (Geko Swamp). Get past that screen
and head to the next one. Now you should be in a screen with some SandYanmamons
(Again!). If they are there, leave and enter the screen again. Keep entering and
exiting the screen until you see an Otamamon (If you like Pokemon better, then
just look for a Poliwag- Looking Digimon!). If he is there, talk to him. He
should call you many rude names.
It will ask you if you want to get revenge or just let him talk. Ask for
Battle. Win. Now a group of Gekomons should come capture you. They will take you
to ShogunGekomon. Now every time you go to that screen any time again, to the
left there will be a little passage where there was supposed to be Tall-Grass.
That's the passage for ShogunGekomon!
Card List Prices
When you first meet ShogunGekomon he won’t talk to you unless you speak to the
Gekomon on the top-right.
After you do that, ShogunGekomon will trade Merit Point for your cards.
|Card | Digimon | Point Value | Money Value (BITS) |
| 00 | You | Can't be sold | Can't be sold |
| 01 | Phoenixmon | 100 | 2500 bits |
| 02 | Hercules Kabuterimon| 100 | 2500 bits |
| 03 | MegaSeadramon | 100 | 2500 bits |
| 04 | Shogun Gekomon | 100 | 2500 bits |
| 05 | Myotismon | 100 | 2500 bits |
| 06 | Metal Greymon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 07 | Mamemon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 08 | Monzaemon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 09 | Skull Greymon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 10 | Metal Mamemon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 11 | Vademon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 12 | Andromon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 13 | Giromon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 14 | Etemon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 15 | MegaDramon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 16 | Piximon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 17 | Digitamamon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 18 | Gekomon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 19 | WaruMonzaemon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 20 | Jijimon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 21 | King of Sukamon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 22 | Cherrymon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 23 | Guardromon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 24 | Hagurumon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 25 | Brachiomon | 30 | 750 bits |
| 26 | Greymon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 27 | Devimon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 28 | Airdramon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 29 | Tyrannamon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 30 | Meramon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 31 | Seadramon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 32 | Kabuterimon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 33 | Angemon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 34 | Birdramon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 35 | Garurumon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 36 | Frigimon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 37 | Whamon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 38 | Unimon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 39 | Ogremon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 40 | Shellmon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 41 | Centarumon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 42 | Bakemon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 43 | Drimogeomon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 44 | Monochromon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 45 | Leomon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 46 | Coelamon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 47 | Kokatorimon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 48 | Kuwagamon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 49 | Mojyamon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 50 | Ninjamon | 10 | 250 bits |
| 51 | Penguinmon | 5 | 50 bits |
| 52 | Otamamon | 5 | 50 bits |
| 53 | Tentomon | 5 | 50 bits |
| 54 | Yanmamon | 5 | 50 bits |
| 55 | Gotsumon | 5 | 50 bits |
| 56 | Flarerizamon | 5 | 50 bits |
| 57 | ToyAgumon | 5 | 50 bits |
| 58 | DemiMeramon | 5 | 50 bits |
| 59 | Tankmon | 5 | 50 bits |
| 60 | Goburimon | 5 | 50 bits |
| 61 | Vegiemon | 1 | 25 bits |
| 62 | Numemon | 1 | 25 bits |
| 63 | Sukamon | 1 | 25 bits |
| 64 | Nanimon | 1 | 25 bits |
| 65 | Machinedramon | Can’t be sold | Can't be sold |
What He Offers
| Item | Merit Points |
|HP Chip | 800 Merit Points |
|MP Chip | 800 Merit Points |
|Offense Chip | 800 Merit Points |
|Defense Chip | 800 Merit Points |
|Speed Chip | 800 Merit Points |
|Brains Chip | 800 Merit Points |
|Ice Crystal | 500 Merit Points |
|Hard Scale | 500 Merit Points |
|Red Shell | 500 Merit Points |
|Water Bottle | 500 Merit Points |
|Amazing Rod | 300 Merit Points |
|Sup. Restore Floppy | 100 Merit Points |
|Sup. Recovery Floppy | 20 Merit Points |
-= XIII. The Secrets of Training =-
Below you will find all the training Gyms in the game, what they offer to train
their locations:
Location: File City
Offers: Boulder Moving, Waterfall, Striking, Punching Glove, Running and
Classroom (HP, MP, Offense, Defense, Speed and Brains)
Location: Gear Savanna
Offers: Striking and Running (Offense and Speed)
Location: Misty Trees
Offers: Teachings of the forest (Brains)
Location: Trash Mountain
Offers: Hiding in Trash (MP)
Location: Ice Sanctuary
Offers: Ice Pushing and Falling Icicles (HP and Defense)
Location: Beetle Land
Offers: Hammer Smash, Rock Pushing, Treadmill and Striking (Offense, Defense, HP
and Speed
-= XIV. Greymon's Arena =-
| |
| D = Grade D Cup |
| C = Grade C Cup |
| B = Grade B Cup |
| A = Grade A Cup |
| S = Grade S Cup |
| L = Version 0 Cup |
| ?? = Version 1 Cup |
| I = Version 2 Cup |
| J = Version 3 Cup |
| K = Version 4 Cup |
| ?? = Fire Cup |
| O = Cool Cup |
| ?? = Wind Cup |
| N = Nature Cup |
| M = Mech Cup |
| F = Filth Cup |
| T = Thunder Cup |
| G = Grapple Cup |
| Z = Animal Cup |
| X = Humanoid Cup |
| W = Wing Cup |
| ?? = Dino Cup |
Tournament Prize Chart
| Cup | Consolation Prize | 1st Place Prize |
| Letter | | |
| D | Giant Meat x2 | Double Floppy |
| C | Giant Meat | Sirloin x3 |
| B | Giant Meat | Restore Floppy |
| A | Giant Meat | Flaming Mane |
| S | Giant Meat | Metal Parts/Dark Bone/Mega Hand |
| J |Super Recovery Floppy | Iron Hoof |
| W |Abilities Disk | White Wing |
| G |Omnipotent Floppy | Spike Club |
| K |Super Recovery Floppy | Monochrome (Mono) Stone |
| N |Omnipotent Floppy | Fertilizer |
| O |Omnipotent Floppy | North Star |
| X |Abilities Disk | Black Wings |
| L |Super Recovery Floppy | Red Ruby |
| M |Omnipotent Floppy | Cyber Parts |
| Z |Abilities Disk | Steel Drill |
| I |Super Recovery Floppy | Blue Crystal |
| F |Omnipotent Floppy | Sunglasses |
| T |Omnipotent Floppy | Unihorn |
-= XV. Gaining Medals =-
In Digimon World you can obtain medals for achieving certain milestones
within the game.
Here is the complete list of what is needed to obtain them:
- Catching 100 fish
- Beating Machinedramon for the first time
- Having 999,999 bits
- Playing for 10 Digimon years.
- Collecting all of the Digimon cards.
- Completing Greymon's tournaments 100 times.
- Winning the Human, Animal, and Dino Cup.
- Winning the D, C, B, A, and S tournaments.
- Recruiting all of the Digimon
- Training every type of Digimon
- Learning every type of attack
- Having a Digimon with maxed stats
- Getting a perfect 10 at curling
- Winning all "Type" Cups. (Cool, Grapple, Wing...)
- Winning all the Version Cups
-= XVII. Item Shop Guide =-
On Digimon World, as you travel your journey, you will come through various
that will join your Item Shop. Each one sells one or two different Items then
another! I am ordering the Items by price. Below is a listing of all the Shop
Keepers, what they sell and for how many BITS:
| Item Stand | File City |
| Item Name | Price |
| Med. Rec.* | 300 |
| Auto Pilot* | 300 |
| Port. Potty* | 300 |
| MP Floppy | 300 |
| Small Rec. | 100 |
| Meat | 50 |
Items with the * can only be reached after Coelamon _and_ Betamon are recruited.
| Item Shop | File City|
| Item Name | Price |
| Super Restore | 9500 BITS|
| Restore | 4000 BITS|
| Super Recovery| 2500 BITS|
| Omnipotent* | 2000 BITS|
| Large MP | 2000 BITS|
| Double Flop | 1500 BITS|
| Large Recovery| 1000 BITS|
| Medium MP | 800 BITS|
| Offense. Disk | 500 BITS|
| Hispeed Disk | 500 BITS|
| Defense Disk | 500 BITS|
| Med. Recovery | 500 BITS|
| Auto Pilot | 300 BITS|
| Portable Potty| 300 BITS|
| Various | 300 BITS|
| MP Floppy | 300 BITS|
| Small Recovery| 100 BITS|
| Meat | 50 BITS|
| Item Shop | Gear Savanna |
| Item Name | Price |
| Medium MP Floppy | 800 BITS |
| Medium Recovery | 500 BITS |
| Offense Disk | 500 BITS |
| Defense Disk | 500 BITS |
| Hispeed Disk | 500 BITS |
| Giant Meat | 500 BITS |
| Auto Pilot | 300 BITS |
| Secret Item Shop | File City |
| Item Name | Price |
| Enemy Repel | 5000 | <--- Numemon (12:00 A.M - 6:00 A.M)
| Enemy Bell | 5000 | <--- Numemon (12:00 A.M - 6:00 A.M)
| Rest Pillow | 1000 | <--- Mojyamon (6:00 A.M - 12:00 P.M)
| Health Shoes | 2000 | <--- Mojyamon (6:00 P.M - 12:00 P.M)
| Omni Disk | 3000 | <--- Mamemon (12:00 P.M - 6:00 A.M)
| Super Offense Disk| 4000 | <--- Mamemon (12:00 P.M - 6:00 A.M)
| Super Speed Disk | 4000 | <--- Mamemon (12:00 P.M - 6:00 A.M)
| Super Defense Disk| 4000 | <--- Mamemon (12:00 P.M - 6:00 A.M)
| Devil Chip A | 5000 | <--- Devimon (6:00 P.M - 12:00 A.M)
| Devil Chip B | 5000 | <--- Devimon (6:00 P.M - 12:00 A.M)
| Devil Chip C | 5000 | <--- Devimon (6:00 P.M - 12:00 A.M)
-= XVIII. Items Bosses Drop =-
Ok, this Chapter is really annoying and hard to make. So this is going to
take a while to be finished.
This Chapter will show you what type of Chip every boss drops! Again, this
may be useless to some people, but I get asked a lot to make this!
I'm making one Chart for each Digimon (Rookie, Champion and Ultimate).
I'm also putting the names in alphabetical order, which is a lot of work to
make along with the rest of the guide. But hey, it's all good. I know it's to
help people ;)
On version 6.0 (about there) I will change this Chapter for ALL the Digimon
in the game; not only recruit-able Digimon :)
People, please, please, please help me with this part of the FAQ! I really
can't play this game anymore.
All of my FAQs until now were done by heart and mind!
| Rookies |
| Boss | Chip |
| Agumon | None (Small recovery)|
| Betamon | None |
| Biyomon | None |
| Elecmon | None |
| Gabumon | Defense Chip |
| Kunemon | MP Chip |
| Palmon | Brain Chip |
| Patamon | MP Chip |
| Penguinmon | None |
| Champions |
| Boss | Chip |
| Airdramon | MP Chip |
| Angemon | None |
| Bakemon | None |
| Birdramon | None |
| Centarumon | None |
| Coelamon | None |
| Devimon | Quick Chip |
| Drimogeomon | None |
| Frigimon | None |
| Garurumon | HP Chip |
| Greymon | Offense Chip |
| Kabuterimon | None |
| Kokatorimon | Speed Chip |
| Kuwagamon | None |
| Leomon | None |
| Meramon | Offense Chip |
| Mojyamon | None |
| Monochromon | None |
| Nanimon | Digital Keychain |
| Ninjamon | Speed Chip |
| Numemon | |
| Ogremon | HP Chip(s) |
| Seadramon | None |
| Shellmon | None |
| Sukamon | None |
| Tyrannamon | HP Chip |
| Unimon | None |
| Vegiemon | None |
| Whamon | None |
| Ultimates |
| Boss | Chip |
| Etemon | Brains Chip |
| MetalMamemon | Defense Chip |
| MetalGreymon | Defense Chip |
| MegaDramon | Offense |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
-= XIX. Bosses HP =-
The chart below will tell you the HP of every boss Digimon in the game. They are
listed Alphabetical Order:
=-_-=-_-==-_-=-_-= =-_-=-_-=-_-=
Boss Name Boss HP
=-_-=-_-==-_-=-_-= =-_-=-_-=-_-=
Agumon | 400
Airdramon | 4400
Birdramon | 3700
Devimon | 6800
Digitamamon | 9999
Drimogeomon | 1200
Etemon | 5600
Gabumon | 2000
Garurumon | 4200
Giromon | 5700
Greymon | 4800
Kokatorimon | 4200
Kunemon | 900
Machinedramon* | 9400
Machinedramon** | 9999
Mamemon | 4800
MegaDramon | 7500
Meramon | 2600
MetalGreymon | 8600
MetalMamemon | 5600
Meteormon | 3700
Ninjamon | 3800
Numemon | 200
Ogremon* | 3600
Ogremon** | 4000
Ogremon*** | 4400
Ogremon**** | 3600
Otamamon | 1100
Palmon | 900
Patamon | 1000
Piximon | 5200
SkullGreymon | 5800
Tekkamon | 4800
Tyrannamon | 3100
WaruMonzaemon | 5200
Digimon marked with * are Digimon that you fight more then 1 time. The * mean
number of the battle.
Example: Ogremon
Ogremon* = the first battle with him. (At Great Canyon)
Ogremon** = the second battle with him. (At Ogremon's Fortress)
Ogremon*** = the third battle with him. (At Secret Beach cave)
Ogremon**** = the fourth battle with him. (At Drill Tunnel)
-= XXI. Restaurant Guide =-
Below is a list of all the Restaurant Keepers and in-depth information about
+-----------+ +----------------------+
| Garurumon | | 12:00 A.M - 6:00 A.M |
+-----------+ +----------------------+
| | |
| T-Bone Steak | 1000 |
| Dx-Bone Steak | 2500 |
| Phantom-Bone Steak | 5000 |
--------------------- -----------
+------------+ +----------------------+
| Tyrannamon | | 6:00 A.M - 12:00 P.M |
+------------+ +----------------------+
| | |
| Wild Dragon Noodle | 400 |
| Zaurus Pizza | 1000 |
| Jurassic Burger | 2500 |
--------------------- -----------
+------------+ +----------------------+
| Meramon | | 12:00 P.M - 6:00 P.M |
+------------+ +----------------------+
| | |
| Red Hot Ramen | 400 |
| Burning Hot Curry | 1200 |
| Lava Hot Pot | 3500 |
--------------------- -----------
+------------+ +----------------------+
| Frigimon | | 6:00 P.M - 12:00 A.M |
+------------+ +----------------------+
| | |
| Snow Shake | 300 |
| Ice Cream | 700 |
| Snow Cone | 1600 |
--------------------- -----------
+-------------+ +--------+
| Digitamamon | | Random |
+-------------+ +--------+
| | |
| Wonder Boiled Egg | 1000 |
| Wonder Omelet | 2500 |
| Wonder Egg Bowl | 6000 |
--------------------- -----------
+---------+ +--------+
| Vademon | | Random |
+---------+ +--------+
| | |
| Space Salad | 1500 |
| UFO Soup | 4000 |
| Galaxy Course | 9000 |
--------------------- -----------
-= XXII. Mastering Techniques =-
The Ways of Learning
1) When training brains, when you reach the 50's (50,150,250, etc...) or the
(600,700,800, etc...) you have a small chance of learning a technique
2) When fighting an enemy Digimon, if he uses the technique(s) you can learn,
you might learn it after the battle.
3) Some Digimon teach you techniques for stats, or just meeting them. To be
Seadramon and Kabuterimon
Speed: Goes from 1 to 4, the higher he number the more time it takes to hit the
enemy, and the more the chances of the enemy interrupting.
Level: This chart shows the possibility of learning techs depending on the
E.g. if a Tech lv.3 hits your Digimon or is used in a battle, and you have 100
Brains You have 5% chances of learning it.
NOTE: Varies depending on how much more brains you have than 100
And how much level the tech you want has
Because the tech might have 1,8 so it would vary
| Digimon | ChanceOfAcquiring |
______________________________ (By 000+ Brains) ______________________
|Lv.1 |20% |
|Lv.1,5 |19% |
|Lv.2 |18% |
|Lv.2,5 |17% |
|Lv.3 |14% |
|Lv.3,5 |10% |
|Lv.4 |6% |
|Lv.4,5 |5% |
|Lv.5 |4% |
| | |
| Digimon | ChanceOfAcquiring |
______________________________ (By 100+ Brains) ______________________
|Lv.1 |27% |
|Lv.1,5 |25% |
|Lv.2 |22% |
|Lv.2,5 |19% |
|Lv.3 |17% |
|Lv.3,5 |14% |
|Lv.4 |11% |
|Lv.4,5 |7% |
|Lv.5 |5% |
| | |
| Digimon | ChanceOfAcquiring |
______________________________ (By 200+ Brains) ______________________
|Lv.1 |29% |
|Lv.1,5 |25% |
|Lv.2 |22% |
|Lv.2,5 |19% |
|Lv.3 |16% |
|Lv.3,5 |15% |
|Lv.4 |13% |
|Lv.4,5 |10% |
|Lv.5 |7% |
| | |
| Digimon | ChanceOfAcquiring |
______________________________ (By 300+ Brains) ______________________
|Lv.1 |35% |
|Lv.1,5 |32% |
|Lv.2 |30% |
|Lv.2,5 |25% |
|Lv.3 |20% |
|Lv.3,5 |18% |
|Lv.4 |16% |
|Lv.4,5 |12% |
|Lv.5 |10% |
| | |
| Digimon | ChanceOfAcquiring |
______________________________ (By 400+ rains) ______________________
|Lv.1 |45% |
|Lv.1,5 |40% |
|Lv.2 |35% |
|Lv.2,5 |30% |
|Lv.3 |26% |
|Lv.3,5 |22% |
|Lv.4 |17% |
|Lv.4,5 |15% |
|Lv.5 |12% |
| | |
| Digimon | ChanceOfAcquiring |
______________________________ (By 500+ Brains) ______________________
|Lv.1 |55% |
|Lv.1,5 |50% |
|Lv.2 |46% |
|Lv.2,5 |42% |
|Lv.3 |38% |
|Lv.3,5 |33% |
|Lv.4 |28% |
|Lv.4,5 |22% |
|Lv.5 |16% |
| | |
| Digimon | ChanceOfAcquiring |
______________________________ (By 600+ Brains) ______________________
|Lv.1 |60% |
|Lv.1,5 |54% |
|Lv.2 |50% |
|Lv.2,5 |46% |
|Lv.3 |42% |
|Lv.3,5 |38% |
|Lv.4 |32% |
|Lv.4,5 |25% |
|Lv.5 |19% |
| | |
| Digimon | ChanceOfAcquiring |
______________________________ (By 700+ Brains) ______________________
|Lv.1 |67% |
|Lv.1,5 |63% |
|Lv.2 |57% |
|Lv.2,5 |52% |
|Lv.3 |49% |
|Lv.3,5 |33% |
|Lv.4 |27% |
|Lv.4,5 |25% |
|Lv.5 |21% |
| | |
| Digimon | ChanceOfAcquiring |
______________________________ (By 800+ Brains) ______________________
|Lv.1 |72% |
|Lv.1,5 |68% |
|Lv.2 |63% |
|Lv.2,5 |56% |
|Lv.3 |50% |
|Lv.3,5 |46% |
|Lv.4 |38% |
|Lv.4,5 |30% |
|Lv.5 |25% |
| | |
| Digimon | ChanceOfAcquiring |
______________________________ (By 900+ Brains) ______________________
|Lv.1 |80% |
|Lv.1,5 |75% |
|Lv.2 |70% |
|Lv.2,5 |65% |
|Lv.3 |60% |
|Lv.3,5 |55% |
|Lv.4 |45% |
|Lv.4,5 |40% |
|Lv.5 |30% |
| | |
* = The more brains, the more chances of learning it.
Techniques Guide
1. Fire Techs
a) Fire Tower
Level: 2
Speed: 1,5
Power: 155
Mp Cost: 81
Range: Long
Special Effects: Stun
About: A big sphere shows up under the enemy and surrounds him, can be easily
broken up with fast techs but rarely misses, also its hard for it to be
Ways to get it: most varieties of Agumon use it so fight Agumons.
Good Ways: -----
Best Ways (Boss): The three battles with Ogremon.
Where to Find: Agumons - Grey Lord's Mansion, Mt. Infinity, Toy Mansion.
Ogremon - Great Canyon, Secret Beach Cave, Drill Tunnel.
b) Prominence Beam
Level: 3
Speed: 3,2
Power: 444
Mp Cost: 183
Range: Long
Special Effects: Flat
About: A Thin but long beam comes out of the Digimon's Mouth or hands, can be
easily interrupted, but rarely is defended.
Ways to get it: Vermiliomon and Saberdramon use it.
Good Ways: Blue Meramon
Best Ways: Birdramon and Guardromon
Where to find: Vermiliomon - Ancient Dino Region and Mt. Infinity
Saberdramon - Speedy Dino Region and Misty Trees
Blue Meramon - Ice Sanctuary
Birdramon - Great Canyon
Guardromon –Factorial Town
c) Spit Fire
Level: 1
Speed: 0,4
Power: 66
Mp Cost: 30
Range: Long
About: A Tiny Comet-Like fireball comes out of the mouth or hands of the
Digimon. Really hard to interrupt but easy to block or dodge.
Ways to get it: Most fire Digimon start with it.
Good Ways: Goburimons and Sharmamon.
Best Ways: Agumon (First battle).
Where to Find: Goburimon - Native forest and dill tunnel
Agumon - Native forest
d) Red Inferno
Level: 4
Speed: 3,0
Power: 210
Mp Cost: 171
Range: Wide
Special Effects: -----
About: Digimon Breathes a kind of wide fire cloud. Can be interrupted by fast
techs and is kind of easy to defend.
Ways to get it: Agumons in Grey Lord’s Mansion.
Good Ways: Vermiliomon and Tankmon.
Best Ways: Greymon and Tyrannomon
Where to Find: Agumon- Toy Town
Vermiliomon - Ancient Dino Region and Mt. Infinity
Tankmon - Mt. Infinity and Toy Mansion
Greymon - In front of Jijimon’s House.
Tyrannomon- Dino Region
e) Magma Bomb
Level: 2,5
Speed: 2,3
Power: 279
Mp Cost: 132
Range: Long
Special Effects: Confusion
About: Digimon throws a big ball of lava towards the enemy that explodes.
Kind of easy to interrupt and impossible of dodging but can be defended.
Ways to get it: Goburimon
Good Ways: Meramon in Lava Cave
Best Ways: Greymon
Where to Find: Greymon - File City
Goburimon - Native Forest
Meramon – Lava Cave
f) Heat Laser
Level: 1,8
Speed: 1,8
Power: 84
Mp Cost: 105
Range: Wide
Special Effect: Flat
About: A wave of heat spreads on the screen hitting the enemy. Hard to
easy to block and impossible to dodge.
Ways to get it: Vermiliomon and DarkRizamon
Good Ways: Flarerizamon
Best Ways: Meramon
Where to Find: Vermiliomon - Mt. Infinity and Ancient Dino Region
DarkRizamon - Overdell entrance
Meramon - Drill Tunnel
Flarerizamon – Mt. Panorama
g) Infinity Burn
Level: 4,0
Speed: 3,5
Power: 488
Mp Cost: 264
Range: Wide
Special Effect: Stun
About: A larger Fire Tower. Has more range and power though.
Ways to get it: MetalGreymon
Good Ways: -----
Best Ways: MetalGreymon
Where to Find: MetalGreymon - Mt. Infinity
e) Meltdown
Level: 3,5
Speed: 3,0
Power: 400
Mp Cost: 318
Range: Stun
Special Effect: Flat
About: Nice technique, slow to start, but not interruptible after the pool of
starts to rise, effective.
Ways to get it: Vermiliomon
Good Ways: Vermiliomon
Best Ways: Meteormon
Where to find: Vermiliomon - Mt. Infinity
Vermiliomon - Ancient Dino Region
Meteormon – Ancient Speedy Zone
-= XXIV. Known Glitches =-
1) Happy Mushroom Glitch:
Glitch - There is a glitch from File City to Native Forest. I call it Happy
Mushroom Glitch. To make it work, get the Happy Mushroom and then 'Drop' it. Go
back on that screen it should be there again. Then if you get it again and keep
entering and exiting the screen you can get up to 99 Happy Mushrooms!!! This is
a good glitch! LOL
Remedy - Leave Native Forest
2) Extra Mon For Free:
Glitch - When you continue you're saved game, you notice that your Digimon has a
couple extra Mon's. For example, a Patamon may be read as Patamonnmon on the
game load screen. This glitch is harmless and is kind of funny, but unfixable.
It doesn't harm your Digimon's name on his status screen at all.
Remedy - None
3) Item Bank Glitch:
Glitch - When you go to Agumon's Item Bank, switching from stored items to in-
hand items makes it so that some items get "rubbed out" on the screen. You may
only be able to see half of the name of an item, or nothing at all.
Remedy - Scrolling down and then up again on the item menu.
4) Card Glitch:
Glitch - WARNING! Before you try this glitch, make sure you save. This glitch
is harmful, and may freeze your game, so be prepared! To see this glitch, you
need to have at least one Digimon card. Go to the card screen and select a card
to bring up its enlarged picture. Now, quickly hit triangle, X, and triangle,
and the card should be there. Keep hitting the triangle button, and the card
will be frozen on the screen! You can still play and walk around with the
card's picture on the screen. You can bring up the Digivolution charts in the
menu, and that it will show you some completed charts. I've tried this but
haven't been able to see complete Digivolution charts, just random ones that
don't make sense. Also, the Digivolution charts may freeze your game.
Remedy - None (Unfortunately!)
5) Mojyamon Trap
Glitch - When trading with the Mojyamon's, if you trade consecutively he will
start going up on you. By the time you trade 99 Items, if you don't move every
once in a while you will be trapped!
Remedy - Auto Pilot
6) Grey Lords Mansion
Glitch - You can find a harmful glitch in Grey Lord's Mansion, after defeating
SkullGreymon. When you defeat Skull Greymon and Myotismon returns to his place
in the dining hall, you will be able to access this glitch. If you return to
the caged area where Myotismon and Bakemon were being held, then enter the area,
your game will freeze.
Remedy - None
7) Drimogemon's Treasure Finding
Glitch - If you are going to get an Item back from Drimogemon, make sure your
inventory is not full! If it is, it will say: "Clear your inventory!"
And you will lose the Item.
Remedy - None
8) Greymon's Arena
Glitch - When you are signing up for a Tournament, you might see this glitch.
It's kind of hard to explain so here is an Example:
| 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
| S | B | D | A | D |
| G | A | C | S | |
| F | W* | | ** | |
| | N* | | ** | |
| | | | | |
When you press START, you should be able to see a Description of the Cup. The
glitch works like this: If you press START on the letters with the * it will
make an error noise. Then again, if you press START where you see the ** the
description of a Cup will be there!
Remedy - None
9) Digimon Curling
Glitch - When you are playing curling with Penguinmon or MetalMamemon, when you
throw your "disk" it might freeze the game for about 2 or 3 seconds. After that
instead of the "disk" going to the right place, it will go to a totally
different location! This glitch might help or destroy your perfect score!!!
Remedy - None
-= XV. GameShark Codes =-
If you use the code for the 10th item but there is no item in your 10th
inventory slot, the quantity will be marked by 0 but you still can use it.
There is a bad thing in that way, you can't store it in Agumon's bank.
Change the ** with the item codes
Example: I you want to get Metal Banana at the 1st item slot, change the
3013D474 00** to be 3013D474 007F. Because, 7F is the code for Metal Banana.
|Item Slot Codes|
- Item Slot 1 / 3013D474 00**
- Item Slot 2 / 3013D475 00**
- Item Slot 3 / 3013D476 00**
- Item Slot 4 / 3013D477 00**
- Item Slot 5 / 3013D478 00**
- Item Slot 6 / 3013D479 00**
- Item Slot 7 / 3013D47A 00**
- Item Slot 8 / 3013D47B 00**
- Item Slot 9 / 3013D47C 00**
- Item Slot 10 / 3013D47D 00**
|Digivolution Items|
| 47 = Grey Claws | 5C = North Star | 70 = Beetle Pearl |
| 48 = Fireball | 5D = Red Shell | 71 = Coral Charm |
| 49 = Flamingwing | 5E = Hard Scale | 7D = Giga Hand |
| 4A = Iron Hoof | 5F = Bluecrystal | 7E = Noble Mane |
| 4B = Mono Stone | 60 = Ice Crystal | 7F = Metal Banana |
| 4C = Steel Drill | 61 = Hair Grower | ---------------------
| 4D = White Fang | 62 = Sunglasses |
| 4E = Black Wing | 63 = Metal Part |
| 4F = Spike Club | 64 = Fatal Bone |
| 50 = Flamingmane | 65 = Cyber Part |
| 51 = White Wing | 66 = Mega Hand |
| 52 = Torn Tatter | 67 = Silver Ball |
| 54 = Rainbowhorn | 68 = Metal Armor |
| 55 = Rooster | 69 = Chainsaw |
| 56 = Unihorn | 6A = Small Spear |
| 57 = Horn Helmet | 6B = X Bandage |
| 58 = Scissor Jaw | 6C = Ray Gun |
| 59 = Fertilizer | 6D = Gold Banana |
| 5A = Kogaslaws | 6E = Mysty Egg |
| 5B - Water Bottle | 6F = Red Ruby |
|Other Items|
|Digimushroom | 301BDF58 0063 |
|Icemushroom | 301BDF59 0063 |
|DeluxeMushroom| 301BDF5A 0063 |
|Digipine | 301BDF5B 0063 |
|Blue Apple | 301BDF5C 0063 |
|Red Berry | 301BDF5D 0063 |
|Gold Acorn | 301BDF5E 0063 |
|Big Berry | 301BDF5F 0063 |
|Sweet Nut | 301BDF60 0063 |
|Super Veggy | 301BDF61 0063 |
|Pricklypear | 301BDF62 0063 |
|Orange Banana | 301BDF63 0063 |
|Power Fruit | 301BDF64 0063 |
|Power Ice | 301BDF65 0063 |
|Speed Leaf | 301BDF66 0063 |
|Sage Fruit | 301BDF67 0063 |
|Muscle Yam | 301BDF68 0063 |
|Calm Berry | 301BDF69 0063 |
|Digianchovy | 301BDF6A 0063 |
|Digisnapper | 301BDF6B 0063 |
|DigiTrout | 301BDF6C 0063 |
|Black Trout | 301BDF6D 0063 |
|Digi Catfish | 301BDF6E 0063 |
|Digiseabass | 301BDF6F 0063 |
|Moldy Meat | 301BDF70 0063 |
|HappyMushroom | 301BDF71 0063 |
|Chain Melon | 301BDF72 0063 |
301BDFA1 00?? - Amazing Rod
301BDFA8 00?? - AS Decoder
301BDF9C 00?? - Beetle pearl
301BDF5F 00?? - Big Berry
301BDF6D 00?? - Black Trout
301BDF7A 00?? - Black Wing
301BDF5C 00?? - Blue Apple
301BDF8B 00?? - Blue Crystal
301BDF9F 00?? - Blue Flute
301BDF69 00?? - Calm Berry
301BDF72 00?? - Chain Melon
301BDF95 00?? - Chainsaw
301BDF9D 00?? - Coral Charm
301BDF91 00?? - Cyber Part
301BDF5A 00?? - Deluxe mushroom
301BDF6E 00?? - Digi Catfish
301BDF6A 00?? - Dig anchovy
301BDF58 00?? - Digimushroom
301BDF5B 00?? - Digipine
301BDF6F 00?? - Digiseabass
301BDF6B 00?? - Dig snapper
301BDF6C 00?? - Digit trout
301BDF7F 00?? - Electo Ring
301BDF90 00?? - Fatal Bone
301BDF85 00?? - Fertilizer
301BDF74 00?? - Fireball
301BDF7C 00?? - Flaming mane
301BDF75 00?? - Flaming wing
301BDFA7 00?? - Frig Key
301BDFA4 00?? - Gear
301BDFA9 00?? - Giga Hand
301BDF5E 00?? - Gold Acorn
301BDF99 00?? - Gold Banana
301BDF73 00?? - Grey Claws
301BDF8D 00?? - Hair Grower
301BDF71 00?? - Happy mushroom
301BDF8A 00?? - Hard Scale
301BDF83 00?? - Horn Helmet
301BDF8C 00?? - Ice Crystal
301BDF59 00?? - Ice mushroom
301BDF76 00?? - Iron Hoof
301BDF86 00?? - Koga Laws
301BDFA2 00?? - Leomon Stone
301BDFA3 00?? - Mansion Key
301BDF92 00?? - Mega Hand
301BDF94 00?? - Metal Armor
301BDFAB 00?? - Metal Banana
301BDF8F 00?? - Metal Part
301BDF70 00?? - Moldy Meat
301BDF77 00?? - Mono Stone
301BDF9E 00?? - Moon Mirror
301BDF68 00?? - Muscle Yam
301BDF9A 00?? - Mysty Egg
301BDFAA 00?? - Noble Mane
301BDF88 00?? - North Star
301BDFA0 00?? - Old Fishrod
301BDF63 00?? - Orange Banana
301BDF64 00?? - Power Fruit
301BDF65 00?? - Power Ice
301BDF62 00?? - Prickly pear
301BDFA5 00?? - Rain Plant
301BDF80 00?? - Rainbowhorn
301BDF98 00?? - Ray Gun
301BDF5D 00?? - Red Berry
301BDF9B 00?? - Red Ruby
301BDF89 00?? - Red Shell
301BDF81 00?? - Rooster
301BDF67 00?? - Sage Fruit
301BDF84 00?? - Scissor Jaw
301BDF93 00?? - Silver Ball
301BDF96 00?? - Small Spear
301BDF66 00?? - Speed Leaf
301BDF7B 00?? - Spike Club
301BDFA6 00?? - Steak
301BDF78 00?? - Steel Drill
301BDF8E 00?? - Sunglasses
301BDF61 00?? - Super Veggy
301BDF60 00?? - Sweet Nut
301BDF7E 00?? - Torn Tatter
301BDF82 00?? - Unihorn
301BDF87 00?? - Water bottle
301BDF79 00?? - White Fang
301BDF7D 00?? - White Wing
301BDF97 00?? - X Bandage
What they do is give you hexadecimal ?? Of the item, and automatically stores it
in the bank for you.
- Rejuvenate lowers your age back down to 0 and raises your lives back to 3.
- Reborn has the same effect as Rejuvenate, but it digivolves you back to fresh.
- Fade-Away has the same effect as Reborn, but also brings your starts down to
100 HP/MP and 10 everything else, which is about fresh stats.
When Do I Use these?
- Rejuvenate: You might want to lower your Champions age back down to 0 and
lives back to 3, if you lost a lot of lives and want to go back to 3, if you
lost lives and if you need a little extra time to get to ultimate.
- Reborn: You might want this code, if you have a maxed out or really strong
Ultimate and want to keep his stats, when you "fade-away", resulting in a Super
- Fade-Away: You might not like your digimon and decide to change him back to
Fresh. :(
How do I Use these?
- Rejuvenate: You wait till your Champions about to fade-away (an hour to a day
is a good idea). Then use this code, and continue training.
- Reborn: You wait till your Ultimate's about to fade-away (two hours to a day
is a good idea). Then use this code. Go to Jijimon's House and press "o" when
you load, save your game quickly, and reset.
- Fade away: Same as reborn, except use it as soon as you stop liking that
digimon. :(
301384ab 0000 - Age to 0
80155824 0003 - Lives to 3
301384ab 0000 (Rejuvenate Code)
80155824 0003 (Rejuvenate Code)
d0134ee4 0020 - Joker Code
801557a8 00?? - Digimon Modifier [Note 1]
[Note 1]:
Press Circle "o" for this code to work.
Replace 801557A8 00?? with 80134E50 00?? if you don't have the fresh you wish to
get on the chart, yet. However you will have to wait 1 Digi-Hour after pressing
"o" for it to work. (So resting or training once, or going to a tournament is
?? = 01 for Botamon
?? = 0F for Punimon
?? = 1d for Poyomon
?? = 2b for Yuramon
301384ab 0000 (Rejuvenate Code)
80155824 0003 (Rejuvenate Code)
d0134ee4 0020 (Reborn Code)
801557a8 00?? (Reborn Code) [Note 1]
801557F0 0064 - HP Modifier #1
801557F2 0064 - MP Modifier #1
801557F4 0064 - HP Modifier #2
801557F6 0064 - MP Modifier #2
801557e0 000a - Offence Modifier
801557e2 000a - Defence Modifier
801557e4 000a - Speed Modifier
801557e6 000a - Brain Modifier
-= XVI. Frequently Asked Questions =-
----------------------Game Related Questions------------------------------------
Q: How come I can't enter any Special Cup?
A: You need a special type of Digimon...EXAMPLE; to enter the fire cup
you need someone like Meramon....
Q: Why can I only see Grade D, C, B and A cups? And why not Grade S or Special
A: For all cups to be available, you need the following Digimon to your
- MegaDramon
- SkullGreymon
- Gekomon
- MetalGreymon
- Myotismon
After you have all of those to your city, little-by-little the
cups will show up!
Q: What are the 3 cards the ToyAgumon asks for, in order for me to get the X-
A: A WaruMonzaemon Card, Hagurumon Card and a ToyAgumon Card...
Q: How do I get to Beetle Land?
A: After you fish Seadramon, ask to be friends, now every time you go the
Dragon Eye Lake, it will ask you if you want to use the Blue Flute. After you've
been there once, you can go there anytime through Birdra Transport for 3000
Q: Ok, now I got to Beetle Land...How do I participate in the 'Beetle
A: You need a Bug Type Digimon (Kunemon, Kabuterimon, Kuwagamon or
And you also need to go there on the 22nd (Twenty-Second) of any year. Or there
will be no tournament.
Q: I used a White Fang on my Baby / In-Training and he didn't evolve to
Tyrannomon!!! Why?!?!
A: If you use a Digivolution Item for a Champion on a Baby or In-Training, it
won't work. You have to use it on a Rookie Digimon. Champion items work ONLY on
Q: I used Metal Parts on my Baby / In-Training / Rookie and he didn't evolve to
MetalGreymon!!! Why?!?!
A: If you use a Digivolution Item for an Ultimate on a Baby, In-Training or
Rookie it won't work. You have to use it on a Champion Digimon. Ultimate items
work ONLY on Champions....
Q: I used a Moon Mirror on my Champion Digimon, and he didn't evolve to
WereGarurumon, wazup wif dat?
A: For ME, the Moon Mirror ONLY works on Garurumon, but still, you can only see
his feet, and you can't feed him, or battle, or train him that your game will
Q: Where can I obtain Giga Hand, Electo Ring, Moon Mirror or Noble Mane?
A: Only through a GameShark!
Q: Ok, now I've caught Seadramon, what do I ask for!?!? Help!!!!
A: If you have caught him, brought him to the shore, he will give you three
options. They are:
1. "Let's be friends!" - You will get a blue flute and can go to Beetle Land
2. "Teach me a Technique." - He will teach you an Ice/Water technique you don't
have yet.
3. "I want an Item" - He will give you his Digivolution item (Water Bottle)
NOTE*** you can fish him as many times as needed until you choose to be friends!
Q: What is the exact location of MetalMamemon??? Please help, I've heard of many
locations and I don't know which one to trust!
A: First of all, go there with Whamon's Transport. The first screen after the
two Guardromons. He will be in the bottom-right; where there used to be a
Q: Are there any normal Digimon that drop a lot of BITS?
A: Yes... I don't call it money trick though. First get a Filth Digimon like
Nanimon, Numemon or Sukamon. Then go to Factorial Town and keep fighting
Platinum Sukamon for 3,000 BITS a Battle. And since you have a Filth Digimon,
you should quickly learn Filth Techniques!
Q: Where is the secret passage in Speedy Time Zone?
A: Go to the screen where you see a 'bone tunnel' and get yourself to the left
side of the screen. Keep going up but holding left until you find it.
Q: When do I see the double-leafed plant in Tropical Jungle???
A: When Yuramon mentions it.
Q: What is the double-leafed plant in Tropical Jungle?
A: Vegiemon.
Q: It doesn't look like Vegiemon... Are you sure it is a Vegiemon?
A: Yes, use a Rain Plant to make it become Vegiemon
Q: How do I get a Rain Plant?
A: The 15th of every year, if you go see Tanemon sleeping, the plant will be on
the box by his side.
Q: Where is the "Invisible Bridge"?
A: The last screen of Tropical Jungle, there should be a place that looks like
you're in a Canyon. Go to the top-right area there, and try to walk out of the
Q: How do I use chips?
A: Feed it to your Digimon.
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